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As George woke up he felt something heavy on his chest- Jesus.

Dream was resting his head on George's chest as his arms were wrapped around him.

"Dream..?" George mumbled as he rubbed his eyes seeing if Dream was awake.

"mm.. yeah..." Dream mumbled silently as he moved himself slightly to get more comfortable.

"Oh.. I was just seeing if you were awake.." george smiled as he twirled his finger around Dreams hair.

"Well I am now.. why what's up?" Dream rubbed his eyes as he turned his head over looking at george.

"I was wondering if you wanna go for a walk later today.. just so I know the neighbourhood a bit better" George asked with a smile covering his face.

"Yeah of course.. anything you want honey.." Dream yawned as he moved his head back to the position he was sleeping in.
"I'm just gonna sleep for a bit longer.."

George's heart skipped a beat as he heard Dream say the word honey, he felt special and happy.
"I like that" George giggled slightly.

"Like what..?" Dream asked quietly.

"Being called honey." George looked up at the ceiling.

"I'll call you it more often then... now I need to sleep" Dream muffled into the blanket.

"Can I call you squishy then?" George asked making a reference to him becoming a blob.


"What about blobby" George was starting to come up with names.


"Hmm.. what about my little blob" George asked again.
"Can I call you that."

"Your not gonna let me sleep until I say yes are you" Dream groaned.

"No" George giggled.

"Fine.. you can call me whatever,  I'm going to sleep.. if you wake me up again I'm going downstairs"Dream finally was able to rest.

"Okay.." George smiled as he continued to look up at the ceiling.

There was a nice comforting silence until Sapnap basically full on opened the door causing George to jump.

"Jesus Sapnap?? What the fuck are you doing!" George had a sigh of relief at first but was still annoyed.
"Oh my god!-"

"Oh my fucking god I'm just gonna go sleep in my car" Dream sat up but as he was about to go Sapnap spoke up.

"What the fuck were you doing last night?!" Sapnap tried not to break down laughing.

"What..?" Dream rubbed his eyes as George stayed silent looking the opposite way.

"We heard you last night Dream"Karl perked his head in through the door way.

"What... what happened last nig- oh" Dream thought for a moment until he realized.
"What did you hear exactly?" He wanted to make sure.

"Oh Harder!... does that ring a bell??" Sapnap repeated as he raised an eyebrow.

"I- uh.." Dream stuttered as George covered his face with a blanket... he felt so embarrassed.. And in a matter of seconds Dream had poofed into a little blob.

"Dream..?" George peaked his head out of the blanket as he fell something small land on his chest.

"Of course he gets his 'get out of jail free card' Jesus" Sapnap rolled his eyes.

"Squishy!" George knew Dream didn't want to be called that but he still said it anyway as he picked up the blob and held him.

"We are having the conversation later." Sapnap groaned as he left and shut the door as he did not want to them making out infront of him.

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