Chapter《 17 》The Process

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There are no chairs, let alone a bed in his cell.

It's hot and humid, Rai's clothes already beginning to stick to her. She had no idea how Dream lived like this.

Dream took a seat on the floor, back leaned up against the far wall. He was so used to it by now, used to a cell, used to his new life. 

"You can have a seat on the floor." Dream suggested, gesturing to a spot in front of him.

Raijin shook her head, "I'm good."

"Your choice." He shrugged, leaning his head against the wall.

"So how did you do it? How did you revive Tommy?" 

His eyes darted back to her, eyebrows raised, "So that's why you're here," He tilted his head, "And who is it you wish to bring back from the dead?"

Rai folded her arms, "That's for me to know. Now answer my question." He did have a clock in his cell, that of which Rai kept her eyes on. She didn't want to be here if Sam came early.

"Now come on sweetheart, how am I to answer your question without knowing all the details?"

"Don't. . . don't call me that." 

"And what am I to call you instead? I never got a name."

"Bri. My name's Bri."  

He smiled at her, leaving a moment of unsettling silence.

"Now, we both know that isn't your name."

How did he-

"Why don't we stop with this whole, keeping information from me thing. Lying won't get you anywhere." He glanced at the clock, the one Raijin had kept watching, "It's also wasting your precious time."

"My name isn't important. Answer my question."

"And yet I seem to want it."

"Leave it be-"

"Tick tock." He interrupted her, making a tapping motion on his wrist.

"Raijin. That's my name. Now can we get on with this?"

"Raijin." He repeated the corner of his lips curving at his newfound 'information, although she wasn't too sure why he wanted it that bad.

"Is it a book? Is that how you did it?" She asked, getting more impatient by the minute.

"Could be." He shrugged, "Could also just be a rumor."


"Well what?"

She glared at him, "You're purposefully wasting my time."

"Now why would I do that?" He asked, pretending to be offended.

"I'm done with games, answer me." She slid her sword from the holster, pointing the tip in his direction.

"Feisty." He smirked, "The book thing is true."

"Where can I find this 'revival book'?"

He tilted his head, "You can't."

Her brows furrowed, trying to put anything he said together, "And why not?"

"Because I destroyed it."

"Then how'd you bring Tommy back?" The way he was being so vague, was making Rai more trusting. And it was wasting time.

Dream tapped his right temple, "It's all up here."

She lowered her weapon, finally getting somewhere, "So that's why you're locked up in here and not dead."

"They need me." He finished, smiling at his words.

"Smart move." She looked down at him, meeting eyes, "Then I need your help."

"Now's the part where you tell me who I'm reviving."

She knew she needed to tell him, but she was still wary. Dream was a smart man, but also a manipulator. Raijin wasn't going to make the mistake of letting some slip that he might use against her. 

"It's Will. I need you to bring Wilbur back."

He raised his eyebrows at her, probably expecting someone else, someone from where she was from. Not Will. 

"I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting that." He ran a hand through his messy hair, "And does one like you, know who my old friend Wilbur is?"

"The only thing you need to know is that I want him alive."

"Let me guess, you knew him before he moved here, probably was close," He noticed something change in her eyes, "Lovers even?" He chuckled.

He reads me like I'm an open book. I need to be more careful. . .

"Can you do it?"

"Of course I can do it." He scoffs, acting like it was a dumb thing to say, "My question is, what do I get from this?"

Of course, he has to get something out of this. Why did I think he'd do this willingly?

"What do you want?" Dream glanced around the room, pretending to think of an answer, although she was sure he already had something in mind. 

He finally looked up at her, "Give a message to Ranboo will you?"

Ranboo?  A message? I was expecting something. . . much more sinister if you will

"That's it? Just a message?"

He nodded, "What were you expecting?"

"I don't know. . . not that." She pulled out a pen, "What's the message?"

"Tell him. . ." He tapped his chin for a moment, "Tell him 'It's almost time'."

She raised an eyebrow at him, "And what's that supposed to mean?" Rai asked, writing it down on her arm nevertheless.

He shrugged, "That's for me to know." She shot him another glare.

After she finished writing he continued, "All you have to do is bring Ghostbur to me. Doesn't matter how, I just have to be able to touch him."

"Ghostbur?" She looked at him sideways, "What will you do with him?"

"Does it matter if it brings Willbur back?"

It should matter. 

"You're going to kill him aren't you?"

Again, Dream met her eyes, "He's still a form of Wilbur. If Wilbur is to be alive, then Ghostbur must die."

So this was it.

One life for another.


Hey guys!!! Sorry, my chapters have been coming out a little late, been busy!!

I already have the perfect ending for this book and it's going to be so good >:)

Also, these last few chapters have been so fun to write! c!Dream is so cool and fun to portray!!!

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