Make Me Go: Another Pain

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I found myself driving to Mina's place.After I quickly get out of my car,I immediately went inside and it was a good thing I didn't throw away the spare key that she gave me

I saw how her place was.It was dark and It was messy.Broken vases and furnitures scattered everywhere.Everything was in a total mess

Then I remember Mina,Shit!

I did not bother switching on the lights and quickly ran to her room.Her room was also dark and messy good thing I can still see everything.

Then,I saw her lying on the ground.Unconcious

"Mina..wake up,Mina.."

I was really nervous as fuck.I kept on gently tapping her face trying to wake her up

"S-stop it,please..C-chaeyoung!..h-help me..please"

She groaned in pain but her eyes were still closed.She was sweating and her body was trembling.Wait,her body was extremely hot as well

God,I wonder what really happen

I immediately put Mina gently on her bed and switch the light in her room

My tears ran down my cheeks as soon as I saw her body clearly.God,what happened to Mina

Her body was full with bruises and some wounds.Her legs, Her arms,her face and everywhere.Her lips were even busted.

"God Mina,who fucking did this to you.."

I screamed in frustrations,in anger.I have no idea Mina  was suffering.I badly wanted to know What the fuck did really happened!

I went downstairs to grabbed a basin after getting a towel from her dresser.I immediately went to her room back and wiped her body,changed her clothes and gently treated her wounds and bruises trying so hard not to wake her up

I was crying the whole time while I was treating her. It breaks me to see her in this state

I'm sorry Mina,for not protecting you from that someone who hurt you,I'm sorry baby

After treating her and making sure she's peacefully resting,I started cleaning her place.Her room,her living room and her kitchen.

I'm starting to have an idea who that fucking bastard that hurt Mina but I need to be sure.I need to hear it from Mina herself

And if I am fucking right,I'll make sure I'll kill that bastard!

I cooked a porridge for Mina and prepare a medicine for her.I am now on way back to her room again. I say beside her and checked her temperature,she's still hot.

She needs to take a medicine



"Baby,hey wake up,you must eat and take your medicine"


She cried as soon as she opened her eyes and saw me.I hugged her tightly wishing she would find some comfort in my arms.

God,this was heartbreaking.

",I'm here..don't cry..."

"I-I'm afraid..c-chaeyoung.."

"Sssh,don't worry..I'm here okay..I'll never leave you again"


After she ate and took her medicine,I let her rest again.She needs that.She looks so weak and fragile

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