Chapter《 14 》A Ghost

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The figure turned around. 

It was him.

But. . .


"Oh, hi!" He smiled, waving at Rai.

"Hi. . ."

"Are you new around here?" He asked, still smiling. Raijin couldn't say anything, her mouth wide open, eyes staring at him.

"Well, my name is Ghostbur! What's yours?"

"R-R-Raijin." She shuddered, struggling to get the words out. 

"Oooo, what a pretty name! So what brings you--"

"Are you. . . are you a ghost?" Rai blurted out, her words almost a whisper. The thing that was different about him, was not only how he was acting, but his appearance. His skin was. . . translucent.

̶W̶i̶l̶b̶u̶r̶  Ghostbur nodded, before turning back towards what looked like a shrine.

"You called me Will at first. Did you know Wilbur?"

Raijin nodded, "I did. . . What. . . what happened?"

He turned back to her, "You don't know?" Ghostbur asked, genuinely surprised.

"We lost touch a while back. . ."

"When this place blew up for the second time, it was him- well me. Right after he begged his father to kill him; which he did. And then I came."

"You said- you said his father killed him?" Would Phil really kill his own son? Even if he asked for it?

"Mhm." Ghostbur nodded.

He's dead. Wilburs dead. Why did nobody tell me? Sam? There's no way he couldn't have known. 

There was nothing she could do. It seemed silly to be sad. Sad over something that happened months ago. Anything she did about this now didn't matter. 

"I-I've heard rumors. Tommy died a few days ago didn't he?" Ghostbur nodded, "And yet he's alive again?" Ghostbur nodded again, this time slower, catching on to what she was saying, "So that means there's a way to revive people."

"Y-yes. I guess so. . ." It seemed that Ghostbur knew very little of this, more of surprised to hear what happened to Tommy.

"Raijin, we're heading back now," Techno called, his voice sounding far away.

"I have to go now," Raijin said, looking at Ghostbur. It was hard seeing his face. It might look like Wilbur, but it wasn't him.

"Raijin?" Techno called out again, his voice sounding a bit closer.

"I'm coming!"


The sky was all sorts of colors, pink, orange, blue, and purple, fading as the sun dipped below the mountain's edge. 

Few flakes of snow were falling from the sky, the ground receiving a fresh layer of powder. Their footsteps crunched on the floor, leaving prints as they went.

As the sun went down, the cold began to rise, sending a chill down Raijins spine. The two made it back in silence, having nothing really to say.

Raijin retired to her borrowed room, Techno stopping by Phil's house. 

Raijin plopped down onto the bed, pulling a backpack onto her lap. Unzipping it, she got out her journal and a pen. She wanted to know more about this "revival" that happened to Tommy.

And tomorrow she was going to do just that.

She was going to speak to Tommy about his death.

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