Chapter《 23 》Wilbur

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"Will, you're alive!" Raijin ran to him, throwing her arms around his torso, embracing in a hug. Her vision began getting blurry as tears began streaming down Rai's face, "He did it, he actually did it. You're back." She mumbled into him, sniffling. 

But then he pulled back. 

He was still holding her, but now he could see her face.

"Raijin, what-. . when did. . . how are you here?" She wished that he was only shocked. That once he finally realized what was going on, how they'd reunited, he'd be just as happy as her. Except he looked almost angry. Almost frustrated that she was here. 

"Will I'm back. I came here to visit Sam- but then, but then I found you." Rai smiled, trying, hoping, that this was just a momentary confusion. 

Wilbur looked around, taking in a deep breath, "You shouldn't have found me."

Raijin took a step back, wiping the remaining tear from her cheeks, "What?"

As Wilbur made eye contact again, he spoke, "I said, you shouldn't have found me."

"I just risked my life to bring you back, and you're telling me I shouldn't have come?"

"That's exactly my point," He stated, adjusting the beanie on his head, "You shouldn't need to risk your life for me, you don't know me anymore."

"But I knew you back then! I would save that person any day-"

"But I left you!" He cut her off, their voices beginning to rise.

"And I risked my life because I still love you!"

Silence washed over them.

Did I. . . I said that. . . She realized that even after all this time, she still felt the same way as she did years ago. Rai thought she had stopped missing him, that she had at least forgotten the feelings if not the memories; but the moment Rai saw him again, standing in front of her, it all came rushing back.

Every late night they'd stayed up talking about random thoughts; every sunrise they watched from his roof; When they made it a competition to memorize the most constellations in the sky; or that time that they stayed up till 5 am doing karaoke to Hamilton songs. 

And all the small things he did to show his affection; holding her hand every time they crossed the road; when he'd tuck strands of hair behind her ear so that he could always see his face; or when he brought snacks and movies over on the bad days.

That kind of feeling she felt, doesn't just go away. 

"And that is exactly why you shouldn't be here."

"I'm a different person with a different life. I did some things that I can't take back. And in this place?" He gestured around, "In the Dream SMP, I've learned it's better to cut ties, to only look out for yourself."

But if he's telling me to go. . .

"You feel what I'm feeling too." She cocked her head, understanding more and more.

"You don't know what I'm feeling." He pointed as he spoke.

"You're telling me to go because you still love me. You've made enemies by looking out for yourself, and that I'm here you're afraid."

"You're afraid that your feelings towards me will be used against you."

"What the fuck?"


Both Raijin and Wilbur turned around, as Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo dashed up the hill. She and Wilbur's time was up.

Tommy's face was pale and full of fear, looking as if he saw a ghost. Even as Tubbo held his hands behind his back, Raijin could see how they were trembling.

"Wha. . . what- How? Wilbur. . ." Tommy stuttered, he and Tubbo making their way closer to Wilbur. 

Ranboo grabbed Rai's wrist, dragging her out of earshot.

"What the hell did you do?"

Raijin pulled her arm out of his grasp, taking a short step back, "I did nothing." she grumbled, "It's not my fault Tommy's plan failed."

"Tommy's plan? Tommy's plan? The plan that you," He pointed at her chest, "helped with. That you," He pointed again, "said would work."

"How would I know that any of this would happen?"

"Dammit Raijin, I'm not stupid. Who's idea was it to bring ghostbur into it? Who went and spoke to Dream just before all this happened?" There was no point in her lying anymore, "And at the tower, when I asked if you actually wanted to kill Dream, you walked away. No answer, you just left."

Raijin crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes, "Fine, maybe I did want this to happen. Maybe I was glad when Tommy failed. And you know what," She leaned in a bit closer, "I'd do it all over again if It meant Wilbur would live."

He let out a low frustrated noise, "Do you even realize the weight of the situation you just created?" Raijin stayed quiet, waiting for him to just tell her, "Ghostbur is dead. Dead. He's not coming back."

"I never really meant to hurt Ghostbur, he was just a part of the process."

"Maybe he didn't die by your hand, but you're just as much responsible as Dream is." Raijin had to look away, the rage in his eyes evident.

"Ghostbur is just another form of Wilbur-"

"But you don't know Wilbur anymore!" He said, now shouting, "He's not a good guy Raijin, he's a villain. And I hate to say it, but villains should stay dead."

"He's not a villain, you don't know him-"

"No, you think you know him. Whatever version of him you think you know is gone."

"Can everyone just stop thinking for me?" She hissed, "I don't think I know him, I do. So why don't you just leave me the fuck alone, and mind your own damn business."

"You're in way over your head. Why couldn't you have just let things be?" He used his arms to gesture as he spoke, "You always have to cause some sort of trouble. Things were fine before you came!"

"Fine? Like hell things were fine before." She took a step forward, pushing him back as she spoke, "Was is fine that Bad's been kidnapping people?" push, "Was it fine that some egg was affecting my brother?" push, "Hell, was it fine when Tommy died?" push-

He grabbed the front of her shirt, "We have villains now, but you just brought back one of the biggest villains." He let go, "I think you should leave." 

"The Dream SMP isn't a place for you."



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