Chapter 12

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After all was said and done, Eve often thought back on that morning, wondering what in the nine circles of hell had made her think that rescuing her parents was going to be easy. Quite possibly, it was the arrogance of youth making her feel invincible when she'd opened the rift, which appeared in the fireplace as black flames, flickering shadows across the floor instead of light.

"That is probably the creepiest thing that I've ever seen, Cyrus." She looked up at him, frowning a bit. "What did it look like when you went through?" 

"It varies from time to time and from magic type to magic type.. The last time I went through was when we were searching for my heraldic heart, and Amitiel opened it with Celestial Magic. It was almost exactly like walking into a mirror, and it looked as though we were looking back at ourselves through a pool of water once inside, since our physical bodies stayed in this realm."

"Oh. Do we have anyone here to watch over us? In case anything tries to take over our bodies?"

"Yes, darling. Elida is coming in a moment, as will Lady Moongrove. I know she's trustworthy." As he spoke, the door to his library opened, Lady Marie and Elida entering quickly.

"We came as quickly as we could without being seen, Lord Stormwrend… Oh, my stars, what in the world is that?" Lady Marie said, startled by the black flames of the portal.

"That's the rift I opened into the Fade, Lady Marie. My mother and father are being held there."

"Have you told Lord Hammerfell that his plans of being a hero on a quest changed?" Elida asked Cyrus with a giggle. "I'm sure he'll be seriously disappointed." Grinning, Cyrus shook his head.

"No, Elida. I think he'll be okay with Eve being the heroine of this particular quest." As he spoke a soft knock sounded on the library door. "Who on earth…" He opened the door cautiously, then bowed when the door opened on Prince Woodshadow and his entourage. "Your Highness, please, come in." Eve stood frozen in place, unable to will herself to look at him until Cyrus stood and came over to her. "Darling, I need to introduce you to Prince Torren Woodshadow of the Kukan people… your biological father." He turned to Torren, then, bowing again. "Your highness, I wish to present to you Princess Eveningstar Rose Darknight." The prince smiled down at her, almost as nervous to meet her as she was to meet him.

"Eveningstar, I find myself blessed to finally get to meet my own daughter. You're even more beautiful in person than you projected during our shared dreamwalk."

"Thank you. I… I'm glad to meet you in person… father." Her voice was soft, almost a whisper. She was rattled, having thought she'd have a few more days to prepare for his arrival. "I… we were about to enter the Fade. That's where they are being held." She blushed and looked down, suddenly unsure of herself.

"Daughter, my men and I will help. I can shift and come through the rift without having to actually leave my body. I can help protect you."

"No. I have a feeling that I need to go in alone." Cyrus stiffened beside her, and she looked up at him. "I'm sorry, love, but the closer the time comes to cross through the flames, the more certain I am that I am going to have to go in alone." Before he could protest, she smiled up at him. "Cyrus, it's the rift speaking to me. It's speaking to my fox, and I trust her instincts. Just make sure nothing tries to take possession of my body while I'm in there." Standing on tiptoe, she kissed him, then turned, running through the rift. The moment she passed through, her physical body stopped cold for several seconds, then slowly, gracefully, her knees folded under her. Cyrus moved quickly, catching her before she hit the floor and gently carried her to the couch.

"I'll go in." Cyrus stood and was about to try the rift himself, but Prince Torren stopped him and shook his head.

"No, Cyrus. She needs to prove to herself that she's strong enough to face the demons of the Fade. I can sense it from the rift that she unknowingly made it so only she can go in for this reason alone." He came over to Cyrus and looked at his hand, a gentle smile on his face. "You're rune bound to Eve."

The Darknight Chronicles: Book of GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now