Friend Request

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The next day, Antonio was sleeping in his two-bedroom condo, an extra room for when he have friends staying the night so they wont need to sleep unconfortably on his small built fabric couches, when his phone started to vibrate on his bedside table. He wipes his left eye as he grabs his phone to check the notification sent by Sakura to add him as a friend on facebook.

She sent a text message saying "hey"

Antonio responds, who is this?

Sakura responds, This is sakura, we meet yesterday, how are you?

Antonio texts, im good, look i cant chat right now though
She responds, ok, talk to you later

Antonio looks with confusion at the request

Antonio texts everyone to go online on skype.

Antonio logs in Skype

Jasmine logs in Skype

Jasmine: So whats this about?

Antonio: Did Sakura add you on facebook? i didnt give her my last name

Jasmine: Yeah, i got a request and william, and stefanio texted me saying that they got a request from her for facebook as well. I find it a bit wierd that she would do that.

William logs into skype

William: So, whats this about?

Antonio: Apparrently she sent a facebook friend request and added me as a contact on her phone.

William: Okay, how did she find out about all of our facebook.

William checks phone beside him

William: She just texted me, this is creepy and disturbing. We ,just met her and she wants us to add her on facebook and text us even though we didnt tell her our last name or numbers.

Antonio: I dont know but im guess she just happened to see our names from Jessica's friend list probaly. Im sure it doesnt mean anything that she wants to become our facebook friend. For the numbers, maybe jessica gave her it.

Jasmine: It's a bit wierd still thought that we just met yesterday and she request to be friends the next day plus with the whole add as a contact on phone thing. I would think we should hang with her at least a few times before we tell her our names and numbers rather than just her pulling a stunt like this.

william: I definally agree, its not normal to do this, especially the fact that she only found us through jessica's facebook. Also she probaly took the contacts from Jessica's phone most. Likely. Thats the only way I see her figuring out our facebook since we all are freinds on facebook and as phone contacts.

Stefanio logs in skype

Stefanio: Hey guys, you wanted me to come online?

Antonio: Yeah, umm... Jessica's friend, sakura, sent us friend request on facebook.

Stefanio: Ok, there nothing about it wierd, just add her, anyone can add a friend through a friend, its not uncommon and i'm not sure about how she managed to get our contacts, only way I can think of it occuring is if Jessica gave her our numbers.

Jasmine: True .. I guess I overthought about it. Maybe we should ask her

William: Well you do that cause i need to log off, seeya

Stefanio: Wait before you go, do you guys want to hang out tomorrow?

Williams: Sure, seeya

Williams logs out

Jasmine: Yeah, i got to go meet up with someone soon, i got to go get ready, and yeah i can hang tomorrow. seeya all later.

Jasmine logs out

Antonio: Yeah, i can also hang out with everyone.

Stefanio: Well, back to the conversation, I guess we it was a bit of confusion, we did drink a good amount each yesterday

Antonio: yeah I guess so, but it's unusual though what she did.

Stefanio: Yeah, the phone thing is really wierd but the facebook friend request isnt wierd though at all.

Antonio: Yeah your right, but we will figure out about how she got our numbers later, im going to head off, i got things to do, bye

Antonio logs out

"Stefanio thoughts" i wonder how she did add us as contact and why? wait.. i cant focus on that now, i got other things to worry about, i can look into that with everyone else later on. ill ask jessica about it

Stefanio logs out

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