One last dance

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"The saddest part in life is saying goodbye to someone you wish to spend your lifetime with."

Silence engulfs us, neither of us knowing the best way to break it.

She is just preparing for the wedding ceremony that is to come, which will finally mark her as Malhotra.

Watching her sitting there in the most beautiful bridal dress forces me to imagine what would have our wedding looked like? Would she have looked that glamorous at our wedding too? Would our venue look like a royal wedding venue too? Or would it have been something small and simple?

"Dance with me Riya, for one last time," she asks me

"Remember Amaira, the first time we met. You were so angry that I had defeated you in the debate that you were sure that I somehow cheated. Who knew that I will fall in love with that silly girl who shouted at me for twenty minutes straight for getting  second place in a debate competition,"

We weren't dancing to any music but just the rhythms of our love life.

"And the first time you asked me on date Riya, you were so nervous that anyone watching would have thought somebody was standing behind you with a loaded gun ready to kill you if you do not ask me out," the teasing tone of Amaira relaxes me a little.

"As if you were not at all nervous when you actually went out with me. You were so scared that we would get caught that our first date was a picnic in an abandoned overgrown disputed property,"

We both giggle a little thinking back on how our first date was.

"Do not act as if you were not happy that we had our privacy and that did not become our hangout space at the beginning," she continues to tease me.

"Amaira lets not forget that you had gotten so bored of hanging out in an abandoned land that you actually made a list of places where we could have our dates safely, when we both knew  nobody would even think we were dating even if we spend all our time together," I can not help but tease her back.

"Riya, the café that you fell in love so much that we go there every Sunday since the last four years was a part of that list too," 

"And how you fell in love with the cupcakes there so much that you wanted me to learn how to bake too,"

"As if you wouldn't sulk when I made them and did not save you one," 

Not getting a chance to taste her delicious baking was definitely  torture.

"It was a torture knowing that you baked something and didn't even save me one,"

We had stopped dancing and now were just standing in each other embrace, enjoying the last moment we could spend in the safety of each other's arms.

"Let us not talk about the tantrum you threw when I tried to teach you how to bake,"

"And what about the tantrum you threw when I tried teaching you how to drive a motorcycle,"

We just stand there in each other's arms reminiscing about all the memories we have made with each other.

"Who will now call you every morning to wake you up Riya, you better get used to the alarms,"

I can feel the tears build in my eyes just thinking about how different my life was going to be without her in it.

"And who will be your cuddle bunny now Amaira, cause your six-pack husband is definitely not chubby like me,"

We were both happy and sad at the moment. Happy for all the memories we have already made with each other and sad about all the memories we knew we will not be able to make in the future.

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