Chapter 6

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The next two days flew by, Cyrus helping her with the beginnings of a speech, Eve trying to remember her Court etiquette, and the horrible moment when she discovered that proper Court dress, in her case,at least, was not her fine leather armor.
“A gown? Seriously, why can I not just wear the armor and be done with it? It’s not as though I’m exactly considered proper by any means.”
“Yes, a gown. As much as I’d enjoy seeing the looks on the faces of the Court Council members, the armor is a no-go, dear. You’ll have to play the part of a properly raised princess of Darknight lineage. Which, unfortunately, in your eyes, at least, means a proper gown.” He grinned, looking her over. Though, if it were me you needed to convince, the warrior princess look suits you well.” Eve blushed, looking down at her current exercise armor.
"Thank you… but, really, I hate wearing dresses. But, if I must..." Eve grumbled even as she considered the colors and styles of gown that might suit her the best. Cyrus just chuckled and left her to her own devices, a vision of blue and purple silk in his mind as he picked up on her unguarded thoughts. He'd noticed that she was almost always unguarded around him while they were practicing her speech, but as soon as anyone else was near, her guards automatically went up. He wasn't sure if he should feel honored or uncomfortable that she felt so relaxed in his company. He didn't think she did it consciously, either.

Late that evening, Eve sunk down into a hot bath, hoping that the steam and lavender would help ease the tension of the last few days. She was confident that she had her speech and etiquette mastered, but her emotional state had her tied up in knots. The lavender scented oil never seemed to fail her, and it worked like a charm this time as well. By the time she’d dried off and sipped into her favorite pink and yellow silk nightgown, she was beyond ready for sleep, falling into dreamland seconds after her head hit the pillow.

The dream took her by surprise. Eve found herself walking in moonlight, walking silently along the path through the Fel Woods to her family’s little cottage there. this, in and of itself, did not really surprise her, since she always dreamt of home when she wasn’t there. What did catch her off guard was that Cyrus was there waiting for her, sitting on the doorstep, an amused smile on his face. “Cyrus? Why doesn't this feel like a dream to me? And, how are you here with me if this isn’t a dream?”
“I’ll be perfectly honest, but I’m not exactly sure how I’m here with you. I’ve never actually been pulled into a dreamwalk before, and I’m beginning to suspect that you had no idea that you could do such a thing.” She shook her head no, Cyrus, still smiling as he stood and took her hands in his. “I thought not. The closer you get to the throne, the greater your powers have become. It appears that you’re much more powerful than either of us suspected. Possibly even more powerful than I am. This, my love, is a trait of the true royal line. Like I said, this is a new experience for me.”
“I think I remember mama telling me about going for dream walks, and even papa. But I don’t believe that my dear uncle has the slightest clue how to do anything like it.” She looked up at him, then, her golden eyes aglow in the moonlight. “Cyrus? Before we go back, may I do something?”
“Yes, I suppose so. What is it?” Before he could react, Eve stepped close to him, and, standing on her tiptoes, she pressed her lips to his. After a moment of shock, his arms went around her, and he kissed her back, though more chastely than she’d hoped. It took most of his willpower to break the kiss, and he stepped back, holding her gently away from him. “We shouldn’t. Not here, not before I can speak to your parents about my intentions.” She looked crestfallen, but he shook his head, a smile on his lips. “I’m not saying no, my heart. I’m saying not yet. Not in a dreamwalk. Please, love, please be patient, okay?”
“I know, I know, I just… I wanted to know…” A blush crept over her features as he spoke, ducking her head almost in embarrasment.
“I can understand that.” He brushed a loose strand of her hair behind her ear, trailing his fingers along her cheek. “We need to go back soon, but, no matter what happens tomorrow, I’ll stand beside you. That much I can and will promise you.”
“Okay… but one more thing…”
“Yes? What is it? You know you can tell me anything.”
“I love you, Cyrus… I just thought you should know.”

The Darknight Chronicles: Book of GenesisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon