The desert

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'Was that a good idea?' Katara paced around in our bedroom. 'I dunno...but if we let her stay, they would've killed her. You did what was best for her.' I shrugged and stretched my legs on our bed.

'You know what it's like being banished. Tell me, will she hate me for not stopping the council???' I stood up and held her shoulder. 'Katara, calm down.'

'How can I?!?! She's wandering around the world, it's dangerous and who knows what she's doing right now! What if someone hurts her? Or kidnaps her? What if-'

'Katara! Please! Listen to me. I can send Kuzon to find her. Then we can put her some place safe.'

'Why Kuzon?'

'Because he's the avatar and we know that Aangs child, or in other words, the only person who can teach him airbending, is with her. He can find our daughter and his teacher. It's a win-win.' Katara thought for a moment. 'What about Ozai? What will we do about him?' A smile slowly spread across my face.

'What? Zuko, why are you smiling like that?'

'I was waiting for you to bring that up. I say we collect the remains of Team Avatar and the next generation and take back our nation. What do you think?' She stared at me.

'Are you crazy? Ozai, he has an whole army by his side! We'll need Kuzon with us! We need the avatar with us!' Katara yelled. I knew that she wasn't mad at me, but she was mad. 'We can go after Kuzon brings Tenzin and Kya back.' I said.

Even if this all works with Kuzon and his job but we still have the big fire nation army to think about! We're outnumbered 100 to 1. I'm not sure if they're loyal to him, but they would definitely want you gone for leaving them in the dirt.' My shoulders slumped. 'I know.' She sighed and shook her head. The room stayed silent for a moment.

'But, I'll go along with whatever you think is right,' she sat down next to me and smiled,' and I'm with you till the end.'


'Let's drop 'em off here. There's no way they'll survive without food or water.'

I felt someone drag me off something wooden and toss me onto the sand. Another soft thump next to me. 'Tenzin?'

The bag over my head prevented me from him. I wriggled my arms but felt ropes tied tightly on my wrists. The bag was yanked off my head. I squinted my eyes trying to adjust them to the sun beaming overhead. A man about in his 20's towered over me and kneeled next to me.

'Your pretty for a young girl.' He grabbed my jaw and looked at me. Tenzin, who also had a bag on his head and hands tied behind his back, kicked and struggled to break free. 'Don't touch her!' The man laughed. I kicked him in between his legs and toppled him over. He howled in pain. I untangled myself to move my hands in front of me and not tied behind my back. I balled my hands and punched the man on the head.

The other sandbenders jumped down from their weird boat thing. I ran up to Tenzin, who was still lying down on the sand, trying to get free, and yanked the bag off his head. He sat up and blew a strong blast of air at them. One of them was probably a non bender because he was armed with daggers.

He held one and swung it at Tenzin. He airbent up but kept his hands out to the man so that the dagger cut his ropes.

He snatched the dagger from him and threw it to the boat. I ran up to it and used it to cut my ropes, too. Once I was free, I found two sandbenders closing in on me. Both had water sacks with them.

'Hey Tenzin? Are we killing theses guys?' I yelled as I bent the water out and whipped one of them.

'I'd rather you not!' He yelled back as he dodged a gust of sand that charged at him.

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