It Begins

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William is at home. Its a new day as he woke up at 9:30AM and he got up to head towards the kitchen. The camera that Sakura gave him followed him. He has his breakfast and heads out of the kitchen into the bedroom to change. He returns and heads straight out the door, to his car and drove off to work.

Before he drove to work, he decided to stop to get breakfast at mc Donald. He goes in and waits in line. When it was his turn, he got a large coffee and a egg-white breakfast sandwich. The total was $10.95 and he choose to pay with debit instead of cash. He inserts his card and puts his pin ****. The payment processes for a minute and is then declined.

William: Excuse me, can I try again?

The worker resets it and allows him to try again to pay. It declines again. He was frustrated and be decided to pay in cash. He opens his wallet in hand and takes out a ten dollar bill. He checks his pockets for change and pulls out a toonie in his quest to find change. He hands the cashier the money. The cash register goes off and the receipt prints. The cashier hands the receipt

Worker: Please wait on the side.

He moves to the side and waits a few minutes for his food. He instantly got his coffee right away since it wasn't too busy.

//William// Why did my debit card decline. I should go to the bank after work.

He receives his food and he heads back to his car to drive to work. He arrives at work just at ten o clock, the time he is suppose to start exactly.


Sakura was at home bored. She decided to call up Jessica to see if she can hang out.

Sakura: Hey sis.

Jessica: Hey. What time is it?

Sakura: It's 7:30AM. I was just wondering if you want to hang out today?

Jessica: Yeah I can hang out today. It's my day off anyways. Lets meet at my place in a hour.

Sakura: Okay, I'll see you at 1:00PM

They both hang up the phones. Sakura scurry overs to her laptop and starts to shop online at various clothing stores. She uses Williams account to pay for everything. She made his account go from a two thousand dollars to completely empty. She heard a knock on the door as she finished. She scrambled to close the laptop and place it on the table. Also she quickly hid the information of William's bank account under the sofa cushion. She went to the door and noticed a delivery man. She was thrilled since she ordered a new steak set.

She signs for it, closes the door as the delivery man walks down the hall to start exiting the building. It was part of a plan of hers. She was beginning phase one of the plan. She was going to make it seem like one friend did something to the other. The plan was for her to frame people for things she did to hide her tracks. She put the package down on the table in the living room and put on a rubber glove when she retrieved her paper from under the cushion. she places it in her pocket and heads out of her home, locking the door behind her. She started heading to Jessica's house. She takes out the garbage and drops it outside before she leaves. There a stench of a decaying body and it was also noticeable. She throws trash on the body to hide it and quickly closes it before anyone notices.After half an hour, she arrived and walks to her place. She knocks on the door and Jessica opens it.

Jessica: Hey

Sakura: Hey sis.

Jessica: What you want to do?

Sakura: How about do a girl night just us two.

Jessica: Sure, where too?

Sakura: How about we head to the salon. We can get some mani petties.

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