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Dream looked over, sighing.
"Please.. don't- talk to me right now.. I want to be alone." He needed to calm himself or he will become a blob.
"I just need time.. I need to calm-"

"Yeah well- George is already packing!" Sapnap thought he should warn Dream.
"He already has most his stuff ready! And his plane does leave until the end of the month!"

Dream tried to hold his feelings in- he can't.. he will- break down- and get stuck as a blob.

"Are you going to respond..?"
Sapnap walked over- but once he did.. Dream broke down crying.
"Woah-" he was shocked-

Dream instantly turned into a blob and was making a squeaking noise... which sounded like... crying..? Or squeaking..?

Sapnap blinked.. what- what was he supposed to do?!
"Do.. do you want me to carry you too your room..?" He anxiously picked Dream up... he doesn't know what to do...
"Uh.. what the fuck."

He continued to cry, curling into a ball on sapnaps hand.

Sapnap looked around- he isn't the one too deal with this.
"This will.. surely.. pass." He turned and began to walk to dreams room.
"Cmon... we will talk when you changed back."

Dream was stressed.. and upset..

.: 1 week later :.

Not much has happened since the two broke up.. George hid in his room whilst Karl brought him food every day.. they only time he leaves is the bathroom.. but people rarely saw him walking out of his room.

But Dream on the other hand- Sapnap had to keep an eye on him 24/7 as he hasn't changed back yet... he's still stuck as a blob.


"Dream- this is severely worrying! You have been stuck like this for a week!" Sapnap stared at Dream, seeing the blob on the bed.
"Does George know you've been like this for so long?? Jesus Christ dude!"

Dream just laid on his pillow, shaking his head... continuing to face away from Sapnap... he's been ignoring him all week.

Sapnap was getting worried.
"If this gets worse I'm telling George- and he will be brought into this." He mumbled, looking down.
"What if your stuck like this??"

Dream just looked at Sapnap, making a firm squeak noise.. meaning he doesn't want George involved... he just wanted to be alone.

"DUDE." Sapnap pointed at Dream.
"George hasn't left his room cause he thinks your wandering around! He's been respecting your boundaries and already booked a plane ticket too leave! If he leaves and your like this he will feel like more shit"

Dream began to cry again, flopping down on his pillow... Sapnap didn't know why he was still crying.

"GOD! This would be so easier if you just became human again!" Sapnap gripped his hair.
"I don't speak blob! I don't know why your stuck like this! I don't know why your upset!" He was clueless... he knew a little bit why Dream was upset.. but not to last this long.
"If this keeps up I'm getting George."

Dream just laid there.. all he wanted to do.. was cry.. and sulk.

.: George POV :.

George hugged his pillow, staring at the clock...
"4 more weeks..." he sighed, turning onto his back.
"Back too... england.. soon enough... back too my pc."

He stared at the ceiling before he began to tear up... he really messed up.

George began to tear up.... He knew Dream wouldn't want to be online friends still... besides- he himself would be too embarrassed to talk to Dream again after this incident.
"At least.. I have Tommy and Wilbur..... hopefully... unless they move away too."

He'd probably has to figure out streaming and doing things on his own... instead of a trio... since Sapnap will probably be with Karl..

George rubbed his eyes.. a few.. more.. weeks.

.:4 weeks later:. George POV .:.

George slid on his hoodie, grabbing his suitcase.
"I guess I'm ready to go..." he sighed before walking out of his room... having some hope that Dream or Sapnap will stop him- but no one was there... not even a goodbye from his close friends..

He sighed.. okay.. great.

George sighed, beginning to leave until he heard yelling.
"What the..?" He looked down the hall at dreams room.

He just decided to stay goodbye one last time... even if it's awkward.

George wandered down the hall, peaking around the corner.


George's face softened, frowning... he was wanting to help the situation... but Dream wouldn't want him too.
"I'm just... gonna go.." he whispered, beginning to walk away.

"You have been stuck as a blob for almost 5 weeks!"

George's eyes widened as he turned, dropping his luggage and making his way back into the room.

.: George and Dream POV :.

"Wait what?! Dream??" George quickly walked in, getting the attention from Dream and Sapnap.
"What's going on??" He looked over at Sapnap.

"Oh! George!" Sapnap jumped, turning to George.
"He's... well- stuck.." he glanced at Dream, pointing.

Dream hid under his pillow, not wanting to be seen.

"He's been eating blueberries for the past five weeks..." Sapnap sighed, shaking his head.
"He refuses for me to get you to see him... I need to start gathering my things but I've been watching him."

George knew he was gonna miss his flight- but this was important.
"I'll deal with this, just close the door on your way out." He whispered, frowning faintly.

Sapnap nodded, soon leaving the two alone.

George glanced over, making his way at the end of the bed.
"Dream...?" He spoke softly.. wanting an answer.
"Come here."

Dream continued to hide.

"Please dream.. I want to help." George scooted over, moving the pillow out of the way- but as he was doing so.. Dream bit him.
"Ow-" he pulled his hand back.

Dream hid near the bedframe, getting stuck between the backboard and mattress... shit.

George looked over, carefully helping him up.
"Dream I'm not upset with you.. please.. can we talk." He placed him on the mattress.
"You are upset.."

Dream just curled into a smaller blob.

George thought for a few minutes before reaching for the remote.
"Here.." he turned on a movie, carefully laying down on the bed.

Dream was confused.

George carefully picked Dream up, placing him on his chest.
"We will watch a movie." He hummed, smiling.
"This will help.."

Dream just huffed, sitting there on George's chest... how was this supposed to help..?!

George began to lightly rub the top of dreams head, watching the movie.

Dream soon started to relax the more they watched the movie... maybe.. this will work..

Total word: 1112

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