Chapter《 6 》Leverage

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"Ever heard of L'manburg?" Dream asks, gesturing for Raijin to take a sit on the floor. Raijin shook her head, sitting down on the floor, keeping a safe distance from Dream.

"Make sense, seeing that Sam never really had anything to do with it," 

Sam told me a lot less than I had thought.

"I won't go into too much detail, but pretty much L'manburg was some country in the middle of the SMP. Got blown up three times, once with a connection to me, and the other two times. . . Well by me. I had my reasons, of course, the L'manburg citizens were just too short-sighted to see them."

"Sounds like you deserved to be in here."

"Oh, that's not all." Dream laughed, void of all actual emotion, "Little bit of manipulation here, some killing there and a few other minor things."

"I don't get it."

"Excuse me?" He looked genuinely confused, all that he'd said being a clear reason for imprisonment.

"Why share this all with me? You could have just been brief, said a few things, and then lied that you were the one in the right."

"Smart girl." Dream smirked, sitting forward more.

"Would you have believed me If I had done what you said and lied?"

"I might've."

"No, you wouldn't have."

"You seem quite sure of yourself."

"I am."

This man is quite peculiar. . . I don't know how I feel about him.

"I should be going--" Just as Raijin was about to call for Sam, there was a noise.

No, not a noise, and explosion.


Sounding right above the cell.

"What-" Rai turned to look at Dream, "What's that?"

"You think I know? I've been in here, same as you." Dream seemed calm. Almost too calm.

"Sam?" Raijin called out, going near the lava wall.

No reply.



"He's not here anymore."

"What do you mean?" Raijin whipped around to face Dream, panic expressed clearly on her face.

"His protocol is to figure out what caused the problem before letting you out."

"How long will that take?"

"It was in the waiver you signed. Could be up to a week, but can't be anymore."

"No. . . no no-no." This might have been fine, except for a similar experience not that long ago. The egg. She had been confined in the egg, and being in the prison wasn't much better, "I can't. . . I can't be in here."

Dream was just watching her, this whole situation just amusing. Only a few minutes ago she had been entirely calm and collected, even after confessing to being a murderer. That illusion had shattered the moment she realized she was stuck.

Is it a fear of confined spaces? Being trapped with a maximum-security criminal? Or trauma from a past experience similar to this one? Dream thought, his mind going through all the possible answers.

"Rai, Rai are you there?" A voice boomed through some unknown speaker system.

"Sam? Oh my god, Sam is that you?" Raijin turned back towards the lava wall, waiting, hoping, for Sam to lower it and let her out.

"You're okay." There was a sigh of relief, "Stand in the water. Right corner of the cell."

Raijin spun around, eyes landing on what Sam was talking about. Without hesitation, she was in the specified spot, wondering what would happen next.

Redstone clicks.

A potion splash.

And she was back in the room before the cell.

"Rai!" Sam exclaimed, running over and embracing her in a tight hug. Once they broke apart, Rai could see his eyes glossed over. "I'm so glad you're alright."

"Of course I am Sam." She grinned back at him before he pulled her into another hug. What was he expecting would happen?

"Did you figure out who placed the Tnt?" Raijin asked, glancing back at the wall of lava.

Sam shook his head, "I didn't yet."

"Then why. . . What about the protocol?"

"Protocol or not, you're my sister and I wasn't going to leave you alone in there with him," Sam reassured her, as they began their way out of the prison.

Maybe this would have been fine in another scenario, but not with Dream.

Sam went against his own protocol just to get his sister out? She must mean a lot more to him than I thought. This could work in my favor.

The thing was,

Dream knew leverage when he saw it.

And even worse,

He knew how to manipulate it.

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