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He looked at me with a small smile.

'Zuko!' I screamed excitedly as I got up and hugged him.

'Katara! It's so nice to see you again!' He laughed and hugged me back.

I pulled away and looked at him. 'Your voice is deeper.' I said with a sly smile.

He chuckled. 'And you, my friend, are much taller.'

We laughed and talked as we went inside the palace.

'So, what brings you here?' He asked while he showed me my room.

'Oh...uhh...' should I tell him about my breakup? No. He's firelord. He can't be dealing with his country and my personal problems. 'Nothing. I just thought I would pop in and check what your doing.' I shrugged.

'But one does not pop in on the fire lord.' He said, laughing at his own joke. I looked at him with confusion. He looked at me and blushed in embarrassment. 'Okay...well, here's your room. Lunch is soon.'

'What will you do till then?'

'I have a meeting to go to.' He said, rubbing his temples. What would I do till then? I thought as he walked out.

I walked into the courtyard and sat next to a pond. A turtleduck swam up to me and quacked. I laughed. It must have been nice growing up here. I waterbent the water, playing around with it. After thirty minutes or so, a servant walked over and bowed to katara. 'Master katara, fire lord zuko requests for your presence at the training room.' She said.

'I'll be there.' I nodded. Master katara. No one has called me that in a long time.

I went to the training room after a few minutes (the palace was huge) and quietly opened the door. I saw zuko there. 

He was practicing his firebending. Shirtless. He saw me and stopped. He sat on a bench and wiped his face with a towel. He caught me smirking and stopped. 'What?'

'Nothing. It's just that you've really....changed. That's all.' I shrugged.

'Like...?' He questioned.

'Well, your hair is longer, your voice is deeper, your a full-blown firelord, your a lot more ripped than when you were a teen, and your firebending...well, it's hot. Pun intended.' I said casually, looking up. He looked at me and chuckled.

'You haven't really changed much. Just that your taller and you look like a fully grown woman.' He said as he looked at me.

'Well, I don't know about you but I'm starving. I could eat a fully grown saber-tooth moose lion.' I said.

'Well, does this mean I should call you Sokka now?' He joked. I shrugged.

'Nah. It's just because I have a good sense of humor.'

'Yeah! Like that time when you put momo on your head to prove how fun your are!' He said sarcastically.

'Or like that time you said "you must be surprised to see me here" after you literally chased us all over the globe? Yeah your totally funny too.' I said as I walked out, laughing.


We were eating lunch when the door burst open and someone walked in. The very last person I expected.

'Sokka? What are you doing here? I thought you were back at Republic City.' I stood up and walked over to him.

'Katara. Aang told me about your breakup. We need to talk.' He urged.

'Does it matter? We didn't even breakup! I just needed some time to myself. That's all!' I threw my spoon onto my plate. 

Sokka rolled his eyes and looked over to zuko. 'I assume your coming to republic city tomorrow?'

'Yes. Yes I am. Katara, have you ever been there?' Zuko asked.

I thought for a moment. 'Only when you guys were building it. But even then it was just for a few days. I have never seen it completed though.'

'Well, your gonna love it there. Trust me.'

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