Chapter 8

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"Ladies and gentlemen, Our dark days may well be behind us, but we are still plagued by their problems. So much so that your princess, whether you acknowledge her or not, sought me out for help, not only for herself, but the people whom she still represents. She did so in just the nick of time, it seems. I'm sure that your steward has served you all well, at least until you questioned why there were suddenly much higher taxes and nightly curfews. The time has come for a true heir to the Darknight throne to take back their rightful place. Princess Eve believes that her parents, though abducted, still live, and I intend to find them." Cyrus paused, looking from one person to another. "To those of you who have served with our king after the War, you know how he dedicated his every waking breath to our kingdom. His people were first on his mind and heart. He would have died on the planes of battle than to see his kingdom fall. As a Champion of Eternity, I want the blood of our king back in the throne. What say you, my Lords and Ladies?"

The amphitheater was abuzz with speculation from the onlookers. A voice from the back of the crowd called out, "How can you be sure they still live? We've no proof. And how would the little bastard girl know?" The words stung, and Eve recognized the voice of one of her uncle's cronies. 

Cyrus stepped back from the podium, making room for Eve. She looked up at him, hurt, fear and anger in her beautiful golden eyes.

“Don’t worry, darling one, I’m beside you every step of the way.” He murmured in her ear before kissing her cheek softly. Putting steel in her spine, she nodded and stepped forward, allowing herself to levitate to be seen as well as heard.

"Many of you think you know the truth of my parentage, but most of what you know was told to you by my mother's overly ambitious brother. What almost none of you realize is that my mother's bodyguard, drunk after celebrating one of his people's lunar holidays, fancied himself in love with her. He kidnapped her and forced himself on her. The next day she was found unconscious at the gates, bloodied and bruised. The bodyguard exiled himself for fear of death. When it was known that mother was pregnant, the man I call my father, Prince Marius, accepted the child as his own because he wasn't able to produce heirs due to an accident on the battlefield. The papers of his adoption of me still exist in the royal library. He treated me as if I was truly his flesh and blood.” She took a deep breath before finishing. “Am I the black stain on your perfect lives that you believed me to be all these years? Am I truly the darkness that you need to hide? I may not be full-blooded Fae, nor full-blooded kitsune, but a mix of the two that is uniquely me. I don’t expect you to ever fully accept me as my father did and still does, but if you can find it in your hearts to at least help me find them, I’ll be eternally grateful…" A soft murmur ran through the room, and several of the ladies of the court were in tears after hearing her tale. She waited a moment, then summoned the royal amulets. "This is my proof that they still live. My mother's and father's Lifestone amulets still glow green." She held them higher, allowing all of them to see the rich, emerald green light glowing from them.

"So, will the courts allow their Champion to serve the Eternal throne once more?" Cyrus spoke as he rose up, energy crackling around him. He knew how much they loved his spectacles, with all of the flash and awe. He humored them, seeing as a hero is only as large as his or her legend, after all. Eve watched the crowd, hearing their murmurs as they considered her and Cyrus's plea. Suddenly, her uncle pushed forward through the throng, his face twisted with pure hatred.

"How can you listen to this drivel? She's not even of pure blood!"

"I am not a citizen of the Eternal Kingdom by birth, and yet, I am its greatest champion. Blood is nothing compared to deeds. This young woman, of royal blood through both of her biological parents, is trying to return the rightful king to his throne. She has proven herself to be brave, loyal, and capable. She was not handed her crown. She endures your ridicule and belittlement. She didn't choose her heritage, but she chooses her actions well. Something I can't say the same of you, Lord Rivenoak. I cannot, in good faith, call you my king." 

The Darknight Chronicles: Book of GenesisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora