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Antonio was laying on the couch since he was working late wednesday, and he fell asleep with the television on watching Gotham.

Antonio wakes up in a daze, almost sleep walk state.

He has not talked to anyone or text them to just chat or even to ask if they want to hang out. He also noticed that they have never texted or call him as well since they last all hanged. It's been a few days since they hanged out. They usually all hang out as often as they can. Whether its only a few of them hanging or all of them hanging out.

Thursday and Antonio finally has another day off since he has been working at the Walmart pharmacy department for over five years now. He is intitled to two days of per week to take off. His days off happened to be on Tuesday and Thursday. Antonio stretches laying down his left arm from the couch to the phone on the living room table. He grabs his phone from the table and texts everyone to see if they want to hang today.

Antonio first texts Jasmine to see if she's free to hang out today. She responded quickly to his text

Jasmine: Sorry, but I have things I do, but I may be able to hang later if I finish what I have to do early.

Antonio: Alright, if not then I can hang with you on Tuesday.

Jasmine: Okay, have a good day

Antonio: You too.

Antonio texts Jessica to see if she was busy, but unfortunally she texted back saying that she was starting work today for 10:00AM and wouldn't finish till 7:00PM. Everyone Antonio texted was busy, till there was only one person he can ask to hang out, though he was just introduced to her on new years eve and she only came one other time to hang with him and everyone else. He hestitated to text her for a few minutes

//Antonio// I don't know if i should, she was being a bit creepy with the whole adding us and knowing our number on the first day. Yet there is noone else to hang out today and I really don't want to be doing nothing today.

Antonio eventually decided to text her

Antonio: Hey Sakura, are you free to hang today?

Sakura notices her phone vibrate and picks it up, reading the text antonio just sent her. She was overjoy that he asked her to hang out with him. She quickly texted him back

Sakura: Yeah I'm free to hang out today. What do you want to do?

Antonio: I was thinking of heading to the park but I also am wondering what you would like to do?

Sakura: I was thinking of heading to the mall, maybe walk around for a bit, get dinner there and just chat and relax their.

Antonio: Alright that sounds good, I'll meet u at Riptide Mall at 11:30

Antonio realises he left the television on and shuts it off. He gets ready and leave to meet with Sakura.

--------------------Riptide Mall-----------------------

Antonio gets there just on time, but he waits and wait on the bench by the entrance for Sakura. An hour passes when Sakura walks in the mall, but there was a guy with her.

Sakura: Hey Antonio

Antonio: Hey Sakura, who this with you?

Sakura: Oh sorry, I brought my boyfriend along

Bart: Hi, my name is Bart, nice to meet you

//Antonio// Why did she bring her boyfriend with her... I thought we were just going to hang out. This makes it a bit akward.

Antonio: Well lets walk around

//Antonio// Well, this may be a long day.

They walked from the cinema area near the front doors inside more where the stores and food court was. They took steps like turtles as all three of them walked together side by side. The boyfriend was on one side of Sakura and Antonio was on the other side of her.

Antonio: Did you hear about whats going on with the mayor?

Bart: Yeah, I heard about the scandel of him being violent toward someone and how he was almost thought he was charged but the person decided to drop it cause a police officer saw the whole thing.

Sakura: Well... who cares about the mayor, I have my boyfriend and that's all I need.

They walk into many high end clothing stores where Sakura would look at tops, pants and shoes all over the store. She would make Antonio and her boyfriend stand in the each store for a very long time waiting for her to try on shirts, sweaters, jeans, various pants and shoes. Antonio and Barthamorth were waiting at Forever twenty-one outside the change room as Sakura was trying a sweater and a pair of pants on.

Antonio: So, did you watch the hockey game Yesterday?

Bart: Yeah, the leafs got creamed by the Flames. Their defense was sloppy and they left their defence wide open more than half the time.

Antonio: Yeah, I known what you mean espeically since when they finally did leave a defenceman to defend they look like they were sleeping when the flames were on the attack. The flames got three breaks away, you would think they would of done a better job of defending.

Sakura walks out of the dressing room after twenty minutes of being in there wearing a dark blue silk sweater with a design on it with a pair of black pants with cystals running on the sem of the pants.

Sakura: So, how do I look?

Bart: Amazing as usual

Sakura: I think the pants may be a bit too loose though but I guess I can just go buy a belt.

Antonio sits their in silent

//Antonio// Man this sucks, We gone to five different clothings store now. Hopefully we actually do something rather then just shop all day. I asked her to hang out not to go shopping all da-

Sakura: So Antonio, what do you think about this shirt and pants

Antonio: Uh-h... It really looks nice, it suits you well.

Sakura: Thanks

Sakura walks back into the dressing room to get change. They both sat in silent till she walked out after fifteen minutes with the clothes she tried on in her hand. She walks from toward the belt area with

Antonio and Bart followed her as she walked toward the belt rack. She chooses the most flashy belt there. After she hands over the belt, pants and shirt to her boyfriend to hold for her.

Sakura: Hey, do you mind holding this?

Bart: Not at all

He takes the items from her and hold it as they walk to the cashier to go buy it. He lets the cashier do her job and scan the price of each item. She then pays the cashier with a visa card, then all three of them walled out of the store with the boyfriend holding another bag in his hand. He was now holding ten different bags from various stores, but there was some bags that were from the same stores. They have been in the mall for seven hours and were all completely exhausted from being there all day.

Antonio: Well today was interesting.. but I think we should call it a day, the mall is going to close in twenty minutes.

Sakura and Bart: Sure.

All three of them walk to the exit and into the parking lot

Antonio: Well, bye sakura, nice meeting you Bart.

Bart: Likewise

Sakura: Okay, bye bestie.

Antonio walks toward his car

//Antonio// did she really go and call me bestie? I barely even know her though, this is only the second or third time I've hanged out with her. It probably just something she just says.

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