movies and vampires lol

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When we got back, Ari staying the night, with me in Zayn room, suddenly we hear yells and foot stomping on the stairs. While in bed suddenly A bunch of bodies land on us, while Zayn give the wtf is wrong with you look when I'm just shock. Harry went you didn't really think ya was sleeping each night. The sassmaster went no of course not, we want to hang out with our sister too, and like yall was just going to sleep. Niall went yeah first you got to cuddle, Oh baby, and started making kisses sounds with fakes moans. While me, Zayn, and Ari giving the you finally lost it look. Liam suddenly been down to face me and beg come on Lex, you know you want to hang even more with us this weekend, if you do yall can come back, and won't bug you at all ya next weekend, please, Liam said with a puppy dog face. I look at Zayn who went Liam, we ok hanging out ever. It just I wish I had time with her, and we can all hang out next weekend, plus ok why not tonight. Liam look relieve, leaving he look and said oh Zayn, you might need to put on pants first, since another girl is in the house, plus Lex, oh never mind we already know you show legs so never mind. Plus knowing Zayn, he might be ok with that, just bring a blanket. Zayn look at Liam and went get your butt out of here, I'll be down in a minute, Zayn said trying not to laugh.

When we got there, I had to make an entrance, ok if we doing this, we doing it right,where is the food, and rule, Harry the clothes stay on. Harry look shock, then sad, and went fine. Dont want you having a chance to see me naked again like, That accident last weekend, Zayn almost kill me when you walk in. When you walk in. Well Hazzabear you should know when people are here we don't want any chance of them seeing us naked, because they don't know us that well, and we are not dating them, sorry Loubear, it's ok Hazzabear. Louis said hugging him. So are they gay, Ari ask being here first time here she didn't know. Niall did you not mention any thing about bromances. No Ari we are not gay, we just really close like Liam and Zayn are. Ari look at me sad and confuse and went ok, so does that mean you have three Somes Lex. I could tell my face was as red as a tomato when looking at Zayn to see the same. Liam went oh God no we're just really close friends. I would never do him. Gees thanks, Zayn said ditto. Ok so can we get food and drinks so we can start a sleepover. Yeah yall go get settle and I, Liam will go get all the food. Thanks Li Li, I said smiling and look at Zayn who had just a tiny smile on his face, Are you ok, and he look and said kinda. What wrong it just always bug me a little when people ask that bout me and Liam, why I mean I know you only want to treat me that way, so kiss me, hug me, just let go and not care what anyone think of you because only people you should care of what people think is me and family. So just do whatever, come on kiss me, love me, say that you want to hug me, I'm yours. I said with a hug smile, while looking down to see a smiling Zayn, oh come here you, Zayn said while hugging my body, complete with his kiss down my neck, collar bone, fore head,cheek, and last but not least a amazing kiss on my mouth. That had me shock, I didn't think his kisses could get any better. Suddenly I hear Niall go hey if I'm not allow to give a show neither are yall. plus pretty sure when Liam said food and show, he did not mean food, Lex, Zayn show. For Pete sake no remaking of the notebook. Ok me and Zayn said at the same time while laughing.
So Liam finally came in with Toy Story and food, you miss one heck of a scene Liam, Harry said while laughing while Liam look confuse. I'm confuse everyone quiet movie starting. After the second everyone was asleep, but me and Zayn , hey you want to go somewhere that I saw as a nice place to be alone, we will have to hike a little, but trust me the looks of it is worth it. I look at everyone when Zayn went, I make sure we back before they wake up. Ok I'm ready, good let's go, Zayn drove to the side of woods grab me and help me through to this meadow with a water fall. It was so beautiful, especially with all the lilies and honeysuckles, you could eat. I could tell he thought of me since he knows I love this stuff. Do you like it? I stare at Zayn for a minute, wondering if he was a Angel instead of a vampire, and went of course while crying. Hey don't cry, sorry I'm just so happy, I love you and I love that we been together all these great months. I said while hugging, Zayn, while he hold me on his lap. So what do you want to do out here, I was thinking cuddling, while Zayn got on top of me, plus maybe you tell me more about yall vampires. Stuff about what I even found out about myself. Zayn said. Oh ok, so I'm just curious Sun coming out, Zayn. Laugh while saying no worries I'm inflammable, he said while taking his hoodie off, showing he just had hard abbs, and a nice torso underneath. Showing shimmer of light reflecting off his stomach so beautiful. Does that happen to all of yall? Zayn shooked his head yes, and lay down while I try to get at less my shirt off, Zayn look confuse, then I ask can we at least try to let my skin meet your, trust me only my stomach not anything big. Zayn look like he would refuse, then agree to try, whose know maybe thought Yolo. So he took my shirt off, and just stare for a moment and whisper you are so gorgeous Lexy. Which made me smile, and then said so you said you knew one more thing, oh yeah I found out we can still eat regular, but still need blood, that's good. Yeah I guess so, Zayn said smiling, and surprise me by putting me to where I was laying stomach down on top of his while kissing me, sorry just couldn't help myself. I got a beautiful girl, that I think I fell in love with. I love you. I love you too Zayn. I said with a kiss. So the lion fell in love with the lamb. Zayn ended up setting his alarm While we fell asleep holding each other with my shirt back on.

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