Chapter《 10 》Quiet

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It was bright and early, the perfect morning.

That is, if Raijin had gotten any sleep. After hearing about Wilbur, she began to press Philza for answers. He caught on that something was off, forcing Rai to stop with the questions, resulting in her just going to her makeshift room. 

Just because she was laying in bed, didn't mean she got any sleep. Rai just couldn't get her mind off the picture and the questions that followed it.  

"Raijin? Raijin can you come down for a second?" Techno called from below, disrupting her thoughts. 

What does Techno want this early. . .

Rai sighed, forcing herself up from the bed, to go down the latter. 

Luckily Sam had brought over a bag of her clothes yesterday, leaving her in clean, better-fitting clothes.

"What is it?" Rai groaned, meeting Techno in the main part of his house.

"Philza and I are going to be out for a bit at a meeting. You can handle yourself here for a few hours, yes?"

Raijin nodded, "What kind of meeting is it?"

"We should be back around late noon." He concluded, completely ignoring her previous question. 

"Alright. . ." 

"Bye then." Techno waved, already heading out the door, to where Phil was waiting. 

And Ranboo?

Techno said it was just him and Phil?

Wait. . . There was someone else. A girl?

As they headed in a direction away from the house, Raijin tried to catch the girl's face, but could only see the back of her short, pink hair.

Why did Techno lie to me? I mean it's not even that big of a deal right? 

The conversation was so quick, that she didn't really have time to process the fact she was going to be alone. For the first time since Rai had stepped foot in the Dream Smp, she hadn't been alone. (Other than being trapped in the egg)

Silence was new, but settling, only the sound of his pets and the wind. 

It'd been a little over an hour since they had left for their "meeting". Raijin hadn't done much, other than get ready and eat a decent meal. 

She'd decided to look through Techno's shelf of books, eventually settling on a book titled "The Penelopiad" by Margaret Atwood. It looked to be some sort of collection of ancient myths. It had taken her a good couple minutes to sort through his books, all of them seemingly about war, ancient greek, mythology, or just myths in general. Rai hadn't put Techno as one for myths, but she was mistaken.

Technoblade didn't have a couch (or any comfortable chairs in fact), so all that was left was the kitchen table chairs. There was a perfect spot for her chair in the corner, next to one of his many windows, with light pouring through. 

A cup of steaming tea and a nice book, was a great start to her day, finally having some time to do what she wants to do. 

Something caught Rai's eye, a glint of something enchanted. 

Am I seeing things?

Maybe it was just the snow. . .

The sight has been so brief, it might have just been a figment of her imagination. Five minutes passed, and Raijin swore she saw a hand through a window opposite of her. 

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