Chapter《 1 》The Message

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She had never liked the nether. Ghasts shooting fireballs, blazes shooting fireballs, the lava, and the fire all over the ground.

So. Much. Fire.

Raijin was sure she had lost a few belongings along the way. And don't forget all of the creepy noises.

A couple hours ago, Raijin got something in the mail. Not something, a plant. A type she had never seen before.

It was red. The vines, the leaves, the grass, and the dirt. The plant just seemed kind of off. . .

She didn't know how to explain it but the plant gave her a strange feeling. Raijin took out a piece of paper, unfolding it.

A while back, her brother — Sam — had given her two sets of coordinates so that if she ever decided to visit, she'd know where to go.

The coordinates to his portal and the coordinates to his house. Checking her current coordinates, Raijin realized she wasn't far.

The portal was tucked into a cave. There were traces of Redstone materials here and there, probably for some portal locking mechanism.

Raijin made it through the portal before heading towards the right coordinates. It led her straight into a wall. She just stood there staring at it before double-checking the coords.

Was there something she had missed? Did Sam say there was a special way to get in?

"You know you need a hoe to get in right?" Raijin turned around, coming face to face with a guy in an orange supreme face mask.


"Did my Sammy Wammy not tell you how to get in?" He asked, looking Raijin over.

"Who are you?" Raijin asked, ignoring the weird nickname he had called Sam.

"My name's Ponk," the guy smiles, his thick accent showing clearly.

Ponk. Sam had told her about him. A few stories here and there. The only one she really remembered was some random one about his obsession with shoes.

"Ponk? The one obsessed with weird shoes?" She asked bluntly.

"Hey. Don't chu disrespect my yeezys bro! They're so lit."

Raijin rolled her eyes at him then asked, "Do you have a hoe I could borrow to get in then?"

"I got so many hoes." Ponk winked.

"Please just help me, Sam said it was urgent," she sighed, readjusting the straps on her backpack.

"Fine, fine. I just thought we were vibing bro." Ponk pulled out a wooden hoe handing it over to Raijin, "Keep it."

"Thanks," Raijin said, taking the hoe from him.

"Just use it on that block over there," Ponk pointed.

"Okay." She answered, hoping that her dryness would just make him leave. Raijin wasn't exactly a "people-person".

"See ya!" Ponk eventually waved, going in the direction of the portal.

"Bye," she briefly waved back. After using the hoe on the specified block, a loud redstone noise began. The door began shifting up, revealing a large entrance.

"Wow. . ."

His place was so much bigger than she had expected. Everything was so. . . Complex.

"Sam? Sam are you here?" She called out, not really wanting to search the entire building. Wait why didn't she just ask Ponk where he was? "Sammmmmm!"

Raijin continued walking to the end of his house before seeing a random hole in his floor. There was a stream of water going down into the poorly lit room.

Maybe there was a ladder.

He better have a ladder.

She walked near the wall closest to the hole in the floor. Perfect. There was a short ladder going down; this way her clothes could stay dry. Raijin set the hoe on the floor, beginning to climb down the ladder.

"Sam? Are you down here?" She called out again, taking a torch from her backpack.

"Rai?" A weak voice called out from the right side of the room, "Is that you?" She followed his voice, leading to another hole. This hole was small, a short border on the bottom half.

"Sam, what are you doing in there?" She placed the torch on the wall to give them a little light.

"I'm just hanging out with Fran," he replied, looking over at the dog next to him. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean? I got your message." She laughed slightly, pulling out the plant from her bag. "I'm not sure whether to call it cute or creepy. And Sam, what kind of Redstone contraption did you use to get it to talk—"

"Where did you get that from?" His eyes locked onto hers. Creepy.

"Don't be silly; you gave it to me," Raijin rolled her eyes.

"Was there a note with it?"

"No? I mean I don't know how you did it, but it talked—"

"I didn't send you that."

"What—" He pulled the plant from her hand before coming out of the hole and blocking the bottom half back up.

Raijin was already so confused and Sam wasn't helping.

She followed him up the ladder while he quickly looked through chests.

"What are you looking for?" Raijin asked as he went from one place to the next. Eventually, he placed down some weird-looking soil before setting it on fire.

No, not normal fire.

Blue fire.

Sam picked up the plant from on top of a chest, walking over to the fire.

"Wait Sam—"

He dropped the plant into the fire. No hesitation.

"Rai, you need to leave. You need to go now." He put out the fire and reopened several chests before tossing some cooked potatoes to her. "Take these. . ."

"Sam, I'm going to need you to explain why you just did that. Or at least explain what is happening in general."

"Rai, you need to go," Sam ignored her, opening the door to his house. Only then did he finally stop to look at her.

"I'm not going anywhere before you explain what is going on."

"You need. . . you need to leave. It-it's coming." The look in his eyes was starting to scare her. She had just thought this would all turn out to be some lame joke.

But he was serious.

She walked closer to him, the panic in his eyes clearer than ever. Even his voice sounded. . .


"Sam. Who's coming?"

"The Egg is coming."

Call of the Egg / MCYT Fanfic /Where stories live. Discover now