Chapter 3

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"Into the lion's den, indeed." Eve muttered under her breath as they marched as boldly as could be up to the very steps of the palace. "Cyrus? Please don't take this wrong, but you're insane." He chuckled softly.
"Eve, have a little faith in me. I absolutely agree that this sounds insane. However, I am perfectly sure that not only will we be admitted into the palace, but we'll be speaking with your dear uncle by sunset tomorrow."
"After they ensconce us into the dungeon."
"He won't throw us in the dungeon." Cyrus chuckled, looking down at the woman beside him. "You, dear girl, are very pessimistic tonight. Besides, you know that your uncle will want to make sure that he makes his exiled niece's return to the kingdom as much a spectacle and as public as possible. He'll make himself look like a magnanimous benefactor, all the while making you look like the whore of Babylon."
Stopping, Eve looked at him in confusion. "Cyrus, is Babylon in a different dimension? I've never heard of it before." He chuckled softly and nodded before she continued. "The rest of it, though, is exactly how he treated momma. Made her look bad while making himself look like a saint." She sighed, looking down at her hands. "I'll be honest with you, Cyrus. I'm scared to death. Not so much for me, but for momma and papa. They are the only two of my blood family that has ever loved me as I am."
"Your Grandfather loved you. Amelion thought the world of you, and wouldn't have allowed a mean word against you." Cyrus's face had drawn into a scowl. "And I know for a fact that there are more people who are not blood that love you as you are than those who believe your uncle's lies. Look at Lady Marie. And…" Before he could finish what he was saying, they'd reached the steps of the palace, and two guards frowned upon them.
"Hush, child, all is well. You're returning home with a hero, and I with the future queen." He gently squeezed her chilled fingers in his large, warm hand. They slowly ascended the ornately carved marble stairs approaching the guards.
"Halt! Who goes there?" One of the two hulking guards called out, making Eve wince, though only Cyrus noticed it. She cleared her throat, and in a surprisingly strong and even voice, began to speak.
"I am Her Royal Highness, Eve Darknight, Daughter of Elena and granddaughter of Amelion. With me is Sir Cyrus Stormwrend, whom my grandfather knighted after Cyrus saved his life." Both guards visibly straightened at the name Stormwrend, but they remained sceptical, seeing Cyrus without his war helmet.
"That name is familiar to many. The Stormbreaker is the stuff of legends. He would be a very old man by now. This cannot be the same man!"
"I know for a fact that this is he! Grandfather also gifted him with eternal youth for his service to the crown. I have seen the painting of him in the Hall of Champions, a painting of which my grandfather had commissioned. This is one and the same man!" Cyrus's hand moved to touch her shoulder, both to calm her and thank her for speaking on his behalf.
"The longevity of the Fae has kept me alive and youthful far longer than I care to admit. But, it truly is still me." The guards stared at them, one of them shaking his head.
"Prove it." An almost weary sigh escaped from Cyrus before his eyes darkened, sparking wildly. The clouds began to gather and turn a dark, purple-black as thunder rolled across the kingdom, lightning lacing the sky above. One of the guards screamed, and they knelt down in fear and reverence. "The Stormbreaker! Please forgive us!" As he spoke, the skies cleared, and Eve laughed.
"This is the second time I've been doubted by my people. Let's not make it a third, shall we?" The guards quickly scrambled out of the way, allowing them passage. Cyrus took her hand, leading her through the halls of the Eternal Palace. They soon came to the Hall of Champions, and Cyrus paused to look in at the huge mural of the  Primal War.  There he was, forever commemorated, lightning striking his staff as he laid waste to the enemies he fought.
"You're the stuff of legend, Cyrus Stormwrend." She reached out, gently tracing the cheekbone of the Cyrus in the painting, and he would have sworn later that he could feel her touch on his own skin. Smiling in remembrance, Eve looked over to him. "Even though I wasn't allowed in here often, I would sneak in here and sit right here, staring up at the mural, looking for… something."
He chuckled and came in to stand beside her, looking at the staff his image held. "I never did find that staff after the wars. Sadly, I lost it in the battles. It was the one I made as an apprentice. I later ended up forging a pair of chakrams. As I got better with my lightning ability, I learned of magnetic force and how to use it. I use it to control the chakrams in mid flight."
"Wait… that staff?" A thoughtful expression had appeared on her face, and he nodded. "I think I know where it is. I… I found a staff, very much like that one, not far from the cottage. I never even associated the two."
"You mean you have it? I mean, it's been years since I've used it, but could you show me, after we talk to… who were we going to see?"
A male voice spoke up from behind them before Eve could even answer. "I believe you are here to speak to me, looking for the mutt's mother." They turned to find her uncle, Merrick. Eve began to tremble slightly beside Cyrus, who looked upon the man coldly. "Lord Stormwrend, I presume? It is an honor to meet one of the heroes of old. Though, I cannot say much for the company you keep."
"Your highness, might I remind you that Princess Darknight is a direct descendant of Amelion Silvius Darknight, and you are not. She is and will be welcomed here as long as I am present. She is of royal blood, of which would not sit upon the Eternal Throne if not for me breaking the Primal forces and personally defeating Lord Romulus of the Lycan hordes. So if the name of King Amelion Silvius Darknight means anything to you and your court, you would show her the same courtesy you show me, one of the few Champions of the kingdom still living."
"Very well, Stormwrend, my 'niece' can stay, though I still don't see why my dear sister saw fit to lay with that mongrel of a bodyguard."
Looking down at the floor, Eve spoke softly to Cyrus. "Perhaps… perhaps Uncle Merrick is right. I don't belong here…"
"Nonsense! Eveningstar Rose, you brought me here to help you, and by the gods, you most certainly do belong here." He looked back to the smaller man, who seemed to shrink back slightly under Cyrus's direct gaze. "As for you, that is Lord Stormwrend to you, your highness. I am still a Champion of the kingdom, and you'd be best served to remember the respect that is due to me. King or not."
Merrick glared at the mage, seething, clearly surprised that anyone would have the gall to actually stand up to him. He wished that the young man he'd sent a few years before his sister and brother in law had disappeared hadn't botched his assignment, not having taken the young princess's purity and then her life. His plot had been discovered in time to save the mutt, and the man had been sent away to a neighboring kingdom as a eunuch, thanks to Elena, the bitch. If he'd succeeded, Merrick wouldn't have to deal with the chit and her so-called Champion.
"Very well, 'Lord Stormwrend.  I'll have rooms made up for you each." As he turned away from them, Eve saw the look of hatred in his eyes, and she shivered.  Cyrus lay a comforting palm on her shoulder.
"If I may, I would like the suite of rooms that were mine when last I was in residence. Also, if possible, I would like a word with you this evening." There was a note of almost contempt in the mage's voice as he spoke, a smirk on his face, and Eve began to relax.
"Very well, Lord Stormwrend, though I've prior engagements this evening. If you must have a word with me, it will have to be soon. Will your pet be staying with you?"
"Oh, no, your highness. The Eternal Palace is neither built for, nor equipped to handle a storm dragon. Lovely of you to offer, though. I can bring him around some time if you'd like to see him." The look of horror on Merrick's face made Eve giggle softly.
"Storm… dragon?!" Shaking his head as if to dismiss the idea, Merrick glared at the pair. "I meant my 'niece'."
"My rooms are spacious enough for the both of us, and I wouldn't want anyone invading her highness's privacy and safety in the dead of night. As her guardian, I wouldn't feel safe to have her out of my supervision. You know, you ought to give her some respect. She is royalty, after all."
"A half royal bastard of my sister only receives the respect she earns." The words were the first thing to break through her composure, and Eve looked at him, a sudden fire burning in her eyes.
"How do you propose I earn your respect, Uncle Merrick, when you forced my parents and I into exile when I was five years old? You've no doubt poisoned people's minds against me and my parents over the last twenty years."
"You speak of earning respect when you sit on a throne that was given to you. I fought in the Primal Wars with King Amelion. We earned our titles. You rule carelessly in a time of peace and prosperity. Do not speak to me about earning respect, because I wouldn't, in good conscience, be able to call you king."
Merrick stared at him for a long moment before turning on his heel without another word. Internally, he was seething. He wished again that he'd managed to have the her killed long before. Nothing to be done for it now, he thought. Soon enough he'd be done with her, and that champion of hers with her, if he had any say. He sighed, going off to prepare for his appointments.

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