Chapter Twenty-Five

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As the red morning light peeked in through the blinds, Jax stirred in his sleep, tucking his old lady in closer against his chest. He had no idea what time it was, and although his knuckles ached and throbbed, all he knew was that he could stay here forever, nestled in her comfy bed, with its soft sheets and warm blankets, and Allie pressed up against him, still naked from the waist down. He'd gotten her good and tuckered out the night before, putting that theory to the test with very positive results.

And with that thought, and with the way this day was already staring him in the face, he just wanted her.

Somewhere, deep down, he knew maybe it was better to wait until after they'd talked later tonight, and after they knew how things landed with the vote. He had plenty of things to say, and he was sure she did too, but right now, he had a feeling they both just needed this. So, his fingertips drifted down her stomach, slipping over her bare skin and finding that sweet spot he'd gotten to know so well last night. She stirred under his touch and shifted in bed to lay on her back, her eyelids fluttering open. She smiled back at him sleepily before leaning in to brush her mouth against his lips.

"I wanna take this further, baby," he murmured. "Is that okay?"

It was still pretty early, but she caught his meaning almost immediately. She hesitated for just a moment, like her sleepy brain was working overtime right now to decide what she really wanted to do. Of course that was her choice - it always was. He was perfectly willing to let her call the shots when it came to their physical relationship, especially considering that had been working out pretty well for him so far. Somehow, he'd found himself an old lady who was an actual lady in the streets and a bad girl in their bed, and he couldn't have been fucking happier about it.

But then she exhaled softly, and nodded. "Yeah, Jax. That's okay."

That was all he needed to hear. He rolled on top of her, pushing the blankets out of his way to get to more of her.

"When do you have to get up?"

She huffed out a laugh but groped around for her phone on her nightstand to glance at the screen. "You've got a half an hour."

"I can work with that," he murmured against her lips, taking possession of them again and slipping his tongue between her parted lips.

While he wanted to take his time, especially since the first time he'd been inside her hadn't exactly gone the way he'd originally planned, he just needed her. Needed to feel her. Needed to be inside her. His fingers slid underneath her bra and slipped it over her head so that she was completely naked underneath him, and then her hands flew to his waistband to slide his boxer briefs down.

"Bottom drawer in my nightstand," Allie whispered.

"Got it."

He dove for her nightstand, rifling through that bottom drawer until he found what he was looking for, ripped the foil package open with his teeth, and rolled the condom over himself. And then he didn't waste anymore time. He was just done wasting time with her. He'd already done enough of that to last him a lifetime, and he'd be damned if he was going to allow another second go by that he didn't enjoy with her to the fullest.

And as he slid inside her, whatever pieces of himself that had been missing before just fell right into place. This was exactly what he'd been missing all his life. That thing he'd been working toward and moving toward without any real direction was finally right here, in this bed, and his for the taking. And he was gonna fucking take it. So when he felt her tighten and tremble underneath him, he shoved his face into her neck and let himself go. He'd already fallen a long time ago - might as well go all the way. Being with her, like this...he'd just never felt this before. Never felt this connected or whole with anyone else before in his entire life. And maybe that was because he'd always just been waiting for her, whether he knew it or not, whether he'd been willing to admit it or not.

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