Chapter 13

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It was, she'd admit later, disconcerting to see herself as still as death on the couch one second, then sitting up on the couch, gasping for breath the next. She looked around at the people around her, noting a new person who seemed to be standing a little bit too close to Cyrus for her taste, as well as her mother and father, or fathers, plural, she corrected herself, and a seraphim that was indeed the spitting image of her mother. She looked back at the red haired woman, a small frown on her lips until she heard Amitiel in her mind, telling her it was Daiyna Etienne.

"Yes, but she's hanging onto his arm like she has every right to be there." She heard the spirit snicker before she answered.

"You don't know the extent of Daiyna's relationship with Cyrus and I, do you? We had a polyamorous relationship, dear heart. I don't believe she's trying to show any disrespect to you. It's just her nature. I believe that they parted ways after Sera was old enough to begin her crusade to help the people in the different realms fight for freedom and justice." Cyrus stroked her cheek, then, distracting her from her internal conversation.

"Eve, darling, are you alright? You looked like you were off in another world."

"I, um, yes, I'm alright. I know you can't see her, but Amitiel was explaining to me who Daiyna was to you both." Cyrus Stormwrend, wielder of lightning, Cabalistic, and Old magic, resurrector of the Library of Alexandria, and one of the fiercest warriors she knew, blushed. He actually blushed, ducked his head and rubbed the back of his neck like an embarrassed school boy. Daiyna, though, as Eve would eventually learn, had no shame and just grinned, but she sobered again when Cyrus next spoke.

"I was going to get into that… You say she, Amitiel, is here with you?"

"Yes. I'm sorry I couldn't bring her back physically, but her spirit is here with us. She's here to speak to you, Sera, and Daiyna." The little ball of light that had been Amitiel separated from Eve, then, and as it moved closer to the three people who had known her on this plane of existence, it quickly grew larger, taking the form of a woman who wasn't much taller than Eve herself, her long black hair plaited down her back and falling between her golden wings, and dressed in her celestial garb.

"Oh, my dear loves, I wish I could take each of you into my arms and hug you tight."

"Amitiel? You're really here with us?" Cyrus asked cautiously, having met Asmodeus a few times in the past.

"Yes, sweetheart, it's truly me. I couldn't leave you all without at least telling you all that I love you and saying goodbye." The spirit looked to Eve, smiling at her. "You, dear heart, are a good hearted, strong willed woman, and I know you'll stand loyally for him and for your people for the rest of your days. You're a good match for him. I saw that just from the willingness to put yourself in harm's way for the ones you love." She looked back at Cyrus. "I couldn't have chosen better for you than the fates have chosen for you, love. Be as wonderful to her as you were to me, alright?" With tears shining in his eyes, he nodded and took Eve's hand.

"You'll always have a place in my heart, Amitiel."

"I know, darling. But make sure it never overshadows what you have with this beautiful soul." She drifted closer to him, pressing a ghostly kiss to his forehead before moving on to Daiyna. "Oh, my lovely, sweet nymphomaniac darling. You've not aged a day since we saw each other last. I hadn't realized you'd made your way to the Eternal Kingdom as well."

"One of my favorite elvin lovers was from here, and when Cyrus came here as the royal advisor to King Amelion, I kind of followed.” She grinned a little sheepishly. “Not trying to be stalkerish, though, I swear. But, once I got here, I fell in love with the kingdom. The people here have been good to me. It's been home to me now for more years than I ever expected to be alive."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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