Astallia Silvamillion Clover

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Secre has been waiting; it has been 500 years since she sealed away her master, and she is waiting for the devil to make its move again to continue what it didn't finish. She observed and watched over women that could have been possibly worthy of conceiving her master's child, and now the current on the list in this generation is Licita, one of the few that really stands out to her because of her unique magic, so Secre is confident that she could really be the one, a very fateful encounter if she thinks about it.

She can only be relieved that when she senses a unique mana that can only belong to an elf, Licita is the one in that generation, so she finally has her conceive her master's child using her sealing magic.

3 weeks later

It was a normal day for Licita, but she didn't know it would change her life forever. She just found out that she's pregnant, but there is a very big problem because she's never been with any man and she stays in the forest alone. She can only imagine that this child is a miracle given to help her deal with the loneliness she fells of being all alone. 

She thought rationally about what she was supposed to do. By taking good care of the child in her womb and giving them all the love she could. With that, she was going out to get some baby supplies and books in the nearby village. While Secre sneaks in to her home and puts a letter on the table, she flows back to Clover Kingdom to look out for any possible movements of the elf.

When Licita comes home, she notices the letter and reads what's inside: 'Hello and greetings to you. I apologize for finding yourself in this unexpected situation in which you do not have any consent. It must have given you quite a scare to suddenly have the responsibility of being a mother but your good heart it was made me choose you. I know it would be a huge responsibility for you, but please take good care of the child, which I cannot personally do myself due to my circumstances. I do wish for my child to grow up loved and happy. Thank you. -Lumiere' she reads and together with the letter is a four leaf golden clover necklace. "Perhaps the father of my child is from Clover Kingdom," she thought to herself as she held the letter and necklace in her hands.

Licita looked at the sky, smiled happily, and said while looking at the letter, "What an idiot you are; of course I'll take care of this child. It's mine as well; whatever circumstances that may be, this child is mine now." while holding her belly, which shows the tinniest bit bump that is almost still unnoticeable.

A few months later

She did everything she could to make sure her baby would be born healthy, and by doing that, she needed to sacrifice herself for the child. Since it looks like this miracle child's needs are too much for her,  No doubt that the baby in her womb is going to grow up to be a powerful mage because of the immense mana it sucks out of her, which makes her very weak as well. At this point, there is a high possibility that she will die shortly after giving birth.

Her ninth month of pregnancy

Obvious changes are clearly seen; her stomach is now so swollen that the baby could possibly go out any minute now, but that's not all; her complex also changes. She looked thinner and paler compared to before her pregnancy. It is very visible that the baby is damaging her body, but she still keeps her baby. She is her child's mother and she would sacrifice everything for her child together with that single letter containing a message from the father of her child, she believes that the child in her womb is destined to do many great things in the future.

She gives birth alone with the bright moon as her witness, the birth of her child, a girl. She smiles looking at her beautiful child, kisses her forehead, murmurs "My Astallia," and hug her child to her chest as Astallia cries.

A few months after Astallia's birth

Licita is currently running away from Spade Kingdom. She found out that a coup is happening in the capital, and the royal family is being captured. 'It's no longer safe here for me and my child," she thought as she continued her journey to the south, to Clover Kingdom, with her baby girl Astallia warp in her blanket. As she continues on her journey, her body starts to reach its limits. With her frail body but strong determination, she finally sees a village.

Immense relief swept through her body as she saw a church where she could leave her child. As she placed her at the front door, she noticed another child, in a blanket with a necklace at it side. She suddenly remembered the necklace left to her together with the letter, took it out, and placed it by her child's side. "I love you, Astallia, my dear child. I will always protect you." She kissed her forehead and knocked at the door.

She hid herself and saw a priest come out, shocked to see two babies left at the church doorstep. He looked around but saw no one, decided to retrieved the children and went inside to warm them up. When Licita made sure her child was inside, she slowly walked away and went to what appears to be a huge skull to rest in peace, she said, "I don't want to die in the middle of the road; it would be sad for her daughter to know that her mother died in the middle of the road when she's left at the church."  Her thought keeps her going even if her body can no longer hold on.

As Licita finally arrived at the demon skull and lay down on the grassy field, she heard a voice say, "Thank you for taking care of our child." It was a voice she suddenly heard in her mind, and then she connected the dots and clues and realized everything: 'So it was you, huh? ' and replied to him, "I love her with all of my heart; she is my life, my dearest Astallia," and she suddenly asked, "By the way, what would her full name be, being you her father?" he hummed and replied, "Astallia...what a beautiful name, then her full name would be Astallia Silvamillion Clover. What do you think?"

"A beautiful name indeed." Her vision becomes blurry, and she closes her eyes, smiling gently with the wind that gently blows in the early morning as she says her final words, "Astallia Silvamillion Clover, my child, I'm very happy indeed," and finally she's at peace.

A/N : So first chapter out. I'm so happy that I was able to do this and that I'm motivated to continue. So this is my very first story so please pardon the errors I know there's a lot. Greatly inspired by Anime_Lover_6212 thank you so much for the inspiration.

I will be explaining Licita's magic, it's different from the manga and there is no Leibe in this story. So Licita's magic is Magic Shield, shield against magical attacks. I made it similar to the effect of the anti-magic. Her Shield ability nullify magical attacks means that if she was hit by a magical attack it will be useless against her shield even the like of Nozel's magic and Klaus as long as it's magic, it can be nullified just like the anti magic, but magic only if physical it would hit her like Yami's katana but without the effect of Dark magic. Basically it's the same as Anti-magic but with additions.
I hope I explained it properly hehe. I'm not very good at this.

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