Chapter《 16 》A Deal

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It was a new sunrise,

A new morning,

A new day.

And Raijin was on her way to the prison. 

Having the warden's keycard was the most essential part of her plan, but the problem was that he changed it every day or so. 

Time was limited.

It hadn't even been that hard to sneak out of the house this time, considering Techno and Phil had another one of their "meetings". Even after what happened last time, she convinced them that she was fine for a few hours -and with a weapon.

Sword attracted to her hip, Rai entered the prison. Last time in the prison, made her sure to bring some sort of backup. Or in her case the weapon.

It was just becoming day, the light barely in the sky, and a break in the guard's schedule. Well, she hoped. That was the one piece of information she never got, although she did know Sam's schedule. And he wasn't supposed to come until evening. 

Plenty of time to speak with Dream.

As she entered the prison, there wasn't any sign that someone was on duty.

I seemed to have timed it just right. . . perfect.

Rai made her way through the first set of security measures, wasting a little bit of time figuring out the keycard, and all the 'secret' guard passageways. The moment she stepped into the lower security cells, she heard the draw of a bow.

"Stop right there."

Raijin froze, slowly turning around.


It was Bad.

"How did you get in here?" He asked, making his way over to her, bow still drawn. 

"Sam gave me permission."

"And his keycard?" Bad glanced at the warden's card in her hand. 


He took her silence as an answer, "Yeah I didn't think so." He reached into his pocket, taking out a phone, presumably to call Sam. 

"Wait!" Raijin blurted out, making Bad pause, mid-typing, "I'll make a deal."

I need to talk to Dream. Making a deal with him, even after all that he's done to me, if he wanted me dead, I'd be dead right now. He wouldn't have bothered to contact Sam. Whatever he wants is worth what I'll get out of this.

"What kind of deal?" Bad tilted his head, lowering the weapon. 

"You get me through the prison and I owe you a favor." A favor was dangerous, a favor could be anything, "Sam never needs to know."

"I never saw you as one to go behind your brother's back." He sounded genuine, "And what do you need from the prison?"

"Dream. I need a few hours to talk with him."

Bad took his eyes off of her, looking around the room, thoughts swirling. This was not only risky for Raijin, but if Sam ever found out, his punishment would be even more severe. But a favor for a few hours of talking?

"Deal." Bad stuck out his hand, Raijin, slightly hesitant, shook it, sealing the deal.

"Now get me through to Dream."

It took about 15 minutes or less to reach the top security cell, Bad having begun lowering the lava wall. From there, she'd make her way over to Dream and Bad would leave them to talk.

The moment the lava wall was fully down, Raijin got on the platform and was brought to the edge of the cell floor.

She stepped off, and the platform shifted back to its original position. For reasons of her own, the short wall inside the cell was up, blocking Dream from being able to reach her in any way.

"Never expected to see you again."

"Never really wanted to see you again."

Dream chuckled, sauntering over to the small barrier, "You afraid of me?"

"I think you're the one who should be afraid of me." Raijin countered, sliding the knife from its holster.

"I see." He grinned, in a mocking way, "And Sam was alright with this?" He asked, tilting his head as he saw Bad.

Raijin sidestepped in front of him, cutting off his view of Bad, "We need to speak."

"And we're not doing that now?" He winked back at her.

Raijin rolled her eyes, already weary of his flirty, manipulative manner, "I mean it."

"How about we speak when this wall is down?" He gestured to the barrier, "It's a bit separating." 

He wouldn't try to hurt me. . . Not knowing I'm armed. All I have to do is pretend I know how to use it. . .

"Fine." She grumbled, turning to face Bad, "Bad, put the wall down." As soon as the wall was down, Rai took a step forward, as did Dream backward. 

They met eyes, the notion making Dream grin, "Now we can gladly begin." 

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