Taylor vs Lex

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Ok so the boys park a minute away knowing Zayn was just around the corner, or at less that what I thought till I was almost there, till I was behind a tree. While panicking I got my mouth cover, while being shock and surprise to hear a familiar raspy voice. I look up, and it was Zayn saying I'm here Lex what do we need to do. I say give me at less a minute, if you hear me scream come, and if something goes wrong just know I love you. I wanted to cry, not sure if this was our goodbye, but he ignore the look on my face, and said I love you too.

After I left it was not far, getting one quick look back at Zayn. I walk in, and suddenly heard help, I look around seeing no one. Walking behind a black curtain, I knew I regretted coming since a tape recorder was yelling a none stop help shout. Well well look who show up, Taylor said while holding a video camera. Gah her eye look horrible. What that for, well I was hopeing you don't mine me filming the awesome scene that bout to go down. Sorry things had to be this way.

I mean also I like Zayn as well, but only one can be with him. Look over there I yell while running out of the dark room, oh no you don't, Taylor said while grabbing my leg and twisting it till I heard a crack, and a strong yell from me. Thank god, Zayn said he would be here with Niall and liam. Hey what are you doing here, Lex I thought I said only you While breaking a rib, and biting my arm. I could not believe she did that, didn't have time to see, how Zayn was since he automatically went to hit Taylor head against the wall, I can't believe you did that bitch, now your death shall be worst. No but Zayn, I love you said Taylor, and next I heard Zayn laugh saying you really thought you could get me, by killing her. I would just kill myself, why is heck would I want to be with a Dutch like you. She then hit him throwing him at a window, and saying how dare you, you barely know me, while she held Zayn throat, while he was looking at me, he said yeah a good girl usually try to kill a girl for her boyfriend. Next thing I know Zayn threw her so high she would of hit the ceiling, but strangest thing she never did. In stead four boys, and middle age man. While holding into a head lock Taylor. Zayn, Simon said would you to do the honors,while setting a fire. I would be more then happy to, Zayn said before he rip Taylor head off, and having the boys throw Taylor in the fire, Zayn was by my side along with Simon. I think it was them, my view was so blurry, and my wrist was killing me, it felt like my wrist was on fire. For some reason I kept hearing its burn, and suddenly when I heard, Zayn he said I know Lex, I'm gonna make the pain go away. Zayn said biting where, Taylor bite, I didn't quite no why he was doing that, I mean to become a vampire aren't you first to let human bite vampire. I mean I know he was not gonna let me die, but why was he biting. Simon soon said, Lex almost done, then I notice I could not talk, even though I was trying so hard. Lex, Lex! Omg. Zayn stop she clean, come on you can do it, after a few seconds, Zayn blink his eyes fast in confusion looking at me ,and went I'm so sorry Simon. I know you, we shall practice for the future, while I was trying to close my eyes when I heard, Zayn say please stay awake I need you. That was all I heard.

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