Chapter《 11 》Fear

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Techno, Phil, and I had all just gotten back from visiting Snow Chester and Tubbo's crater. Nihachu had left us just before that.

This whole "syndicate" thing was very new to me, and honestly. . . I didn't know how to feel about it. 

Techno and Phil assured me it was just like a little club thing, nothing like a side. I hate picking sides. 

We had met back at the meeting place, formerly a stronghold. We sat in our respective seats, chatting about random topics. 

But something just felt off.

I don't know how to describe it. 

Like. . . like it wasn't even me sensing it.

Almost like a connection.

This feeling of fear, but not my own.

This voice was just repeating the same thing over and over and over. And all it said was Raijin. Just the feeling of fear and her name. I'd only ever heard her name like once.

Then I had this gut feeling. 

"I think somethings wrong. . ." I blurted out, before being met with two confused stares.

"Heh?" Techno asked.

"Raijin. . . I-I mean." I cleared my voice, "I think somethings wrong with Raijin."

"And how the fuck would you know somethings wrong with Raijin? Phil questioned, a slight humor to his tone.

"I'm wondering the same." Techno agreed, nodding his head.

"I don't know how to explain it. . . I just- I just think we should go check on her."

"That's ridiculous mate, why would anything be wrong?" Phil snorted, leaning back in his chair.

"I-I just have this feeling, can we please just-" All of us stopped as we heard a scream. And ear-piercing scream, born from pure agony and fear. The three of us, almost instantaneously, jumped up from our seats, rushing out of the room. Techno didn't even bother taking his cape and the only other thing he might need was on him; weapons.

Luckily the house was incredibly close to the building we all met in, and with all three of us having tridents, it was even faster. 

The house came into view within seconds, with a person running at full speed towards the trees. 

Raijin wasn't in sight.

There was a decision, to check to the house first, or follow after the person. Techno chose for us and bolted towards the trees. We had an advantage because we were coming from in between the forest and house, whereas the person was coming straight from the front door. 

The person was fast, I'll give them that, and the moment he saw us running ahead of him towards the forest, he changed direction. 

But not soon enough.

Techno was on his tail.

Making it further to the trees, we saw something.



It was Raijin, lying in the snow, with a short trail of blood. It seemed to be coming from the back of her leg, along with the arrow dug deep into it. 

Phil and I didn't have to say anything, we just worked together to pick her up in an effective way that didn't move the arrow. 

Even being careful, she cried out in pain, and I could see her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

Out cold.

Quickly, we both began to get her back to the house. There was a thump nearby, and I could see two bodies now on the ground. Techno had tackled the person. 

Phil and I got into Techno's house, and with Phil mostly holding Raijin, I quickly cleared a table as he set her on it.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked, the sight of blood pouring from Rai's leg was extremely unsettling. 

"Get me some water, bandages, and a knife." 

"What. . . why the knife. . ."

"NOW Ranboo." 

"Sorry. . ." I mumbled, realizing questions were just another way of wasting time. Of letting Rai die. 

Thankfully Techno's house was small, and I could easily find a knife and many bandages, and well as a bowl full of clean water. 

As I made my way back to the table, I could see Phil had already wrapped a towel around the arrow, to try and decrease blood flow. I wanted to help Phil. I really did. But seeing her in that much pain. . . I couldn't do it.

I didn't even know her.

Yet it was painful to witness. 

Technoblade came in minutes later, with a semi-conscious boy, face bleeding and covered in bruises. He made his way into the ground-level room. I glanced at Philza, before making my way to the room below. 

Techno had already secured him with ropes and had just stepped back to look at the boy.

"Do you know him?"

I shook my head. He didn't look familiar. 

At least I think?

"Wait. . . Is that- Is that Purpled?" I squinted my eyes, trying to ignore all the cuts and bruises that littered his face. The boy looked up at the two of us.



Me finally getting a chapter not only done in a day but early?? Am I alright?? Also thank you guys so much for 700+ reads!! ahhhhhhhhh I only thought I'd get like ten maybe twenty but. . . you guys are awesome ;]

Also, sorry If I didn't portray Ranboo right, or if things sounded like something he wouldn't do. I'm trying!! Also, any suggestions or corrections are cool, they just help the story become better!

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