Chapter Thirty-Five

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Jax let some smoke billow out from his nostrils, kicking his legs out in front of him. He'd been waiting at this picnic table for a few minutes now, but he expected Harrison to be right on time. He'd never been late with a call or with just about anything he'd promised so far, and Jax didn't anticipate he'd start now.

He'd started his morning just like any other: waking up in bed with his old lady wrapped around him, breakfast and coffee with their roommates - who were also engrossed in apartment hunting at the kitchen table - and then after kissing Allie goodbye, he hopped on his bike and headed to the clubhouse.

Everything was ready. All the arrangements had been made. The club had been brought up to speed on his plans and everyone was in agreement on what was about to happen, as well as any clean up that might be required after.

Now, all he needed was for that motherfucker to dare to step back onto his property.

Because as soon as that happened, nothing about Tyler Harrison's life was ever going to be the same again. Which, considering what he'd done, was only fair.

After careful consideration, and taking into account what Allie wanted and what she definitely didn't want, he felt like he'd finally settled on the right course of action. One that would inflict the most amount of pain and anguish and a lifetime of terror without actually going as far as taking the man's sorry excuse for a life.

Not that Harrison deserved mercy, but Jax also wanted to respect Allie's wishes. He loved her enough to honor that, so that's what he was going to do. And in retrospect, what he had planned was a fate worse than death.

The punishment would fit the crime, that was for damn sure.

With anticipation and pent-up adrenaline coursing through him, he took another long pull of the stupid contraption in his hand. Nicotine was nicotine, and it was enough to see him through these last few minutes of waiting.

But that was fine.

He'd learned through trial and error that good things would come to those who waited, and today, he'd reap the benefits of waiting in spades.

So when that familiar black Trans Am finally pulled into T-M's lot, Jax tucked his e-cigarette into his cut with smooth and precise movements. He pushed off the picnic table just as Harrison slid out of his car and headed straight for him, calm and cool as ever.

"Hey, bro," Jax greeted him with a grin as he held out his hand.

This little act wasn't as hard as he'd thought it was going to be - of course, he also knew exactly what was waiting for Harrison inside the clubhouse, so there was that. It was kinda fun, too, because he knew exactly what Harrison was walking into, and that just made the anticipation that much sweeter.

Harrison shook his hand with that same firm handshake and that same slimy, self-satisfied grin he remembered. "Hey, Jax. Good to see you again."

"You too," Jax flashed him a grin as they made their way to the clubhouse's double doors, and then he opened one of those doors for Harrison, waving his hand in front of the empty space with a flourish. "After you, bro."

Harrison stepped through the threshold, apparently none the wiser that he was about to be ambushed, but Jax trailed behind him anyway, just to make sure he didn't try to make a run for it once the ruse was up. It didn't take long for Harrison's steps to slow just a touch, as if he was finally starting to realize something wasn't quite right inside the clubhouse - probably right around the time he got a good look at what was waiting for him on the main floor.

The whole club flanked around one little table at the center of the room. Two empty chairs sat at that table, just waiting to be sat in.

When Harrison's movements came to a standstill, Jax was right there at his back, gently prodding him forward with the barrel of his Glock.

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