Chapter 1

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A small black furred vixen made her way through the woods, trying her hardest to find the clearing of the Worldstone before he did. The mage she’d been seeking for the last five years now had been a hard man to find, but there had been whispers of a powerful mage in the Fel Woods over the last few days. She hoped beyond hope that it was one and the same. He was the only person who could help her. It was hard to believe that she may have found him, and this close to her home.

In a clearing less than a mile from the little vixen, the breeze blew gently through the pine trees surrounding the area, making an almost mournful sound as a tall, handsome man slowly approached the Worldstone, his stride full of purpose. In spite of his youthful looks, he was tired. Tired of feeling the weight of destiny on his shoulders. He gazed up at it, it’s surface etched with runes, it’s housing of pure Elven silver. He stopped, gasping at the sheer size and beauty of the thing before him. From it, he felt the soft vibrations of power, even from halfway across the clearing. Almost as though the boulder was a sentient being, he spoke aloud as he closed the distance.
“I’m tired...I’ve fought too long, killed too many, and lost too much. My time as Praetor and Master Mage is finished.” He placed his hands upon the surface, an odd warmth flowing through his being, the soft breeze blowing his long, white blond hair like a banner behind him.
The magic flowed back into the Worldstone, and he sighed softly as he felt himself become human.
A forlorn howl sounded behind him as a small black fox burst out of the trees, his eyes going wide as she shifted into a short, dark haired young woman, pushing him away from the Worldstone.
“No! How could you?! Master Stormwrend, you were my last hope… my only hope.” She fell to her knees, tears in her golden eyes.
“I never intended to live so long, nor kill so much. I couldn’t do it anymore. I’m sorry, my child, I’m not the man you’re looking for anymore. Perhaps the Worldstone will bestow my power upon someone that is much more deserving.” A loud rumble sounded, and they turned in time to see the Worldstone begin to shine brightly, the colors warping and snaking through the runes. It began to crack, an electric blue light shining from the cracks. “No...No, no, no!”
A loud clap of thunder sounded as the Worldstone shattered, a bolt of blue striking him. He writhed in agony, his robes shredding as his tattoos blazed, his eyes aglow with the same blazing blue light.
“Your destiny is yours alone to weave, Cyrus Stormwrend.” A deep, almost velvety sounding voice called out from the shards of the Worldstone. He collapsed, his body crackling with energy. Approaching him cautiously, the young woman knelt beside him, cupping his cheek as she tried to comfort him. “Master Stormwrend? Amadán tú, even I could have told you that the Worldstone couldn’t absorb so much power so quickly. Come. You need rest and my home is nearby.” She blushed softly, conjuring him new robes, not that she minded the view, but she wanted him to be as comfortable as possible. “I’ve been searching for you nearly five years. I’d been hoping… never mind that for now. You need food and rest.”
He held a hand up, trying to ward her away. “Please, don’t get too close. I’m not stable yet.” She backed away a little, possibly still too close, but she felt certain her own powers would protect her from the power still crackling around him. Cyrus groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head. “Fuck. I thought it would work; why me?” He looked at the woman beside him, frowning. “And you. Who are you and why have you been searching for me, of all people?”
“My name is Eve. Eve Darknight.” My mother was… is Princess Elena Darknight, wife of Prince Marius Darknight of the Eternal Kingdom. They’ve been taken, and I need to bring them home…but, I need your help, because I cannot enter the Eternal Kingdom alone. My uncle would kill me upon sight.”
“How could I be of help? I doubt that having someone like, well, me, could be of any help… I’m neither of royal blood, nor am I of military standing.”
“That is where you’re wrong, sir. A Stormwrend once saved the life of my grandfather, and he never got to thank him for it. Your name is very much respected there.” Eve sighed, carefully approaching him again. “My mother told me that if anything ever happened to them that I should seek you out. She said you might be my only hope for finding them.” She offered her hand to help him stand, a hopeful look in her eyes. Cyrus took it, standing slowly, smiling. In spite of his youthful looks, his smile was wistful and ancient. The smile of memories past, a smile of remembrance.
“I remember him. Amelion Darknight. A good man; a great king. He was always kind, always fair. I was there at his wake. I didn’t want to linger or take attention from his memory. If you are his heir, I will help you. But, it’s been nearly twenty years since I was in your kingdom. I hope that they welcome me as they once did.”
“Master Stormwrend…” He stopped her, shaking his head.
“Please, just call me Cyrus. In spite of the Worldstone returning my powers, I’m just a man.” Eve nodded, looking him in the eye.
“Alright... Cyrus… you would be welcomed there. I’m the inconvenient reminder of my mother’s supposed infidelity. I’m hated by my mother and father’s people.” She looked away, not wanting to see the pity she was sure would be in his eyes. He gently took her chin between his thumb and forefinger, making her look at him. Instead of pity, she saw a faint smile and something akin to affection.
“Then I shall make you a queen in their eyes.” He began to rip open a portal, but he stopped, seeing the look in her eyes. “What is it, my dear?”
“Please, Cyrus, let’s wait until morning. We both need the rest, and…” She stopped speaking, biting her lip.
“Eve, what is it?” His eyes filled with concern.
“I just… I’m afraid. I need to find them, but I need to make sure that they’re alive. They were taken, but their Lifestone amulets were left behind. I… I need to get them…” He nodded, smiling softly.
“Perhaps you’re right, my dear. I do need to rest. It has been a very long journey.” Eve looked almost relieved.
“Thank you, Master...I mean Cyrus.” She began walking, her shoulders still slightly slumped.
“Child, it will be alright somehow. I’ll do my best, my dear.”
“Cyrus…” Eve stopped and looked up at him almost defiantly. “I’m not a child, you know. I’m five and twenty.” He chuckled softly.
“I’m sorry, Eve. If you knew how old I truly am, you’d understand why I called you ‘child’. In many ways, you remind me of a little girl I once knew.” He thought back, remembering his time in the Eternal Kingdom fondly, before the Mage Wars pulled him away, hardening him, making him almost bitter. He looked at Eve, wondering if she was indeed the same child he remembered, but he was having trouble picturing this beautiful young woman as a little girl.
“You seem familiar to me as well, Cyrus.” Truth be told, he reminded her of the mage that had taken her under his wing when she was little, treating her like she was worth something. They had started walking again, both lost in their thoughts until Eve stopped and looked around again, almost startled to see that they stood in front of her home. “Did...did you open a portal, Cyrus?” He grinned, shaking his head.
“No, my dear, that was all your doing, and so subtly done that I almost didn’t realize it until we stepped through. Only a true Darknight can do that. Your parents taught you well.”
“Oh…” She blushed. “I do that from time to time, thinking of where I want to go and the portal just opens.” She led him into the house, it’s small exterior a mere facade to the large interior.
“My gods… I’ve only seen the likes of this once before. My… my late wife, a fallen angel, knew of Old Magic such as this. It was her faith in me and the teachings of a spirit at the library at Alexandria that taught me how to use it as well.” He fell silent as he looked around in awe.
“Your wife? May I ask what happened to her?” She asked him softly, a look of concern in her lovely eyes. “I...I’m sorry if it’s too personal.”
“No, it’s alright, Eve. It was a long time ago, long before you were born. My wife, Amitiel, died while giving birth to our daughter. Seraphina looks exactly like her mother did… she still lives, fighting for the innocent souls in other realms.” Eve frowned.
“I thought that angels were immortal creatures.”
“To an extent...she was attacked by a demon… to make sure our daughter survived, she traded her body and soul in return for the demon giving me our child safely…Amitiel...her body yet lives, but she’s dead.” He looked away, the sadness creeping across his face.
“Please forgive me, Cyrus. I truly didn't mean to sadden you.” Eve gently touched his arm, trying to comfort him, but jerking her hand back in surprise when she was shocked as if with electricity.
“No, child, its ancient history now…” He rubbed his own arm absently, not letting on how much it had startled him. “I’ve been alone far longer than I care to admit.”
“Aside from my parents, I haven’t had a relationship save for one…it didn’t last long when he realized that there wasn’t any chance of ascending to my grandfather’s throne.” Eve shuddered, glad she couldn’t remember much of the end of that relationship. “I heard it got ugly…I...I don’t remember…” She shook her head, only bits and pieces of memory flashing through her mind. Her mother had tried to wipe the worst of the memories from her mind, but every now and then, the echoes of that night still haunted her.
“I’d have killed him.”  Cyrus looked down at her, able to sense some of the violence that’d taken place that night.
“Take a number. My father almost did, and momma… I don’t ever wish her wrath on anyone. Last I heard, he was made a eunuch.” Cyrus laughed and nodded.
“Yes, Elena has a temper. I remember it well.” He stopped looking at her wide eyed, an almost boyish expression of awe on his handsome face. “You really are her…” Cyrus shook his head, still trying to reconcile the child he remembered with the woman here with him. He held out his hands so they were cupped, the image of a small universe forming there. Eve watched, her jaw dropping as she remembered how he’d done that very thing to entertain her when she was little. Smiling, she followed suit, another small galaxy forming in the hollow of her own cupped hands.
“Your mother truly taught you well. It was a long time before I learned how to do that, and yet, here you are at five and twenty, doing it like it was second nature.”
“I’m half fae. We’re taught from a very young age.” She giggled softly. “I remember you, trying to help me when I first learned how to shift...I used to call you ‘Mister Storm Breaker’ because I’d had trouble saying Stormwrend.” She allowed her own miniature galaxy to dissolve, a huge smile on her face. “Come on. Let’s get you something to eat and a place to rest.”

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