Broken Friendship

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William arrives at Jessica's house. He gets out of his car. He starts to head to the building, furiously stomping as he walks. He arrives at her door and knocks hard as if he's trying to break it. Jessica is inside the house talking to someone on the phone.

Jessica: Okay I'll see you later, remember at five were meeting up on that day. I got to go answer the door.

Jessica hangs up the phones and answer the door.

Jessica: Hey William, how are you?

William: Not good, I'm going to be direct about this.

Jessica: About what? I've been home the whole day.

William: You've stole from my bank account and thought you can get away with it. Your paying back every penny that you stole when I take you to court.

Jessica: What! I have nothing to do with your bank being emptied out. Anyone could of done it. I'm being framed for something I didn't do.

William: I don't believe you. I think your hiding the fact that you got caught. I'll see you in court in a month.

Jessica: What proof do you have?

William: Well the bank said that clothes and shoes were being bought online and shipped to your address.

Jessica: I never bought any clothes in a while. If I did buy stuff, I got my own debit card.

William: We'll settle this in court. Don't contact me from now on until we get to court. I will prove that It was you that stole the money.

William storms out of her place. She sits in the kitchen with her own thoughts roaming around in her head.

Jessica //Why is this happening. I didn't do nothing to his bank account. Who would do this? Why me? I need to find out what's going on. Maybe I should call someone.//

She picks up the phone to call someone but freezes as she is deciding who to call. She decides to call a old friend of hers named Vanessa that she knows me since elementary school. She always knew how to cheer her up when she is down or needs advice.

Jessica: Okay what was her number again.. Oh yeah, I remember now.

She dials her number on her phone and it began to ring. After the third ring, her friend picked up her phone..

Vanessa: Hey Jessica.

She started to tearing up a bit.

Jessica: Hey.. How are you..

Vanessa: what's wrong?

She sniffles and takes a deep breathe.

Jessica: I-I wanted to get your advice on something. I think I'm being framed for bank robbery. My friend came by and said that I robbed him but I haven't. He said that I emptied his bank by buying stuff online. I'm going to court about it next month. I don't know what to do.

Vanessa: The best thing is to get a lawyer, I have a friend that can help you, his name is Saul Goodman. He is a good lawyer. I had him be my lawyer for my car crash case and we ended up winning the case even though I hit the person's car in the accident. I also know other people who used him and said that he did a very good job as their lawyer as well. I'm sure once your proven innocent and that the true suspect gets caught, you will be able to fix this friendship with your friend. All I can say is watch out for anyone who you know that can do something like this. Also did you make a enemy with someone?

Jessica: No, I haven't, but I did make a new friend a month or two ago.

Vanessa: Well, I guess just be careful around that girl since you don't fully know her. You probably don't know her as well as you think you do.

Jessica: Thanks for talking with me, It really helped me out.

Vanessa: No problem. You know you can always talk to me. I have to get going, I hope things get better for you, bye.

Jessica: Thanks again, bye.

Jessica gets her purse and prepares to leave. She leaves to head to Jasmine's place to talk to her.

——-At Jasmine's Place——-

Jessica is at her door knocking to see if she is home. She hopes that she isn't out. She waited a few minutes and knocked again. There was no response the first or second time. She turned to leave when Jasmine showed up behind her with her purse and a bag of milk. Jasmine showed a curious look since she was wondering why Jessica was here.

Jasmine: Hey Jessica

Jessica: Can I talk to you. This is a serious problem I need to figure out. I thought I would talk to you since we are really close friends.

Jasmine: Sure, We can talk. We'll talk inside my home.

Jasmine grabs her keys with her free hand and unlocks the door, opening it up for them both to go in.

Jasmine: Do you want a drink? I got Tea, coffee, pop, juice and water.

Jessica: Water sounds good.

She grabs the water and hand it to Jessica. Jasmine notices that she started to tear up, She gives Jessica a hug to calm her down.

Jasmine: Tell me what happened. You always helped me when I was down.

She sobs and catches her breathe.

Jessica: Apparently William is suing me because he thinks I used his bank card to buy stuff online till it was depilated.

Jasmine: Was there any proof to prove that it was you though?

Jessica: Apparently everything that was bought was being shipped to my place. Its no wonder I've seen the mailman vehicle so often outside my place. I'm curious of where the packages go and who took them. I don't think you would do something like this, would you? Do you have anything to do with it?

Jasmine: No! No! No! I would never dare to that to my friends. That is so inconsiderate and mean to do that to a friend. Anyone who does that is not a true friend. You know I'm not that type of person.

Jessica: True, But This is nerv-racking trying to figure out what happened. It happened so fast. I thought it would be a regular day and this happens.

She starts to cry a bit but fail as she tries to hold it back. Jasmine comforts her.

Jasmine: If you want, you can stay with me till things settle down. We will figure out what's going on.

Jessica: Thank you so much, you're a good friend. I think that will help if I stay here instead.

Jasmine and Jessica move from the kitchen to the living room and watched Jessica's favourite Disney movie Beauty and The Beast. They were having fun and being entertained as they watch the movie. They were laughing, sad and happy in different parts of the movie till the end. Near the end of the movie, they happened to fall asleep on the couch when it was 8:37PM on the clock hanging beside the wall next to the television. Sakura is at home when she was watching the video feed at williams house. He opens the door and slams it shut.

Sakura// Wow, It looks like my plan seem to have worked, they will be so mad at each other that they will forget to look for the true perpetuator. Yet again, Jessica may try to so I should cover my tracks for now. //

Sakura closes her laptop, placing it on the table and leaves her place to meet her her childhood friend Jack at a bar.


 Author's Note

This is my first time writing a mystery/thriller book. Yes I did put a reference to another show. I hope you keep reading and enjoying the content I provide. I Will be posting chapters a bit slower because there is other stories I need to work on before this one. I will post though every week in a half or two weeks so you get to read it without this story coming to a halt. Keep on reading and enjoy!

Overly Attached FriendTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon