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William walks across the street to the entrance of the mall where everyone else was. Some people had the day off and others took it off in advance. They were going to the mall to the movie theatres to see the new Avengers. They had bought their tickets online a few days before the movie.

William: hey guys.

Everyone: Hey.

Stefanio: do you guys want to get something to eat?

Everyone: Sure.

They all walk toward the food court in the mall. They go down the escalator to the food court. It was open concept with the food places along the rim of the room. There was lots of tables with chairs scattered around the enormous room


Sakura walks into Antonio's building when his neighbour John, notices her as he was checking the mail. He noticed her walking up the stairs. He walked to where he was in the middle of the gap of the stairs. He can see anyone by the side of the stairs. He sees her walk up to his floor.

John: I wonder who that is.

Sakura is on Antonio floor. She walks to his place, unlocks the door and walks in. She heads to the kitchen, grabs anything she can get and shoves it in the microwave. She closes the microwave, setting it to the highest amount of time possible. She walks out. locking the door and closing it behind her.

John closes his mailbox and heads back up.

As she was going back down the stairs, john saw her head down. Her hair was blocking her face.

John: Excuse me, were you looking for someone.

She ignores him and walks away.

As he was about to reach the floor, an massive burst of flame engulfed

Antonio's apartment and busted the door off to lead around his door.

John was suprised by how close he was to the explosion, after recouping after the shock, he called 9-1-1 and notified the neighbours and helped the older ones as much as he can. They all got out as the building got enulfed in the flame. The firefighters arrive and start fighting the blaze.

-Back at the Mall—

They all decided what they wanted.

William: let's get some food.

Stefanio: I'm getting Burger King.

Antonio: I'm going to pizza pizza.

Jasmine: I feel like getting Chinese food.

Jessica: I'm going to go get some McDonald's.

William: I'm coming with you Jessica.

They split into different directions of the place to get food. They all had different craving like Chinese, pizza and hamburgers. They met up at a table near pizza pizza and they all sit down.

Stefanio: So, what's new?

Jessica: Not much.

Antonio: I've been busy with work recently I finished a overnight shift a day ago.

Jasmine: dam. I slept yesterday all day. I had it off.

William: I-

-Phone ring tones goes off-

William picks up the phone but sighs when he heard who it was.

William: Hello.

Sakura: Hi, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out.

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