Chapter Nineteen

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Allie poured herself another cup of coffee the next morning and inhaled that sweet aroma inside her mug. This was her third cup already, and it was only 10:00. Sometimes, she really believed she wouldn't make it through the day without it.

She smiled at Juice, who was hovering off to the side, careful to give her space but always never too far away. He nodded back to her with a tight smile, and after he eyed her coffee mug, she didn't miss a beat.

Allie poured him his own cup, pausing only to ask, "You need creamer or anything like that?"

Juice shook his head with a smile creeping across his face and gingerly took the coffee mug from her when she offered it out to him. "Thanks, Allie. You didn't have to do that."

"No worries," she shrugged. "You look like you need it."

"Well, takes one to know one."

"Definitely," Allie laughed back.

From the corner of her eye, she saw her dad's greying head walking down the hallway toward his office. He usually rolled into the studio at around this time - she'd always been more of an early riser than he ever was, and at some point, she'd stopped wondering where she got that from. But, now that he was in for the day, Allie knew she had to rip off the band-aid and bring him up to speed.

Jimmy was not going to be happy when he learned what his ex-wife had been up to, but there was no way she could keep it from him either. Not that she really wanted to. So, she carried her coffee mug down the hallway with Juice a careful distance away. He leaned against the wall as she knocked on her dad's door, waited a few moments, and then poked her head through and closed the door behind her.

His eyes lit up when he saw his daughter at the office. "Morning, honey. How's it going today?"

"Morning, Dad," Allie smiled back at him. "It's going okay."

In a lot of ways, it was better than okay. She had a date with Jax Teller tonight.

But then she remembered the reason she'd popped into his office right now and decided to just get on with it. "So, Dad, I need to -"

"You know," Jimmy wagged a finger at her as he walked around the side of his desk to get closer to her. "I think I know what you're gonna say."

"What do you mean?" Allie frowned.

"I got a phone call from our partner this morning," he informed her with a small smile.

Allie felt a sharp pang in her chest. God, Dan was right - she really was in trouble. Just one mention of him, in the absolute wrong setting and the worst of circumstances, and her heart decided to stutter in her chest like an idiot.

"I see," she offered in as measured a voice as she could manage.

"He didn't go into the details, Allie," her dad told her somberly. "But he told me enough. He mainly wanted to explain why the club was going to have two guys on patrol here, instead of just one."

She swallowed hard and nodded tightly. Her dad shot her a sad smile as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders to pull her against his chest.

"I'm so sorry that happened, honey," Jimmy murmured into her hair. "And I'm so glad you're okay."

"Thanks, Dad."

"I bet you're glad we partnered up with those guys now too, huh?"

Allie huffed out a laugh as Jimmy released her and put a hand to her cheek. "Yeah, I guess."

"I'm really proud of you, you know," he told her with a grin. "You stood your ground with her. You were clear and direct with her. I know it was hard, but trust me, I know from experience that that's the only way to get through to her. I'd like to think her and that guy she's with figured out pretty quickly to leave well enough alone now that they know the MC is involved."

Fly By Night | Sons of Anarchy Fanfiction | Jax Teller x OCWhere stories live. Discover now