The hunt

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She walked into her room. I sighed. What's up with her?...I only wish I knew. I walked out to the back of her hut and stood there. I heard muffled voices in there. What was going on in there? I was about to walk in when I heard katara yell. 'I'LL DO IT!!!'

I ran back when I heard footsteps coming my way. The flap opened and revealed a man walking out. My eyes widened. I couldn't see him properly because of the dark though. My heart raced as I thought what he was doing to her.

Once he disappeared around the corner, I ran in. 'Katara? Are you okay?' I ran into her room and found her on her bed. A candle light the room and I saw that her eyes were red and puffy.

'Katara! Are you alright?' I hugged her while stroking her hair. 'I-I'm fine.'

'Clearly not. I just saw a man walk out of your house. Who was he? Is he the man who threatened you?' I pulled away and cupped her face with my hands, searching her eyes for clues.

'...y-yes. He's the one.' I led her to a chair and sat her down. I knelt in front of her. 'Tell me. Who is he? What does he want from you?'

'I...have you seen the man properly? Do you know what he looks like?' She asked.


'Then you'll never know. But I'll tell you anyways. His name is...his name was Yakone. But he told me he has a new identity. And a new face.' My eyes widened. 'He's here?'

'Yes. He has two sons who are waterbenders and he wants me to...teach them the art of bloodbending. How to be one of us.'

'But why didn't you just tell me before? He's a non bender and he can't hurt us.' He put his hand on mine. 'Because, he knows that. I am one hundred percent sure that he has benders on his side.' She inhaled sharply. 'But you have to promise me that you'll stay away from trouble.'

'Yeah like that so doesn't happen to me 24/7.' He said sarcastically and stood up. I stood up and slowly lifted my hand to his scar.

'Life is hard and complicated. And you will probably come across some great misfortune along the way, but I'm here for you. We all are....' She smiled. 'What?' I asked.

'Do you still have that engagement necklace?'


I woke up the next morning in zukos arms. His warmth surrounded me as I looked at him. My eyes went down to his shirtless chest. He shuffled a bit before opening his eyes slowly. 'You know it rude to stare.' He said hoarsely. I shrugged. 'I can't help it.' And I planted my lips on his. I got up and put my clothes on and combed my hair.

Just then, we heard someone stomping into my hut and my room flap opened to reveal a very angry Yakone. My face paled.

'You lied to me, bitch! Now your gonna pay!' Before zuko could do anything, he took out a bat and hit it against his head. 'Zuko!' I shouted as fell to the floor, unconscious. He dropped the bat and ran up to me. He grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the wall.

'Your coming with me.' He said. Another man walked in and put a bag on my head.

I felt the bag being grabbed a couple of hours later and it got yanked off. I blinked my eyes, trying to adjust my eyes to the light and saw three figures in front of me. Two of them were smaller than the middle figure, and one boy was taller than the other. The bigger figure turned into Yakone. 

'Let me go, you dick!' I said as I kicked and moved around but they tied my hands in ropes and were holding my arms.

'Daddy, what's a dick?' The younger boy asked. The older one looked at him and shushed him.

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