The mouse trap

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Yugi sits outside Yami's house in his car waiting for him so that they can start their day. Yami comes to the cars and enters.

Yugi: Morning, I got you a coffee.

Yami: Thanks

Yami takes a sip of coffee, places it down and Yugi shifted the gear to drive and head off. They burst down the road in Yugi's car.

Yami: I think this time, we should think how we are going to proceed.

Yugi: Well... I got a bunch of spy equipment in the back seat. It should help make us less conspicuous with it. Also I thought we can come with a plan to watch them.

Yami: Wow, you really thought this through.

Yugi: Well, we were almost spotted last time and were suppose to be pros at this.

Yami: We've been doing this for a lot of years. We know what all the risk of doing this.

Yugi: Yeah, we need to be prepared for what can happen in dire situations.

They stopped near Jessica's house and they spot her walking on the sidewalk.They start Ed to tail her but being cautious about not being spotted by her. They parked the car and got out to follow her on foot rather then have the car going slowly to follow. After a few hours they stopped following and both decided the check out what Sakura is doing. They notice her walking the opposite way of them on the sidewalk with camera bag. They go down the street to where they can u turn around the isle and Park on the side. The follow her on foot till she reaches Stefanio house. She climbs a tree facing his window. Yugi and Yami observe her and takes photos of her on the tree and seeing if no one is home before she head inside Stefanio's home. Yugi and Yami watch for a few minutes when Stefanio is walking down the street to his place. Stefanio heads in and up the stairs. Sakura scrambles to exit as she hears him getting to his climbing the stairs before his floor. He goes up to his floors and grabs his keys as he heads to the door. Sakura gets makes sure everything is as it was and makes a quick escape out the window and down the tree. She heads down the street past Yugi and Yami when she tripped over Yugi's foot and smack into the ground. Yugi and Yami quickly go towards her.

Yugi: Are you alright? Let me help you up.
Yugi put a tracker on her as he helps her up and she bolts down the street.

Yugi: Maybe we should question her?
Yami; No, that's a bad idea and we don't want to blow our cover unless we need to.
Yugi: I got an idea though, I got mask from Halloween in my trunk. We grab her at night since I just put a tracker I had with me on her. We can question her with the mask and no one will know.
Yami: yeah, but we can't interrogate her in the car. We need a quiet location to bring her for questioning .

Yugi: Hmmm *thinking* I know! We can use the old fishing store by the dock.
Yami: The one that closed down because they got bankrupt?

Yugi: Yeah, that one. No one wants to use it cause it needs a lot of repairs but the walls are structurally good. Also, it's away fro

Yami: Alright, we'll do that tonight, let's go get stuff for tonight. Also, I know where to get a van so we're not so suspicious when we nab her.

They both walk back to the car and Yugi drives off to get the supplies.


Sakura turn her head to see that no one was following her. When she noticed Boone was following, she stopped in her tracks. She began to catch her breath after that long run to escape. She went inside the Walmart she was standing in front of on sidewalk. She attempted to act normal but was looking more suspicious and up to something instead. An hour later she exits with a bag of grocery since she forgot to grocery shop yesterday. She head to the parking lot to use as a shortcut. A vehicle pops out of nowhere and stops in front of her. In that quick second, a person got out and knocked her out before she could run. They put her in the truck and drive off. They tie her up and duct tape her mouth. When she woke up, she was handcuffed to a chair looking at a person In a mask.

Yugi: Hey angel, she woke up.

Another person in a mask enters the room. She attempts to struggle and wiggle free. Yet she is unsuccessful as the handcuffs were really tight.

Yami: *whispers* I did not say that would be my code name.

Yugi: Well, that's what it is now.

Yami: Shall we start the interrogation?

Yugi: Actually, we can't till after that important meeting.

Yami: So we'll leaving her alone like this!?
She can escape easily.

Yugi goes up to her and uncuffs a hand to unbound her from the chair. He pulls her to a pipe and rebuffs her wrist "tightly.

Yugi: That should hold her till we return. Now, let's go to that meeting.

Yami: Alright.
Yami glares at her.
Yami: Behave while we're gone and don't try any funny business.

Yugi and Yami leave Sakura alone in the place. Sakura looks around to see if there is anything to help free here. Sakura stranded up to see if the place the key on the table but it was not there. She noticed a knife on the floor by the table and tries to pull forward to try to grab it. She couldn't quite reach but as she pulled, the pipe was making a creaking sound as if was old and loose. She looked at the pipe and noticed it was slowly moving. She got a idea which she put into play by keep pushing forward to knock the pipe off so she could slide the handcuff off the pipe. She got the pipe off and slide the handcuff off the pipe, yet she was still handcuffed behind her hands. She looked around and ran to the door she saw them exit through. She was outside at the dock with the sun shining. She looked around to see if they were around and ran down the alley to head away from the area to escape.

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