what could be better with hospital and prom in the same month

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          Lex, my mom said with me opening my eyes, seeing different tubs everywhere.  I then touch my nose finding tubing in it, and a tub or needle in my arm. Lex quit touching all is ok. You are ok you was just in a accident, you fail down two flights of stairs. Your lucky that hottie over there save you, I look over with Zayn just staring. I swear he need to learn how to talk to people like he does me. No worries I already thank him Lex, my mom said, while Zayn was just giving a smile. Your mom very entertaining and pretty, I see where you get your looks. Zayn said with his cute smile.

         So just wondering do you want to come back home with me or stay here? My mom said with a sad smile, honestly the only reason why I might go is my mom has more energy then me and I usually took care of her. Is my step dad and you been doing ok without me? Of course plus I been working more, and its your choice, I can take care of myself. Plus pretty sure that hot savior is more then a savior, she said with a wink. Now how would you know that? Oh I don't know him kissing you on the forehead, while crying or he never left your sigh. Ok fine that is my boyfriend, that I been with for six months. He amazing you would love him, pretty sure him and his family, plus a few friends I made is the main reason I'm choosing to stay. Mom look a little sad, but happy for me, she then said ok so I know he a little shy, since me and him was quiet a bunch of times. That just the beginning of him mom, Zayn sweet, funny, and he like me, you know when first I'm shy, but after loves being talkative, he like that. So I guess Zayn got to get use to me, to talk since only thing we mainly said was our names. I burst out laughing, yeah that Zayn, although like I said he amazing, I'm pretty sure I'm in love with him, and you will love him too.
In fact could you go and get them for me, soon I was greeted with eight familiar faces. Mostly smiles, Simon, I would like you to meet my mom and the other boys. Hi my name, Harry, Liam, Niall, and I am the amazing sassmaster Louis. Plus this my girlfriend plus Lex best friend Ari. Ari smile saying nice to meet you, along with Simon saying nice to meet you. You got a very nice lovely daughter. She like a good add on of our family. Well thanks, and pretty sure we forgot, lex was even here. Yeah no worries I'm great, no problems what so ever. Well great to see you alright Lexy, Gemma could not make it, knowing she is sick, but she said get better soon. Zayn, said while also whispering I need to talk later alright. Ok. Oh um who Gemma, oh that my sister. Harry said, well please tell your sister to get well, and hope to meet her some day. Will do.

        Ok since the meeting me, and Zayn just in the room now, I'm so sorry, Zayn said. If I would of known what she was thinking,I probably stop her from biting you and I would not have suck more blood then need, since only reason I did that was to clean your blood. Its ok, no dang it Lexy it not okay, I could of kill you, I lost control. Do you know how much blood you lost half of your blood, Lex. Well think of it this way at less you stop, all you need is practice. Plus would you have been able to stop if it was not me? I, ask Zayn, he took a minute, but then said no I don't think so. Although I'm sorry to be upset, it just I almost lost my Lexy, and I can't lose you. I'm glad you don't want to go home, even though you should. No Zayn why, Zayn look and said I don't mean forever, just till I can get train, not to go over board. I don't think I could, yall are like a family, I always wish I had. Please don't send me away, because I love hanging out. Plus without you it be like, I only got half a heart, plus pretty sure I would end up having to not getting better, since pretty sure I go insane without your sweetness. I love you, Zayn, please don't send me back. I love you too, plus ok you can stay. He said kissing me, and getting in bed with me, next few hours we just talked.

      Wow how ugly I will make this prom dress, with my none matching cast. That was pink and my dress was dark red. Hey you never know I can be Cupid tonight, only thing is, oh yeah not exactly February. Yeah you heard right a girl, that could not dance was getting made to go to prom, well at less Zayn will be there. Suddenly trying to get down stairs, I heard a you look amazing Lex. Dad said while all I saw was a speechless Zayn, plus knowing him with that slight smile look, he didn't have to say a word. Now Zayn pretty sure you first to compliment a lady, dad its ok trust me since I know that look. That a complimented enough. I must admit she has me speechless, she always does, thanks for letting me have your daughter this weekend. We love having her over, even though I'm with her, my brothers think of her more like a sister. Well glad to hear that, yall becarefull, ok, and have a good weekend, be good Lex. Will do dad, love you, love you too. We been driving for a while, but got confuse since we miss the turn, and instead went to the meadow. Zayn our you serious, might as well break my other leg. Oh hush, I got a planed to help you down there, he said after scooping me up bridal style, and carry me to the beautiful meadow. Where food was waiting, and a stereo. Zayn look and said while sitting on the blanket, I hope you don't mind, but I thought we could have our own prom, and kinda mix with you red neck theme date. So you don't, do you. I look, and Sat down, and said just as long as I got you with me now, I could careless. So we ate in silence, not a awkward silence but a kinda happy one. Knowing that you love someone, sudden things don't really matter. Last part of tonight, Zayn announce, holding his hand out, turn music on to a song call moments. We dance, while dancing I ask, Zayn why did you not just let me turn, he then look and said its was not the right time, plus if anyone turning you, I prefer it be me. Ok so how much longer you thinking, till we get married in the future. Why do you want to be one so bad, I don't really know, I guess I don't want to get to old, like past high school age. Lex I promise when ever we get marry, I will change you that night, but please just let this special thing happen, since when I knew Taylor was after you, I still got a little scare, something would happen, and we would not have been here tonight. So please do me the owners of this time of giving us a really amazing memory. Ok I will, I said with tears in my eyes, thank god, I wear water proof mascara. Of course I will since you are the most amazing guy I ever meet, and I don't think I could find better. I love you, I said with a huge smile on my face. I love you too Lexy.  Zayn said with a kiss, and ended up dancing this amazing night away .

If want more don't forget to read the other books.

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