Before the moment of truth

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Zukos POV

Am I doing the right thing? That's the first thing that popped into my head as I put my robes on. I winced as my wound from the lightning strike began throbbing. The lightning strike. I only remembered taking the bolt of lightning for katara and next thing I know she's crying over me, praying, hoping, wishing that I'm alright.

'Need any help?' A familiar voice called out from my door. I turned around to find-

'Mai!' She was leaning on my door frame with a smug look on her face.

'I thought you could use some help.' She walked over and started helping me with my robes.

'How'd you escape?' When me and Sokka went to the boiling rock, things took a turn when my crazy sister azula showed up. Both Mai and ty lee betrayed her and she sent the away to prison. And now....Mai was here.

'They let me go. And it dosent hurt when your boyfriend is the firelord.' Her smug smile appeared again. I realized something.

It's now or never zuko.

'Wait. So your just using me now because I'm firelord? Seriously Mai. How many time have we fought and broken up? Like, how can you continue doing this?'

Her eyes hardened.

'I am not using you zuko! I...I don't hate you.' She yelled softly.

I can't believe this. 'You don't hate me?!?! You really are just a big blah!' I yelled back.

'Is there someone else?'


'I'm asking if there's someone else you love.' She repeated.

There was. A certain water tribe girl stole my heart from me since I've met her.

'Yes. There is.'

'I'm leaving. And it's over. For good this time.' She pivoted on her heel and strode out the door.

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