Prologue: The End of the Beginning

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Young Eve Darknight watched, wide eyed, as she and her parents left the Eternal Kingdom, exiled by her Uncle Merrick in a quiet coup. At five years old, she thought that it was her fault. With her uncle’s constant reminders that she didn’t fit in or do anything right, it was no wonder she thought that.
“Mama, I’m sorry…” Her mother looked down at her, hugging her close.
“For what? You have nothing to be sorry for.” She kissed the top of Eve’s head. “Sweetheart, this isn’t your fault. Don’t ever believe this was your doing, love.”
“But, Mister Stormbreaker left, too, mama. I must have been a bad girl again, just like Uncle Merrick said.” Elena Darknight ran her hands over her daughter’s hair, trying to calm the little girl, who’s golden eyes shown with tears as they left the only home she’d ever known.
“Darling, Master Stormwrend had to leave to help his friends and fellow mages. You didn’t make him leave. As for your uncle… my dear, he is a spiteful creature. You’ve always been a good girl. Even when you began learning how to become your fox, even though you had trouble at first, you were never a bad little girl.” Elena fell silent as they entered the Fel Woods, still disbelieving that her brother had done this to his own flesh and bone, pushed them from their home and lied about how little Eve had come into the world.
“Mama? Daddy? Will we be alright here?” Prince Marius hugged his daughter and wife, sighing softly.
“We’ll be fine, my girl. One way or another, we’ll make it through this.”

15 years later:

“Mama?  Daddy?” Eve walked into the cottage she’d called home for the last fifteen years, horrified by what she saw. Everything was ransacked, tables overturned, drawers pulled out and their contents strewn across the floor. “Mama! Daddy?! Oh, gods, please…” She searched for them, hoping that they were alive. She tripped over an overturned chair, landing on her hands and knees, tears running down her face. She sobbed, curling onto her side. As she lay there, she heard her mother’s voice in her mind.
“Darling, remember what I told you. Find Master Stormwrend…” Eve took courage and slowly stood. With a wave of her hand, she set the cottage to rights, then went to their small library, pouring through the titles until she found one titled ‘The Definitive Guide To the Eternal Kingdom’. A ghost of a smile crossed her countenance as she pulled it down. There was no such thing as a definitive guide for the Eternal Kingdom. Most of it, aside from Capitol City, was ever changing. Taking the book in her hand, she opened it, the hollow book revealing a pair of Lifestone amulets, both glowing a soft emerald green.
Taking heart, Eve carefully replaced the book with the amulets inside, placing a ward of protection on it before she shifted forms, a small, black fox taking her place. She took a look around again, then ran out into the woods, off to seek out the master mage.

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