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Just saying... Dream is gonna become a blob.. A lot in this story... cause it's cute.

This is a very sloppily made story :p enjoy

George and sapnap slowly walked out of the airport.. calmly talking to one another.

"So are we still gonna surprise dream or tell him to pick us up?" george looked over at Sapnap... they didn't exactly- have a plan to get to Dreams house.
"We didn't plan this out.."

"Nah let's get an Uber, besides I want to surprise him!" Sapnap quickly added as he pulled out his phone, calling for an Uber.
"It would be more fun!" He grinned.

"If you say so." George sighed as he continued to wait for the Uber... this is a dumb idea-

I can't believe Sapnap dragged me out here for this.

Sapnap and George waited a few minutes until the Uber arrived and Sapnap gave the Uber Dreams address and drove.


"How did you even get his address??" George asked, confused how Sapnap got his address... he himself didn't even know Dreams address.

"His mother, she's also waiting at the house to let us in." Sapnap had a grinned faintly, he had this all planned out.

"Whatever you say." George rolled his eyes as he patiently sat in the car... is this even a good idea..
"As long as Dream doesn't get mad at us.."

Around 10-15 minutes they finally make it to Dreams house- anxiety hitting George in the chest-

what if Dream gets mad..? He's never seen him before- what if he doesn't want to be shown...

They both grabbed there luggage out of the trunk, holding it too there chest.

"Thanks!" Sapnap soon paid the Uber, waving him goodbye... whilst George was getting out of the car.

"This is Dreams house?! It's like- so- big." George glanced up at the mansion- of course.. he's rich.

"Yeah- he's rich?? What do you expect." Sapnap chuckled as he walked up to the front door.
"Hes always talked about living in a big house"

George sighed quietly.
"You're right." He soon followed Sapnap up to the front door.
"Do- do you think he wants to see me..?" He was concerned if Dream wanted to see him.. he isn't as famous as Sapnap and Dream.

"Of course he does! Now stop being such a wuss!" Sapnap smiled as he turned to George, patting his back.
"Come on!"

"He's never let us come visit him- every time we bring it up he's changes the subject..." George frowned as he glanced down.
"We have barley seen what he looks like..." he mumbled to himself.

"He's just shy is all!" Sapnap patted George's back once more.
"Now come on! His moms waiting for us!" He soon knocked on the door.

George just stood there anxiously... will he be mad..?
"Okay.." he was scared.

Soon enough dreams mother answered the door.

"Oh! You're here!!" Dreams mother responded with a huge smile on her face.
"Dreams asleep right now so it's the perfect time to surprise him!"

"Thank you so much for this, it means a lot." Sapnap smiled cheerfully.

"Well- I know how much this means to him.. just don't scare him, he can't feel too much of an emotion without getting worked up." Dreams mom anxiously chuckled, shaking her head.

George stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"Here's the spare key! If you need anything just message me!" Dreams mom gave Sapnap the key, patting his shoulder.
"I hope you three enjoy your time."

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