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George woke up earlier then Dream and made his was downstairs while Dream slept in- he needed to talk to Sapnap.

"Sapnap.. we need to talk" George spoke from the arch of the living room.
"If that's okay?" He spoke quietly.

"Oh?" Sapnap raised an eyebrow and stood up.
"I'll be right back Karl."He walked over to george.

George and sapnap made there way to the kitchen.

"What's up?" Sapnap leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Dream wanted me to tell you he doesn't wanted to become a blob anymore, so don't purposely go around teasing him." George quickly got to the point, sounding upset.
"He's not pleased."

"Oh.. is this cause of the incident from yesterday?" Sapnap spoke quietly.. feeling very guilty.

George nodded.
"Yeah..." he frowned.

"Oh." Sapnap crossed his arms.
"I'm sorry.. I didn't know.. I thought Dream would return to normal when he was out." He felt really guilty on what happened.

"You shouldn't be apologizing to me.. but also when did Karl get here and does he know." George looked at the living room, confused.

"He arrived yesterday cause I invited him and no he doesn't know." Sapnap sighed, he now realized it was a bad idea.
"I'm sorry.."

"Well dream doesn't want him know.. not yet anyway." George sighed, he felt guilty.

Sapnap nodded.

"What are you guys doing.." dream mumbled as he rubbed his eyes.

"Just talking." George looked over at Dream.

"Oh.. well you guys wanna do anything today." Dream asked half asleep, he was exhausted.

"Me and Karl were already planning to go to the mall." Sapnap looked at Dream, his smile faintly growing.

"Oh.. sorry.." Dream apologized, yawning.
"Me and George can figure out something to do."

"Oh good morning Dream." Karl spoke from behind.

Dream looked over at Karl.
"Good... morning.. Karl..."he was still a bit pissed from yesterday but he shrugged it off.

"How about while you and Karl go to the mall me and Dream figure out something too do." George looked at Dream, his smile growing.

"Fine with me." Dream quickly spoke before walking outside with his hands in his pockets.

Karl and sapnap looked at each other.

"I think that's our cue to leave" Sapnap spoke slowly before bringing Karl over to the other room.

George sighed before following Dream outside.

Dream was laying on top of the diving board looking up at the sky.

"What are you doing?" George chuckled confused what he was doing.

"Laying down." Dream spoke as he covered his face with his arm.
"It was I usually do now."

George rolled his eyes before walking over to dream, sitting next to his feet.
"So what do you wanna do today?" He asked.

"Dunno.. any ideas?" Dream removed his arm from his face and looked at George.

"Nope, anyways move over." George shoved Dream over a bit so they both barley fit on the diving board.
"I wanna lay too."

"George we will fall off if we both fit on the diving board." Dream chuckled, his mood brightening.

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