𝟘𝟘𝟙: 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕣𝕦𝕟

204 5 7

My legs are aching drastically... I just had to get myself into this, huh? I've been running for at least 30 minutes now ever since I got off the plane. The adrenaline made the running more bearable than it normally would be. Being chased by six people was not on my schedule today. I tried calling Shouta, but he was most likely busy at U.A. High (or, y'know, sleeping). I was dehydrated, bleeding, sweating, anything under the definition of uncomfortable.

I can't check my phone, it died awhile ago. From the way the moon was positioned, I'd say it's 9 o'clock. Maneuvering these guys with just a straight line of vision was going to mess me up if I don't think of something, and quickly. I ran myself into the busy Main Street, where cars are always pack jammed, colorful lights were always shining, lively music playing in every corner and lots and lots
of people.

"She's gonna start using everything as an obstacle to stray us further from her. Don't fucking let her get away. We didn't sneak on a plane for nuthin', got it?!"
"And none of you better lose her scent."

Running on the sidewalk, I started bumping into people too often than preferred. Many apologizes were given, but this was the only way I could slow them down for now. When I looked behind me, the six of them were struggling to get past the civilians.
"Kinda sad if you ask me" I thought to myself. "Since they're distracted, now's a good time to play Crossy Road, eh? Let's see if you can keep up."

I quickly jump onto a moving blue car's roof and try to find my balance before I become roadkill. I begin hopping on one car and another and another and another until I can make it to the rural part of the city to find U.A. Swerving left and right from a light green buggie to a black Jeep, varying how high my jumps are. I start to see the path that leads to the school, but of course when I do so, I get dragged from the back of my shirt and roll into a dark alleyway. What a fucking surprise, 'course they'd use the useless one's quirk to get me. One of the guys caught me and the rest of the goons caught up. He kicked my stomach and made me fly to the dead end of the alleyway and making me knock down trash with my body.
"Aww, look at her. Traveled all this way to escape but now she's curled up in a ball and scratched up to bits."
"Ready to go home, girly? Sorry to say but you just wasted a plane ticket, and the little money you've still got."

I'm still curled up, coughing blood and panting trying to get the least bit of air into my lungs. A headache was kicking in and I felt like I was going to puke. I've still got some angst, they deserve a bit of teasing for making me exercise this much, who the fuck do they think I am?

"You might've caught me but it's a shame that it took you ten whole hours. What kinda gang are you supposed to be if you can't even catch someone like little ol' me? Least you can do is congratulate me, eh? New reco-"
I got interrupted with one of them kicking my face into the cold cement. The same person who kicked me grabbed a fistful of my thick hair, forcing me to look up at them. I was out of breath, my nose was bleeding and I was coughing up more blood. He looks at me with his toothy grin, smiling because of the damage he's done to me.

"For someone so smart, you're a fucking lunatic at the same time. What made you think running away again was a good idea?"
"You know why, Benjiro. All of you do. Please... let me go." My stumbled sentence ends with a fit of coughing, unable to hold my stomach that was currently in pain. The hopes of touching the aching abdomen to at least put it to ease left my mind.

"Don't start begging like a little slut, you'll make me think you want something else from us. Can't let you go anyway, orders from the boss. You know the shit he can do, he can fuck all of us over, it ain't just you. Quit with the tricks up the sleeve and just obey."

"But this is about me. All of you are here because of me and my escape right? Benji, Jiku, you both knew me for so long do you really think I deserve this? Do you even have a clue what he's got in store for me if you send me back?" I look up to them with stinging eyes, the blood from my head injury almost coming in to contact with them. These guys were supposed to be my friends... of course he'd use his position and power against me. When does he not...

Benjiro looks at me with a twitched eye and Jiku reaches for the rope tucked in his gear belt.


Jiku finally spoke, "Do you even have a clue what he'd do to us if we don't bring you back? You think we wanna even be here chasing you?"

"You're sure as hell acting like you want to. Beating me up and shit— the hell is wrong with you?" I'm officially irritated and honestly? A little hurt from the way they can be easily influenced. They can look at me with those scowls, their fists bruised and bloody with weapons left and right. But if you knew... God, if only you knew... what we're dealing with, you'd have the same hidden sensibility that we all have:

Unquestionable fear.


"If I had to pick, better you than us, Y/n."

My eyes became as wide as saucers. My heart squeezing itself to death, the feeling of betrayal lacing itself all over. My breath hitched before I yelled out, "YOU DAMN BACKSTABBERS!"

Third and Second POV
Y/n pulls a kunai from her bra and slashes Benjiro's face leaving him bleeding and screaming in pain. (Baddie on aisle 6, baddie on aisle 6)
Benjiro let's you go and you start running again. His goons try to tend to him but... "DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME YOU IDIOTS! FOLLOW HER SCENT AND GET HER!"
You're on the run again, but your stamina yeeted itself out of your body. You needed to hide somewhere close, but somewhere they can't track you. You ended up finding a perfume shop, two blocks away from the alleyway you ran from. You run in there and the clerk tries to say their rehearsed greeting.
"Good evening! How can I help yoooo- oh my god are you alright?!"
"Oh, this? Yeah I'm alright just uh, *pant* please for the love of God let me hide in *pant* the staff room or something."
"Should we call the police? You're extremely hurt!!"
"Do NOT  *pant* do that, just spray me with your heaviest *pant* perfume and hide me, PLEASE."

The clerk immediately takes your hand and leads you to the back. She sprays you with the heaviest scent they've got: Autumn Vanilla Bean. She leaves from the staff room and sprays the rest of the shop with the same perfume, assuming you're on the run from someone with an enhanced smell quirk. The scented mist gets in a few of your wounds, leading you to wince now and then, your hands hovering of them like a ghost. She comes back in with the manager, both looking concerned and worried for you.
"Are you sure we don't need to call the police?" The manager says, fidgeting with her uniform. "I'm alright, what you're doing is enough. Can I please get some water and a phone charger? I need to call my uncle."
They both nod and leave the room with haste. The manager brings a cold bottle of water and the clerk brings in a charger. You snatch the water bottle out of her hand and gulp it down in under 10 seconds. Water trailing down from your mouth, you smile in relief and happy you finally got some cold, crisp water.

*Five minutes later*
The staff of the shop were notified that you were in the back and to not go in there for 20 minutes so you can have space and do your business. The team had suspicions of you, rightfully so. What if you were a murderous villain on the run escaping from your recent slaughter? A hobo who just got into a fight perhaps? However, the woman who let you in reassured them that she had a gut feeling that you mean no harm. Your scent was hidden, camouflaging yourself with the rest of the shop's traditional smell. Consequently, your headache worsened from earlier because of the heavy scents of vanilla. Your phone had finally woken up and you quickly start to dial Aizawa's number. Your leg starts shaking in anticipation, praying to whatever God existed that he'd answer. It's 10:14, so he's definitely either sleeping or grading papers. Two rings pass and you hear him pick up and heavily sigh.
"Jesus you finally answer me, old man."
"I'm 33 and young, kid. 33 and young. Why are you calling so late, Anzu? You should know I'm busy."
"I know you are, but I need your help."
He hesitates, knowing you never ever EVER ask for help.
"What's the matter?"
"I finally escaped... and now I'm being chased."
"You're saying that you're here...? In Japan?"
"Well no shit, Shouta."
"Language, Anzu"
"Worry about my French later, just come and get me before they find me again. You and I have discussed this already."
"Don't say where you are aloud. Text it. I'll be there in 20."
He hangs up the phone and you feel yourself smirking. Everything is coming together. You finally have the freedom you worked hard for. Escaping was the hardest bit, now you just have to hide. You can easily run, but can you hide?

Words in chapter: 1707

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