Five- The Airport

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of birds chirping outside my window. Considering the fact that I didn't have school today, I allowed myself to sleep in a little longer than I usually would on a Tuesday, 10:46. Not much happened to day other than packing clothes. I had three large suitcases and a singular backpack that I'd be taking. One suitcase consisted of all my everyday clothes, another had underwear, bras, socks, jumpers, my coat and shoes, and the last one was full of my electronics, and their chargers, hair stuff, makeup, my toiletries and a few personal belongings that I wanted to take with me. In my backpack, I put in stuff that I'd need whilst I travelled from London to LA, like my purse, a water bottle, my earphones and a portable charger.  After that I decided to get showered and dressed for the day, but wore nothing special. Then I went downstairs with my mum to watch a movie with her before we started calling some of my family so I could tell them the news and say my goodbyes.

Around the evening time, I got ready for bed and decided to watch some YouTube, I accidentally stumbled across a familiarly named channel, Aidan Gallagher. I tapped his account and began watching some of his videos, including his behind the scenes videos of TUA Season One, which I enjoyed very much and found very useful considering that's where I'd be in just a few days. I was debating going turning everything off and going to sleep when I got an Instagram message.

   Hey, Y/n. I hope you're well, and I can't wait to finally meet you tomorrow!

   Hi. I'm good! And yeah, I'm really looking forward to it too. It will be fun.

   Yeah, it will. Text me here if you need anything at all. But for now I will leave you alone, I know how late it is over in England right now. Good night :)

    Thankyou, I will. Goodnight Aidan :)

He was very sweet and seemed very nice, I'm sure we will get along fine. At least I hope so anyways. After that I put my phone on charge and put on my alarm for 6:15am, I needed to be at the airport by 8:00am. I turned off the lights and got under the covers, it wasn't long until I fell in to a comfortable, deep sleep.

-The Next day-

The sound of my alarm filled my ears as I got up, turning it off in the progress. I looked over at my luggage in the corner of my room before smiling to myself. Today was the day, and I couldn't be more exited. I went downstairs and sat at the table where my mum served me pancakes, she never made me pancakes!

"I know it's extra, but you have a long day today, and I'll miss you so I think you more than deserve pancakes" She placed them in front of me before placing two other plates on the table next to me, that's when my older brothers Connor and Olly came in and sat down, mum and dad gave them the day off so they could come to the airport with me.

After I finished my food, I went up stairs to shower and get dressed, I put on a comfy outfit so I'd be relaxed during the flight. I also put my hair in a ponytail and did my skincare routine, skipping the makeup part. Once I had done that I went to my room and took my phone of charge and checking it before putting it in my pocket. it was 7:24am and I had just under 40 minutes left till the boarding of my plane begins, luckily we only live roughly 15 minutes from the airport.

Myself, my brothers and my parents got in the car after putting my suitcases in the car boot, and we were on the road. It took 16 minutes total to get there but it didn't feel like long. The sun was up but wasn't too bright considering how early it was, but it was light enough for a picture. So I took my suitcases out the boot and walked up to the airport where I asked my mum to take a picture of me with my bags as a teaser for TUA fans on Instagram. After that I turned to my family who all had sad looks on their faces. They weren't coming into the airport with me because of how busy airports normally get.

"Don't look like that, you'll make it harder for me to leave!" I sighed with a saddened smile, "We're sorry sweetie, it's just going to be strange without you around all the time" My mum spoke for the group like normal, "Yeah, I wont have a little sister to bully anymore" Connor joked, I just laughed in return. "You better facetime me every now and then so I can see what you're up to Y/n" Olly said as he came over and hugged me goodbye, I hugged him back, "Don't worry, I will call you all as often as I can and text you loads to keep you updated" I went and hugged Connor then onto my dad, "Good, and please for goodness sake, stay safe out there" My dad pleaded to which I agreed to him on. I hugged my mum before walking towards the entrance of the airport waving a final goodbye to my family.

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