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"A goal without a plan is just a wish."

Never in my life I had ever even imagined that this is what my future will become. Preparing and prepping to enter the next phase of my life, hopefully a better one but all alone, hiding it and lying about it to everyone that I know.

Whenever I had imagined what my future would look like,  I had always thought that I would marry the man my father choose and that is how the new stage of my life will begin with everyone's blessing and support but to be completely honest I am not that sad that my vision did not come completely true.

The future that I currently envision with Amaira looks and feels a lot better than the one I had before. 

Just envisioning our small little cozy home where we live together, away from all the hate and  discrimination. Creating a new happy life with each other, maybe if things do get better in the country then may be adopting some cute little kids but for the time being the cats will suffice. 

Just imagining how my life can be with Amaira brings me immense amount of joy and happiness.

How happy our life will be living like a real family without being super cautious about who is looking or what is happening around us. Just freely loving and being there for each other. 

Living and Loving each other without thinking of the any sort of consequences that may come.

Hopefully everything will go how we have planned and soon we will get our happily ever after just like the fairy tales.

Let me just call Amaira and update and take her insights on the plan,

"Hey, Riya.. how is the planning going?" Amaira asks.

"Good. Amaira, make sure to go through your contacts and see if there is someone whose number you would want to keep, we will have to leave our phones behind. We can not take the chance, if they think of officially filing a police complaint--"

"Riya, we both know that two big business men who love their reputation a bit more than their children's happiness are not going to ever tell the world that their daughters ran away especially with each other," Amaira interrupts me.

I know that Amaira thinks I am being a little extra but we just can not take any chances as one wrong move can destroy everything including our lives.

"I know Amaira, but we can not take any chances, plus we both know that our parents have a lot of connections and it will not be so hard for them to get a person to track us through our mobile phones, so it is best if we leave them behind. Plus we will have to deactivate our social media accounts before we move. No one, absolutely no one from our past life can know about our new one Amaira. We both know how dangerous that can be. We can not trust anyone but each other on this matter Amaira," I can not help but warn her.

It is going to be really hard to keep such a big thing hidden from every one but unfortunately we do not have any other choice than to keep it a secret.  It is really taxing not being able to trust people that you have known all your life but we really can not trust any one with this as most of them will turn their backs on us after knowing this.

"Riya, why don't we just fake our deaths, I am sure you can plan everything perfectly for that too taking inspiration from all those crime shows you are obsessed with?" 

I can imagine the look she has on her face mocking me for my crime show addiction like she always does. 

"Nice idea Amaira, let me put that as a back up plan. You remember Aman right?"

I am trying my hard to sound as serious as I can.

"The one who was our senior in college, are you still in contact with him? You know he hangs around with all sorts of wrong crowd Riya. He is a dangerous man. "

"Exactly, He is friends with the local don and he knows people in the judicial system too. I am pretty sure it will not be very hard for him to arrange two bodies for me. Plus, our body type is exactly like any other person who lives in this country so it will definitely not be a challenge for him. Good back up plan Amaira. Who knew that you could also learn something from all the crime shows that I am 'obsessed' with?"

It is my time to tease her a little bit. 

"And how will you convince that they are us, something as simple as a DNA test will prove that the body is not ours."

"Anna, it seems like you have not learned everything yet, it seems as if you need to watch more of them. It is very simple we will write our suicide note so that our handwriting matches and Aman has enough connections to pay our way out of post mortem and a DNA test. Plus I know a guy who can make us a completely new identity and we are a completely new person. Then we are free. Didn't you wanted to dye your hair red, I think now is the prefect opportunity."

I can not help but tease her a little bit. I can picture all the cute expressions she is making, thinking about how the crime shows have taken completely over my mind.

"Nice joke Riya, but let us not start the next phase of our love story in the prison."

"I mean it will not be that bad, after all I will have you with me."

And to be completely honest, it really will not be that bad. At the very least I will have her with me.

"That is true, at least we will have each other. I am scared Riya. My cousin had a love marriage and my father completely cut them out of his life, we are rebelling way more."

I can hear the fear in her voice, I want to tell her that every thing will be okay but I am not so sure myself. I do not want her to worry but I do not know what to do either.

"Don't worry Amaira, I will take care of everything. Just be careful and if nothing works then we still have our backup plans don't we?"

Her laugh is no doubt the best sound I have ever heard.

"All jokes aside Riya, I have all the legal documents ready and I told my mother that I will be needing all my certificates for the graduation and the admission process so I will have them soon too."

"Send me a digital copy of everything, just in case."

I know that Amaira is getting a really annoyed with how extra I am being with the plan but I just can not help but be super cautious.

"Sure, you are anxious aren't you?"

"Nothing you have to worry about at all. Just making sure everything is and will go according to the plan."

"Riya, we have been together for almost five years. I think I know enough about you by now to know when you are lying. "

I have zero idea how she always sense it. No matter how much I try I can not hide my feelings from her ever.

"I am so sorry Amaira, it is nerve racking just thinking about all the things that can go wrong and all the things that can happen if things do go wrong."

I am pretty sure that she could hear the clear apprehension in my voice. We both are very worried about the step we have decided to take as it can bring very dangerous consequences that we won't be able to escape. 

"Do not worry Riya, we will handle everything together.  Swing by in the evening, I have some stuff I am thinking of donating, we can go together to donation Centre together."

"Sure, Amaira. I will see you then."

I can not wait to see her who knows what may happen in the future.

I just pray to every god that anybody has ever believed in that nothing goes wrong with the plan.  

Hopefully we can get our very own fairy tale ending too, one that we crave and deserve. 


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