Chapter 11

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The next morning, Eve woke up alone, a note on the bedside table next to her, as well as a cup of coffee, kept at the exact right temperature with Cyrus's magic. She smiled, picking up the note to read it.

"My dearest Eve,

Don't worry, I merely woke early and decided to go to the gardens for my morning meditation. If you care to join me there, breakfast will be served shortly.

All my love,


Giggling softly, she reached for the coffee and sipped, a sigh of satisfaction escaping when she tasted it. "I think he's going to spoil me…" she thought as she took the note and the coffee mug and headed to her room to get ready for the day.

Fifteen minutes later, Eve found herself wandering through the gardens, her mother's roses here as beautiful as the ones grown at the cottage. She spied a pixie flitting amongst the flowers, a sudden spark of recognition of the tiny girl bringing a smile to her face. "Is that you, Elida? By the gods, I've missed you, my little friend." The pixie started, turning to see who had addressed her. As soon as Elida saw her, she smiled brightly, bringing Eve a rose that was nearly as large as the pixie was.

"A rose for the princess. Welcome back, dear heart." Elida carefully dropped the rose into Eve's hands, then gave a pretty curtsy while hovering mid-air.

"Thank you, Elida. Is Cyrus nearby? I'd like to introduce you to him."

"Well, he's near, but no need to introduce us. I was acquainted with him before you were born, child."

"Oh, alright, then. I'll go find my fiance and see what he has in mind for breakfast." Elida gave a surprised gasp, a huge smile on her face.

"Oh, my goodness, your highness! Congratulations! He's a wonderful match for you… Oh!" Elida was beside herself with joy.  "Master Stormwrend is a little further down the path, near the pond at the center of the garden. Enjoy your breakfast!" Elida flitted off, and Eve called a thank you to her before she went on along the path, finally seeing the clearing where Cyrus was. The water rippled a bit in the soft breeze, and she moved quietly, not wanting to disturb him. Her thoughts were light and happy, and she loved watching the fluid, graceful motions of the man before her. Cyrus was not wearing a shirt, and she drank in the sight, his muscles and tattooed skin clearly visible to her. A blush reddened her face, and she took a deep breath to help reign in her wayward thoughts before they betrayed her further.

Cyrus had once told her that in some realms, the meditations he practiced were called Tai Chi. It was a peaceful form of martial art, not only for the practitioner, but also for the watcher who could appreciate the calm, smooth movements. Eve felt Cyrus in her mind, as if his soul reached out to meet hers.

"Good morning, love. I will be with you in just a moment."

"Good morning. Take your time, handsome one. I could watch you in your meditations all day." She heard his soft chuckle, and it warmed her heart. A few moments later, Cyrus finished, and strode over to her, a smile on his face that took her breath away. "Elida is elated to know that we're engaged."

"Ah, yes. The pixie. She's believed in you since before you were born, you know." Eve looked up at him, surprised, and he nodded. "She is a seer. She knew you were coming, and knew that you would eventually become the best ruler that the Eternal Kingdom has ever seen."

"But, I'm not a ruler. My father and mother are rulers. I am not."

"Maybe not yet. But you are a warrior at heart, and a kind-hearted woman who wouldn't wish to harm the innocent ones in her care. Marks of a true ruler, darling." They ate in amiable silence, Eve looking at him with love and awe in her eyes. He smiled, reaching across and taking her hand. "What is that look you're giving me, love?"

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