Chapter 2

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Capitol City was bustling with life around them as Cyrus and Eve stepped through the portal, startling a few people with their sudden arrival. Eve looked around in awe.
“My gods.... it looks exactly as I remember from when I was five, Cyrus. It's as though time stopped here.” He chuckled.
“Exactly why it's called the Eternal Kingdom, my dear.” He looked around at the sprawling capital before him. Under Amelion Darknight's rule, it had been a beacon of hope for the world, a citadel pulsing with life. Streets around them clamored as shopkeepers flaunted their wares and merchants, docked along the great river Erinyes from far off lands, had brought their cargoes from their mighty ships up to their intended deliveries. “The scars of the Primal Wars are barely visible throughout the kingdom, but nothing can fix the deep claw marks on your outer walls. The Orcs, Lycans and Feral Elves were fierce, none more so than the Primal Lords. But, your grandfather, rest his soul, faced them all like the true king he was. He fell Chieftain Ogrok in fair combat. The chieftain's war hammer even now sits by the Eternal Throne as a testament to the king's wrath.”
“I'd never heard that before, Cyrus. I think mama tried to shield me from the horrors of war, but, then, she hadn't expected me to have any interest in such things, me being a girl. But daddy, he told me of the mage wars, and he taught me how to fight, both with magic and with weapons. I expect he knew that I'd need to learn to defend myself after I was attacked...“ She took a shaky breath, stopping and looking up at him. “He... my attacker... he didn't… didn't do...“ She wasn't able to finish telling him what she wanted to, because just then, some children ran past, distracting her from the painful memory. She dismissed the thoughts, shaking her head. “I just want my family back...”
“And we'll get them back, Eve, that I promise." Cyrus looked at her, seeing her pain, and, not sure exactly what had happened during the attack she'd spoken of, he wished he could have dispatched the person who had hurt her into the Void.
"As I live and breathe…" An ancient little woman stood before the two of them, easily older than her grandfather would have been, a huge smile on her face. "I know who ye be, m'lord. Lord Stormwrend." She carefully curtsied to him, then looked to Eve. "I know you as well, child." Eve looked at the creature, a memory slowly coming forward.
"You… you were my governess… Lady Marie."
"Aye, child. I was your mother's governess as well. You're her exact likeness, but for the hair and eyes." Eve looked at Lady Marie, a smile forming as she hugged her.
"You were always kind to me. Even as my uncle sullied my mother's name as well as my own, you never treated me or mama any differently."
"That, my child, is because I knew what sort of man your uncle is and didn't believe a word of it. He's only become worse over the years." She chuckled and motioned them to follow her. "Come, now. You're going to need a good meal in your bellies if you plan on confronting the rat." As they walked, Eve continued to look around, memories of her early childhood surfacing.
"I remember… that is where the farmer's market was every week in the summer… and… there was where I shifted for the first time. At the library. I'm still thankful that you were there, Cyrus. I don't want to imagine what would have happened if I hadn't had you there to keep me calm."
“I remember that. The poor librarian hadn’t a clue what to do about a fox kit in the library.” Lady Marie chuckled, shaking her head. “Even your mother was at a loss when we told her about the experience. But, with the grace that your mother is known for, she picked you up and hugged you, chuckling as she carried you to the Gardens.” Lady Marie smiled fondly at the memory. “Master Stormwrend was a gift from the gods in that he was able to teach you how to focus so quickly, before your uncle… Well, that is ancient history. Come in, dear ones, we’re here.”

Lady Marie Moongrove led them into a midsized house, the sound of little feet pattering about on the upper level coming to a halt as she called out. "Come, children, and help me. We've two special friends with us today." Five children, ranging from age two up to age ten, as well as  a young woman a few years older than Eve, came from upstairs, the young woman stopping in her tracks when she laid eyes on the princess.
"Mother, what have you done? She cannot be here. 'Tis treason if we're caught. I will not let my children rot in Merrick's dungeon over a half-breed princess."
"Emalia Renae Moongrove, I have never been more ashamed to admit that I'm your mother than I am at this moment." She turned to Eve, who's face reflected every emotion as the hurt of Emalia's words warred with her pride. "I am sorry, my dear. It was uncalled for-" Eve stopped her, raising her head and straightening to her full height, her golden eyes fixed on Emalia.
"Madam, you have nothing to apologise for. It's not your fault that some people choose to believe the lies of my uncle. Nor is it your fault that I happen to be a half-breed. Emalia Moongrove, I forgive you for your ignorance. I would hate for you to see that the half-breed princess has the same feelings any full blooded Fae has." Eve kissed Marie's cheek, then turning to leave. "Thank you, Lady Marie, for your willingness to help me and Lord Stormwrend on our way. Perhaps someday I can thank you properly."
Cyrus hadn't moved a muscle, the corners of his mouth twitching as he tried to not smile. He stood in silence, proud of the young royal for finally standing up for herself, watching in amusement as the younger Lady Moongrove finally came forward.
"Highness, I... I'm sorry. Please stay." She looked at her mother and Cyrus. "I ask for your forgiveness as well. You and her highness are guests of my mother, and I should respect her judgement."
"Child, I forgive you. It's not often that an exiled princess and an aged master mage appear in one's home." Cyrus spoke with kindness, the relaxed tone of his voice the only thing that stopped Eve from leaving. There was something about the man that automatically calmed her while it tied her heart to him in ways that she couldn't explain.
"Alright… I'll stay. But I won't allow you or your family to be taken to the dungeon on my account. We won't stay long here." She held out her hand to Emalia to seal the pledge that she'd made. The older girl reached out tentatively, gripping Eve's wrist as Eve did to her. "Well met, Emalia." Lady Marie let out a sigh of relief and smiled.
The rest of the afternoon went smoothly, and Eve was as good as her promise, leaving before the evening rounds of the royal guard began. Lady Marie had told Cyrus and Eve of the nightly rounds, which had began mere days after Prince Marius and Princess Elena had been sent into exile.
"Merrick was so paranoid that you might return that he has the royal guard on high alert for anyone new coming into Capitol City. I'm fairly certain that they know someone has ripped open a portal, but I also feel that they don't have a clue about where to look for you, let alone who." Cyrus nodded.
"We'd best be off, then. While I appreciate your help and the food you gave us, I agree with Eve that I don't want to repay your kindness with trouble. Come, Eve." He stood, helping her up. The spark that shocked them as they clasped hands was still as disconcerting now as it had been the day before, though he didn't flinch at all this time. Lady Marie smiled knowingly at him, handing him an envelope.
"When you are able to read it alone…" He nodded, looking at it before tucking it into a pocket inside of his cloak. As they left, Eve looked up at Cyrus, curiosity bright in her eyes.
"What do you think is in the envelope?" She asked softly, looking back ahead of them. He chuckled, smiling down at her.
"You're just as inquisitive now as you were as a wee little kit. Whatever it is, you will know when the time comes to tell you."
"Alright, I can be patient… I think." She sighed as she watched the families scurrying to get inside before the royal guard came out. "I want them back, Cyrus… whatever it takes, I want my family back."
"We'll get them back. Whatever it takes." He stopped, turning to her. Carefully, he raised her chin with a finger, making her look him in the eye. "Eve, do you trust me?"
"Yes… why wouldn't I? You're the only friend I have right now, besides Lady Marie." She looked up at him, confused. "Why? Shouldn't I trust you?"
"We're going into the lion's den." Eve looked up at him, fear bright in her golden eyes, looking like she was about to run. "No, don't look at me like that. We need to get inside, and the best way is to be direct. I promise I'll keep you safe, love." It was the third time in as many days that he'd called her that, thrilling her to the core.

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