𝟘𝟘𝟝: 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕤

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It's been three weeks ever since I was admitted into the prestigious school of heroics, U.A. High. The idea of living in a dormitory, having thousands of personality filled students in the halls bumping into you daily was something I never got the chance to experience... until now. Different smells of cologne and perfume (sometimes "al naturale" smells too) filled the halls as the breeze from each person's walking pace passes my nose, it unintentionally breathing it all in. Everyone wearing the same piece of fabric with the same design, yet everyone was so different all at once.

My uncle's class of 3 years had warmed up to me, all of them wanting me to participate in their individual activities that have nothing to do with school. I'd get asked to hang out sometimes, but I never go. It sounds fun and all, but something still doesn't sit right with me. They're all great, unique from head to toe. I dunno... I'm not used to this, I don't know what to do. Well, I did warm up to Mina, Jirou, and Shoto, even Kirishima but he's friendly with everyone. All four of them are spontaneously different but I like them. I'm even texting them, though they usually start the conversation. Although the change of pace isn't bad, I'm still not used to it. I don't know how to socialize all too well, I admit. I can't even work with people because I'm so used to doing and figuring everything out myself. Hell anytime an assignment comes in where it's required to have a partner, I do it on my own.

"No thanks, I like working by myself."

"I think I've got it, why don't you go work with them?"

The only time I'd ever have a partner of sorts is if we're training. We'd help each other with our quirks and limitations and find strategies to defeat a person with a similar quirk. I almost got paired up with everyone, but ever since the trial, Bakugou's been at my neck to train with me so he can kick my ass as a way to say "I can still beat you, just watch!". I haven't let him yet, I'd just walk off without answering his request. It was now May 13th and honestly I've been in a mood all day. Don't know if it's because of the unlucky Friday 13 or if it's just hormones but my patience is running thin.

Hearing anyone speak is too loud and anyone who says hi to me is annoying. As I walk to my last class for the day, I'm gripping onto my backpack straps tightly, the fabric's pattern indenting itself on my palms. I look down as I'm walking, a person every now and then bumping into me and soon after apologizing for the mishap. It's getting to the point where my head is filled, but empty at the same time. Maybe I need a nap or something...

I get to the class that All Might resides his teachings in. It was slightly decorated to brighten up the mood of school. The walls had at least two posters on each, a few of them were of All Might when he was a hero, some were to give encouragement and determination to his students, and one that he had made himself. I never read it, but it had his signature at the bottom and a few doodles all around to make it more light-heartening. He was sitting at his walnut wooded desk reading a book. He was wearing his usual yellow suit with thin, vertical, black lines with brown shoes. He notices my arrival and sends a smile my way. His smile didn't look like the one he had in his heroic form, but it was still genuine, whether he's in shape or skeletal. He then places his blue bookmark on the page he was reading and closes his book, giving all of his attention and ears to me.

"Young L/N, always good to see you!" All Might said. "What a shocker, you're the first student here!"

"Let's just say I didn't wanna miss your class" I say sarcastically.

All Might began to study my face and his expression went from cheery to concerned. He crosses his arms and arches his right eyebrow.

"L/N, are you alright? You seem a bit off." he murmured.

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