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William had the morning free since his he had a evening shift today. He did he usual morning routine of making coffee and breakfast. He made bacon and eggs, grabbing the pan from the drawer next to the stove, turns on the stove, grabs the eggs and crack them on the pan. 

 Someone knocks on the door 

He hears the door and heads to it to see who it is.

He got to the door and looked through the peephole seeing S standing there.

//William// Why is she here? how did she even find out where I live? I never gave her my address. Maybe If i act like i'm not home she will go away. I have to go and get ready soon for work.

She knocks again on his door. He notices that she attempts to peek to see who's inside through the peephole.

//William// why wont she go away. I got things to do before work. I have to go pick up my metropass at the station for the month before work. 

She knocks again. Finally frustrated, he opens the door.

William: what you want? I have things to do. 

Sakura: I just wanted to give you this

She is holding a flower in a pot which she hands to him.

William: Okay, thanks.. 

//william// That's wierd... Why did she give me this

Sakura: No problem. I thought I would do a nice gesture. Have a good day

She walks off as he closes the door with his free hand.

William: Okay, you too.

        He walks to the living room and places it down on the table. He walks of to his bedroom when the light hit the flower, causing a shine on the camera lens in the flower.  He gets ready and leaves his house. Sakura gets home after ten minutes since she doesnt live far from him. She bolts to the laptop and watches the live video on it. She closes it when nothing goes on as she sits and watch for five minutes.

Sakura; I'll check later on. I should do some things. 

        Sakura goes out of the place, and walks outside and walks to Williams place. Its a fifteen minute walk from her place to his. As she got there, She saw William leaving in his Ford Edge 2011. She calls for a taxi

----- At Williams Work ------

        He is a security guard at Aplete Convention Centre. There happen to be a convention from 12:00am to 10pm for accotuntants and accounting. Every major item and people for accounting were there. There was tons of booths with different accoutning firms. It was good for those who are studying or becoming accountants. He was on guard by registration since his shift was from when the convention start to halfway through. 

        He was scaning the room for anything out of the usual. He had to make sure everything goes smoothly in the convention centre. All of a sudden he sees a girl who looks like Sakura walking around like she doesnt know what going on. She takes a seat on the opposite side of where he stood. She was closer to the washroom which were ten feet away.

//William// what is Sakura doing here? if that is her, I can't fully tell since i cant see her whole face. 

        She looked and noticed William looking at her, she got up and walked back upstairs. Williams follows her with his eyes till she was out of range then going back to paying attention to anything out of the ordinary. Sakura comes back down after five minutes with a newspaper in hand but acts more cautious to not be seen by William.

        She sets by the escalador which she can see him yet still not easily be seen. She just sits and watches him as he works. When he looked toward her, she would hold up a newspaper to block her face. He would still be suspecious yet he thought of it as nothing important or a danger. She pulled out her camera and started taking photos of him standing and pacing back and fourth at the entrance. She was intrigued to see his work. 

        People were passing by her as she sat. She took out her phone plug, plugged it in and started to charged her phone to make it unsuspecious that she really is stalking someone.  She set her camera back into ready psoition to take photo, taking many photos of him. After she has been sitting there, she packs everything up and heads to the escalator quickly before she gets seen. As she gets up, she quickyl hides behind the escalator as William turns in her direction

William is confused. 

William// I swear I just saw her again. I can't be imaginating this. Why is she at my work? How did she even know I'll be here. This is creepy that she is following me. First she came to my house then follows me here, whats going on.

After that ran up the escalator before she gets a seen by him. 

//Sakura// that was close, he almost saw me. If he found me, I really wouldn't know what to say. I would be showing what I really am trying to do.

She left to run some grocery aarons and to do some chores around her place like cleaning up. Also she had to get a new updated version of her program she uses to connect her laptop with the camera in the flower she gave William.

----- William House -----

        He just had finished work, he got his keys, unlock the door and open it. Sakura was at home on her couch witht eh laptop watching the feed and waiting for him, so she can watch what he is doing. She watched him from when he was awake till he went to bed. When he got home, she saw him head to the kitchen where he was their for half an hour. Most likely she guessed he was making food for himself. He came back into camera view after an hour.

        He sat down on the couch and turned on the television. The camera in the flower turned it toward him. He looked at the flower suspecially but claimed it as being just his imagination

William: That was wierd, I swear that flower just moved. I must be seeing things.

        He  turns his head back to the television. He sat there for an hour, then he got up and went into the television cabinet to pick a movie. He had variety of movies from comedy to action. He picked American Sniper and puts it on. He goes to the kitchen  and heads back with a bowl of popcorn. He sat to watch the movie till the end.

        This was one of his favorite one, especially since it did when oscars in some categories.

//William// I forgot to do my taxes and I have to give it in by the end of the week.        

        By the time the movie finish, it was 8:00PM and he just remebered he had to do his taxes. The only time he had to do it was now. It was annoying but it only takes him two usually to finish up getitng them ready to send in. He can't do it any other time since he is working or have things to do.

He grabbed his tax items and started doing it in the living room

Sakura: Hmm.. this is interesting, maybe I can get some information from him. 

Sakura moves the flower camera to see the information for the taxes.

She got tons of infomation. SHe found out his bank card number and visa number. Also she got tons of other personal information that is used for taxes.

He stares at the camera as she is moving it back to how it was first positioned. 

//William// Okay i think I need to get some sleep

He finished his taxes at 10:pm and decided to head to bed.

Sakura realize the time and stopped watching the feed. She sat there scheming then she head to bed as well.

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