Chapter《 20 》No Way Out

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Ranboo had gotten her all the way to the bottom of Tommy's path. The reason he came this far had something to do with. . . Snowchister? Newchester? Snow. . . SnowChester? She wasn't sure what that meant, but he was quickly gone.

It was still dark outside, a few hours past midnight. Raijin wasn't even sure if he was awake, let alone home.

She headed up to his front door, noticing a ton of flowers outside that weren't there before.

Didn't think he was the type for gardening. . .

Rai knocked twice, hoping he was here.

There was nothing.

She knocked twice again.

This time, she heard a shuffling of feet, seconds before the door flew open.

"Who the fuc--" His eyes finally landed on her, "It's fucking two a.m., what the hell do you want?" He grumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"We need to talk."

He glanced to the side of her, looking up at the sky, "Can't it wait until. . . I don't know morning?"

"No, now." She pushed the door open herself, walking in the brief space between Tommy and the door.

Raijin liked him much better when he was tired.

He was quieter.

"Is this quick?" Tommy asked, shutting the door, before taking a seat near her.

She shrugged, "If you make it."

He ran a hand through his tangled hair, "Go on then."

"I'm going to start off with, I'm sorry."

Tommy scoffed, "Well this already sounds good."

Raijin rolled her eyes, "Just shut up and let me explain. So I made a deal with Bad and it kinda involves you. . ."

"Me?" He asks, tilting his head.

"Yeah. . . So I went to the prison yesterday to speak to Dream and--"

"What the fuck?!" Tommy's eyes widened, the mention of Dream filling him with terror and anger, "You went into the prison to talk to Dream? And Sam just let you!?"

"I said no interrupting so I could explain!" Raijin argued, "But yes, I did talk to Dream-- but that's not the point. I was planning on sneaking in. . . without getting caught. But Bad ended up being there. So, I made a deal. A deal that got me in with Dream."

"I wasn't thinking clearly, so I made a deal. . ."

"Yes yes, I get it you made a bad deal, just fucking get on with it!" Tommy seemed much more awake now and incredibly anxious.

"I said. . . I said that I would, in a way, give you over to Bad. Lure you somewhere so that he could--"

"You WHAT?" He stood up from his chair.

"I'm not going to do it obviously! That's why I came and warned you!"

"Warned me? You shouldn't have done something like this in the FIRST PLACE!"

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry!"

He began to pace, thinking of what this might mean, how to stop it, and what else to say. It's been a little over a week since Tommy had died and was already getting thrown back into the 'drama'.

"Let me make it up to you. I-I can give you money, I can. . . I can help you out with something, a favor, I--"

"Help me kill Dream."

She froze as the words came out of his mouth. He. . . He what?


"I said, I want you to help me kill Dream." Tommy restated, turning around to face her.

Why does he want to kill the one person who can revive people? I mean yeah, Dream's done some awful stuff to Tommy but. . . If she killed Dream, that'd mean Will would be lost forever.

"Think of this as just a harmless favor." Tommy shrugged.

"Harmless? Tommy, you want me to help you kill someone!" Raijin stood up as well, completely thrown off.

"Bad's probably going to kill me and my favor is nearly the same as his." Tommy said, putting out his hand, "Do we have a deal?"

"Can I. . . Can I have some time to think about it?"

He shook his head, "I'm doing this tomorrow. It's now or never."

Raijin looked from his eyes to his hand.

And then she shook it.

"Alright, I'll help you kill Dream."


Rai knew the path back to the main portal pretty well. She'd done it a few times now and was hoping that was enough to not get lost.

The sun was now high in the sky, heat pelting down on her. There was a breeze every now and then, but not enough to keep the sweat off her face.

Even as the sky was blue, with no clouds for miles, there wasn't anybody out and about. Maybe this area was normally quiet, or some were still sleeping. Rai walked along the wooden path, hands in her pockets, and tired eyes lazily following a few steps in front of her feet.

"Where's Tommy?" A voice called from in front of her.

"He's at his--" Raijin stopped as she looked up.


He tilted his head, "He's where? I don't see him with you." Bad peered to the side of her as if she might be hiding Tommy.

"He. . . He wasn't home when I went to go get him for you. . ." Raijin stuttered, unready for this confrontation.

"You sure about that? Should we go find him together?" Bad asked, starting to walk in the direction of Tommy's house.

"No!" Raijin grabbed his arm on instinct, pulling back immediately, "I-I-I mean I already went, so-- so there's no use in going. . ."

Bad took a step towards her.

"You know, you're not a very good liar."

He grabbed her arm, so tight it made Rai flinch.

"Hey!" She tried pulling her arm back, but it was no use, "Let me go!"

Bad was stronger than he looked and with her one arm, he began pulling her into a new direction.

"I didn't get Tommy, so I guess you're the next best thing."

No. . . no no no no no no no-- This can't be-- I didn't mean for this-- I can't go back there again

Raijin struggled and struggled.

But it was no use.

There was no getting out.

She'd made a deal and it backfired.

A few minutes into her struggling and Bad knocked her out.

The butt of a sword to the back of her head.

She was out cold.

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