Laywer's plan

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Jessica parks her car into the parking lot outside Goodman's Law Office.

It was a huge two floor building. It was a wide building with a modern office look. The windows were 5x8. Jessica got out of her car and head inside the building. The inside was enormous. There was a desk straight ahead and a set of stair left of it. Beside the stairs was one elevator.

Jessica walks up the the secretary to see about her appointment with Saul Goodman about her case. The secretary hangs up the phone as Jessica reaches the desk

Jessica: Excuse me, i'm here for my 9:20AM appointment to speak with my lawyer Saul Goodman.

Secretary: one moment

she checks on the computer and sees the appointment time.

Secretary: yeah, I see your appoint here. I'll see if he is done with his previous appointment.

The secretary grabs the phone and calls him. After a few minutes she hangs up and turns back to her.

Secretary: He will be able to see you in a few minutes, take a seat in our waiting area while you wait.

Jessica: thanks *said nervously*

Jessica takes a seat and grabs a magazine to read while she waits. After five minutes, Saul and a male gangster in a tank top with tattoos scattered on his arm walks down. Saul waves bye to the guy as he exits the building.

Saul: Jessica, lets go talk privately in my office.

Jessica gets up and walks up with Saul to his office. They enter the office and both sit down.

Saul: So, how can I help you?

He lays his arms on his desk with his hands closed into each other.

Jessica: I was told by my friend that I emptied his bank account. He wants me to pay it back but I didn't actually steal from my friend. I am not capable of doing something like this. i need to find the true culprit of the crime and your going to help me.

Saul pulls his back into the seat and sits their thinking for a moment.

Saul: So, basically your being framed. That's really not uncommon in my experience. I will defiantly help you. First we need to figure out who it could be. Do you notice any changes this year. Maybe met someone or see suspicious activity around you?

Jessica: I met a few people this year and there was a neighbour who was snooping around but I dismissed it though. How about I give you some addresses and you can check and follow my friends to see if you can gather some info.

Saul: I am not doing that, I've done it before and i was lucky that it didn't end worse then it already did. I can refer you to someone who will do just that for me.

Jessica: Okay, you get the guy to snoop and find evidence for me.

Jessica pull out a envelope hands him a envelope with the names and address of friends she wants him to spy on. Saul reaches for the envelope but she pulls it away from his reach.

Jessica: Before I give this to you, I want to make sure what were doing here stays between us and I want Sakura Yazguchi to be snooped on the most. I really want to make sure she isn't the one doing this.

Saul: I understand and it will be done. I will make sure that my clients are protected by the law that was built for that very reason.

She pulls the envelope forward and he grabs it from her hand and place it on his desk.

Jessica: Thank you. Let me know about it later on.

she starts walking out of the office.

Saul: I'll get it done, Believe you me.

She leaves the office, down the stairs and exits the building. Saul sits in his office for a moment to think. he picks up the phone regrettably and starts to call someone. The phone rings twice before someone answers.

Saul: Hello, Is this Yugi?

Yugi: yes, this is him, what services do you need?

Saul: I need to meet with you ASAP for spying on some people for me. I'll explain more in detail later on, how about we meet tomorrow at noon.

Yugi: Yeah thats fine, We'll meet at the mall at the corner of Asyu road and rengki Avenue.

Saul: Alright I'll see you then.

Yugi: okay, Bye

An hour later, Yugi driving in a black 97' GTR R32 into the parking lot and parks right next to Saul's Suzuki Esteem. They both roll down the window.Saul hands the envelope to Yugi's partner Yami, he is the muscle and backup in case of any deals going wrong.

Also, he work side by side with Yugi in their line of work since all they have to defend and continue their line of work is each other. They met when they became partners in the force. They became detectives after solving many unsolved closed cases. They got fired when they chased a low lvl thug who gain power in the city named The Riddler who they eventually caught after having half the city destroyed trying to catch him. They were forced to be fired for the destruction of the city. They went from the best info/ spy detectives to unemployed.

Yami hands over the envelope over to Yugi who pulls out a paper with names and addresses of a few friends for them to go to spy on to get information.

Saul: can do you this? You can't be caught by anyone since it can ruin the whole case. And if that happens I lose customers.

Yami looks at Yugi who nods to agree to do it

Yami: we understand and our free for doing this job will be $2,000

Saul: Fine but make sure to get it done. Ill pay you half now and the rest when you finish the job.

Yami and Yugi drive off as Saul sits there briefly worried about if they get caught as they gather Info. He pulls out of the parking spot and drives out

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