Chapter 5

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The next morning, Eve felt as though she'd been awake and fighting enemies all night. A soft groan escaped as she sat up and stretched. She wasn't sure how she was going to face Cyrus, but she was going to try. After a bath. She wasn't about to try it before a hot bath, and possibly some tea and some breakfast, because she already knew that her nerves were much too frazzled to consider it at the present time.
At that same moment, Cyrus woke, still sitting at his desk. After Eve had gone to her room, he'd gone to his library, rather than retiring to his own bed, pulling out an ancient tome whilst feeling as though something just wasn't adding up. He sighed as he looked around at the papers strewn about, the huge book still open on his desk. He'd found something in the papers that, should anyone question the validity of Eve's claim to the throne, would back her thoroughly and completely. There was still a little bit of room for doubt, but he planned on being by her side to help her squash those doubts.
Sighing again, he stood, stretching and picking up the papers. He still didn't know what to do about Eve's obvious feelings for him, but he figured that it was something that they were going to have to discuss, and at some length. He honestly didn't know what it was that she saw in him, her being but a child in comparison to his ancient self. However, Eve possessed an old soul, powers that, given time, would eclipse even his, and years of life ahead of her to see that there was someone who was supposed to be hers. In some ways, he wished that it was him, but in others, he felt that he was done with love.
He dressed for his morning exercise, going through the french doors out to the gardens, which, on first glance looked exactly like those at Eve's cottage. He still marveled at her powers, that one so young could duplicate these gardens so completely, down to the koi pond he was exercising beside.
A bit later, Eve, dressed in her light armor, emerged from her room in search of coffee and food. Cyrus, looking through his papers as he ate, looked up in time to see the dark circles under her eyes before she turned to get a mug.
"You didn't sleep well, did you." Eve sighed softly as she poured her coffee.
"I slept well." He chuckled, her small yawn belied her answer. Calling for a servant to bring Eve some breakfast, he looked back to her, surveying her face.
"Hardly. The dark smudges under your eyes tell me that you are not telling the truth. What did you do all night?"
"Oh, I slept. But it's the first time I've dreamt so much in years." She blushed, not looking him in the eye.
"I know what you mean. It felt like a dream, waking up here again, meditating in the gardens, eating my breakfast with the cooks and servants like I used to. It's almost as though I never left. Though, Pierre is a much better bread baker than was here before, but, aside from that, it's almost as though I never left the kingdom."
"Why did you have to leave? I mean, I know about the wars, but you were the only person who really seemed to care about me at all. I know mama and papa did, but they were always so busy." She thanked the serving girl who brought her breakfast, taking a bite of fluffy eggs before she continued. "Was it my fault you left?" Her soft, small voice as she asked that last made him take pause, and he marveled again at the lengths her uncle had gone to mentally torture her.
"Gods, no, darling girl, you didn't have anything to do with my decision to go. I went because, when I was here before, I was still a warrior at heart. When word of the Mage Wars came to me, I couldn't let myself sit idly by as my brothers and sisters in magic were slaughtered by the Cultists or the Inquisition. It was a long and bloody war that ended with the mages almost extinct and the Inquisition hunting down and killing every magic user it could find."
He paused and sipped his honey lemon tea, a faraway look on his face. "It started with the mages. Without us, who would be there to stop them from hunting down the Fae, or the minor sorcerers and wizards? They despise all magic, and it was up to me to try to help quell it. We fought long and hard, but there were so few of us. So, I travelled. I left the war behind. Met my wife, and helped people along the way. We raised the Library of Alexandria from the sands of time, saved civilizations. After I lost her, Amitiel, and after my daughter was grown, I had had enough. I was ready to end my time as the watchful guardian. That's when you found me."
"When the Worldstone denied your attempt to return your magic..." She said, a thoughtful expression in her eyes.
"I've been researching why, as well as researching your situation. It seems the Worldstone is a tool of Fate. These artifacts only act according to the fate you have waiting for you. Legend tells of a man that gathered all the pieces together, changing his destiny and that of the world. But the power to do so was too great, too tempting, so he scattered them. The Worldstone did not shatter because it could not hold all my power. It was just not my fate. Destiny has something else in store for me, it seems."
Smiling softly, Eve chuckled. "I wonder what my destiny will be."
“Don’t we all. But, Fate has a funny way of shaping us, just like we shape our own.” Eve smiled and looked up at Cyrus then, her voice a bit wistful. “So many things I hope for in my destiny, but I dare not let my hopes get too high.” She looked away, sighing. “I’m afraid that if I do, I’ll come crashing down and have to pick up the pieces of my life. I’d have to start over.”
“Well, Fate sometimes requires action first. Nothing will happen until you take that first step.”  He gently tucked a loose lock of her hair behind her ear. “Tell me, what do you hope to achieve?”
“This may sound old fashioned, but aside from finding my parents and, hopefully, helping my people, all I really want is a family. Someone who loves me for me, and doesn’t think that my being a halfling makes me any less of a person.” She blushed as she continued. “Someone who makes me dare to believe that all things are possible.”
“It sounds to me like you may already have someone in mind that you’d like to take that role in your life.’’ He teased her a little, his eyes sparkling as he gave her a cheeky grin.
“Perhaps I do… though I honestly don’t have the slightest clue what they feel for me. Possibly, all he sees is the child that was, rather than the woman that is.” She sighed, ipping her coffee before she spoke again. “Or, perhaps I should have just kept my mouth shut on the subject.” She ran her fingers through her hair, then stood abruptly. “I… I should go get ready for my training…”
“No, Eve, wait…” He asked the servants for some privacy, and they quickly shuffled out, giving Eve and Cyrus kindly smiles as they went. Once they were alone, he looked at her, really looked at her, before speaking what was on his heart. “Eve, it’s not that I don’t see what a remarkable young woman you’ve grown into. But, darling, you’re so very young and I’m old, so much older than you realize. I watched you grow from a wee little baby to a girl of five before I left for the wars. I feel like I would be the worst sort of letcher if I were to allow myself to fall for you. Are you sure you would want someone like me?” He took both of her hands in his, a thoughtful, sad look in his eyes. “Why not someone closer to your own age? Also, I’m a Mage, love. I would never be allowed to sit on the throne with the power I already wield.” Eve took a shuddery breath as she shot him an angry glare.
“No one my own age will have anything to do with me! I may be half Fae, but it’s never enough. I’m not enough. Bloody hell, if I thought it would do me any good, I’d abdicate the damned throne and tell them to go to Abaddon for all I care!”
Cyrus fought back a chuckle at her vehemence, admiring the conviction he saw there. “No, Eve. Don’t even think it. Your people need you. Eve…” He sighed, conflicted. He wanted her, to be by her side, no question about it. However, he couldn’t allow himself to give in to what his heart wanted. “Your heritage has nothing to do with my hesitancy. It’s just, I have a lot to think about. About us. Give me time to think, alright?” Eve pulled away gently, nodding.
“I… Alright. I can understand and respect that, Cyrus.” Turning, she started back to her little room, her shoulders slumping a little as she went.

Half an hour later, Eve stood in her practice arena, allowing herself to let go of everything in her mind. Her magic began spinning around her, and, as it did, she began to fight the magic-born creatures she’d created. Cyrus watched her practice, much as she’d watched him that first morning after she’d found him at the Worldstone. He was in awe as he watched her tiny, graceful form locked in skilled battle with each increasingly difficult creature. She truly was his little warrior, and he knew she would bring honor back to the Darknight name.
Suddenly, Eve whirled, her eyes growing large and fearful as her blade stopped a whisper away from her uncle’s neck. Her magic dissipated as she backed away and sheathed her sword. Merrick, grinning meanly at her discomposure, clapped as she made a proper curtsy.
“Seeing as I know that you were merely practicing, I won’t charge you with attempted murder.” He smirked as her skin turned a lighter shade of pale. “I merely wished to let you and your Mage know that the Court will convene in three days, at one in the afternoon. I’m sure Stormwrend is near enough to have heard. Be ready, niece.” Merrick turned and left her there, her whole being shaking with fear, her eyes wide, and her knees unlocking. She slipped gracefully downward, but Cyrus was there, catching her before her body hit the floor. He carried her back into their shared suite, laying her gently down by the fireplace.
“It’s alright, love. You did nothing wrong. I was a witness to the fact that he entered the arena without properly announcing himself.”
“My gods, I could have killed him... “ She shuddered delicately.
“But you didn’t, Eve. Wait here.” he left her there, requesting from the servants some chamomile tea with lots of honey, and some of the fresh lemon lavender scones he knew her mother used to make for her at their cottage in the Fel Woods. When he returned, he sat the tray laden with tea and scones on the table closest to Eve, smiling at her. “I want you to eat all of this. You’ve had a bad shock, and you need to replenish.” Eyeing the food, Eve sighed.
“But…” She saw the expression on his face, and the protest died on her lips. “Okay, okay, But, for the record, I honestly don’t think I can eat all of that.” She belied her words, though, eating every bite of the scones and drank all of the honeyed tea in record time. She blushed when she realized she was using a finger to pick up the crumbs from the plate. “i… Um, I guess I was a bit hungrier than I thought.” Cyrus laughed, motioning for the servants to take away the dishes.
“Feel a little better, do you?” She nodded, still blushing. “Good. That means we can prepare you for Court.” He helped her to her feet as she groaned at the thought.
“Must we? What am I even going to say? It’s not like I’ve been practicing these things whilst banished from the kingdom, you know.”
“Yes, darling girl, I know. Hopefully, We’ll be able to address the Court and put our hearts into the words. I honestly believe that we’ll get their help to bring home your parents. I swear, Elena will have my head on a platter if she thought I’d directed you down the wrong path where the Court and your uncle are concerned.”

The Darknight Chronicles: Book of GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now