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Dream felt calm, enjoying the movie as George rubbed the top of his head.. it made him feel at peace... and safe.

After awhile he changed back, resting his head on George's chest whilst watching the movie.. humming a soft tune every once in awhile.

George was shocked but soon smiled, sliding his fingers through the blondes hair... continuing to watch the movie whilst keeping the blonde calm.

The two continued there movie, gladly staying in each other's arms for comfort..

Once the movie ended... Dream continued to lay on George's chest- staring at the tv as he didn't know what to say.

"Are you okay..?" George lightly brushed dreams hair, his smile growing.
"Are you feeling any better..?"

"No.." Dream mumbled, frowning.. sounding upset.
"I feel like a piece of shit." He huffed.

"Well... I just want you to know before I leave.. I do care about you dream, not just your blob form- I have always liked you." George tangled his fingers in dreams hair.
"I just thought it was easier showing you how much I love you in your blob form... I'm sorry I'm made you feel that way."

"I'm sorry." Dream began to tear up, not a lot- just a few faint tears pricking his eyes.
"I just thought you only liked me because I could turn into a blob.." he sighed, continuing to stare forward.
"And that's why you stayed- so you can mock the fact your boyfriend then was and is a blob.."

George began to chuckle, shaking his head.
"Dream- I came all this way from the Uk- I secretly got my visa just so I could come see you... I've liked you for some time.. you think I'm just gonna only like you because you can turn into a blob?" He hugged Dream faintly.

"But.. what if-" Dream was cut off by George.

"Dream we literally had fucking sex- of course I like you for you." George said firmly, unimpressed at this point.
"Just.. listen too me alright..? When I say I love you- I mean it... you don't need to become a blob anymore if you don't want too.. I'll always love you."

Dream smiled, lightly chuckling.
"Yeah.. I've been one for about a month." He laughed.
"It's.. rough.. and I don't want to do it anymore."

"well- I need to get going if my flight is leaving." George tried getting up, but Dream didn't move-
"Dream?" He was puzzled.

"Don't.... Don't go." Dream sighed, shaking his head.
"I don't... I don't want you too." He spoke quietly.
"I want to fix my mistake deeply."

George smiled- that's all he wanted to hear.
"Then I'll stay.. but next time- your paying for my ticket." He hugged Dream tightly.

"I'm so sorry." Dream turned, hugging George tightly.
"I didn't mean too... I just.. it felt like." He was cut off before he started crying.

"Let's just put this in the past Dream." George cupped dreams cheeks, softly humming.
"I forgive you... now- let's just relax." He knew Dream just needed to relax and calm down..
"How about we go for a swim... you really need to calm down."

"I don't want to be a blob." Dream mumbled, sighing.
"So maybe not.." he shook his head.

"It will be just us.. We can just sit and relax." George rubbed his thumbs on dreams cheeks softly, smiling.
"You just need to calm down.. alright..?" He cupped dreams cheeks.

"I'm calm.." Dream smiled, nodding.
"Now I am at least.. I was just- stressing.. scared and I just felt so angry with myself." He sighed, looking down.
"Im sorry again.."

"It's alright now." George placed a soft kiss on dreams forehead.
"I know you have a hard time with your emotions as you usually lock it away so you don't become a blob.... I understand."

Dream looked up at George.
"Can we- start again..? Or did I fuck that up.." he mumbled, frowning.

George's smile grew.
"We can start again- just.. handle your emotions.... Okay..?" He anxiously chuckled...he didn't want to potentially get kicked out again.
"Cause uh.. you really hurt me during that cause I thought I did something really bad."

"Sorry-" Dream frowned, looking down.
"I'll never do it again- I'll talk too you first.." he smiled, nodding.
"I'm sorry,"

"Good." George placed a kiss on dreams cheek.
"I think you have some apologies to give first before we swim." He sat up.
"Cause Sapnap and Karl are probably upset..."

"Yeah- I'll talk to them." Dream sat up, nodding.
"I'll go do it now." He started making his way towards the door.

George smiled.. dreams better now.
"I'll meet you outside."

.: Dream POV :.

Dream wandered down to sapnaps room, peaking in... hopefully they won't yell.. but it's understandable if they do.
"Hey.. you guys alright..?" He mumbled.

Karl and Sapnap both jumped, looking over.

"Jesus dream!" Sapnap was re-arranging the room.
"Oh! Dream!" His smiled grew.
"Your back to normal!"

"So George was able to help!" Karl walked over to Dream, smiling.
"Your better now!" He gasped happily.

"Heh- not exactly." Dream gave a worried look.
"I need to apologize for my outburst.. you guys are gladly allowed to stay if you'd like... I really shouldn't have just kicked you guys out.." he looked down, sighing.
"I'm sorry."

They both blinked before they started laughing.

"We know your sorry dream- we knew you were just stressed." Sapnap laughed.
"Besides~ I wasn't packing.. me and Karl were just making the room nicer." He hummed.

Dreams gaze softened, rubbing the back of his head.
"I just feel really bad and all..." he mumbled under his breath.
"I treated you guys like shit-"

"We are fine- but maybe you and George should spend some times together." Sapnap hummed, lightly waving.

Dream nodded, smiling softly.
"Thank you." He turned and made his way towards the stairs.

Maybe things will work out.. if he can fix them.


Dream stood at the back door, seeing George sit at the edge of the pool,
"You not getting in...?" He slowly walked over, humming softly.
"Just sitting at the edge..?

George looked over his shoulder, smiling softly.
"I was waiting for you." He stood up, making his way over to dream.
"Are you okay..?"

Dreams gaze softened, pulling George into a hug.
"Now I am.." he mumbled softly.
"I'm sorry for my outburst- I'm truly sorry.."

George smiled, looking up.
"It's okay...Don't worry Dream, I forgive you." He wrapped his arms around the blondes neck.
"How about.. we cuddle in the pool..? And talk."

"I'd like that." Dream hummed, nodding.
"I'd like that very much.."

"Cmon" George nudged his head.
"Let's go relax.. alright..?" He giggled softly.

Dream nodded, his smile growing... how can he be so perfect.
"I love you George.." he mumbled softly.

"I love you too my little blob." George cupped dreams cheeks.
"I love you too." He hugged Dream tightly.

Things will work out between them.. they always will.

Total word count : 1172

This is a very quick story that I wrote awhile ago and I just decided to edit and repost it :)


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