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'What do you mean you won't do anything about it?!?!' I slammed my fist onto the table. We were at city hall the next morning to talk about zukos abduction. And now, they aren't going to do anything about it.

'Katara. Those loyalists have come here now. We have to ensure safety to the rest of the leaders. Just in case.' Sokka said.

'No! Safety my ass! I don't care about the other leaders! Zuko is in trouble! And your just gonna sit here?!?!' I yelled back. Sokka sighed.

'Katara we need to cooperate with them. Or risk getting zuko into danger.'

'Risk zuko getting into danger? RISK ZUKO GETTING INTO DANGER?!?! HOW BLIND CAN YOU GUYS GET?!?! ZUKO IS ALREADY IN DANGER! THEY'RE GOING TO KILL HIM!' I shouted. Aang put a hand on my shoulder.

'Katara. Please see this our way. We need to do this slowly. Calm down.'

'Calm down? IM COMPLETELY CALM!!!' I pushed him away.

'If you guys won't do anything then....UGH! HOW CAN YOU ALL BE SO SELFISH?!?! YOUR FRIEND, THE FIRELORD GOT KIDNAPPED!' I screamed as I stormed out.


Aang walked towards the door but I stopped him. 'Aang stop. Let her go for now. She probably needs time to herself.' Aang sighed.

'Your right Sokka but....why was she getting so worked up about zuko?' He questioned.

I didn't want to answer because I noticed that on her neck, our mothers necklace wasn't there anymore. Instead, the pendant had yin and yang in red and blue. I put two and two together. He must have given that to her. He must've proposed. 

'Because Aang,' I lifted my feet off the floor, knowing toph would tell Aang I was lying, 'she cares about him. We all do. But we have to do this the right way.'


The following week, we hadn't heard any news from katara. Toph burst in my office door, panting.

'Sokka! You won't believe this! There has been multiple cases on bloodbenders who can bloodbend during the day.'

My face paled. 'No way.' 

Toph continued. 'And some say that they've seen quite a few dead bodies. Just lying there. My and my crew are saying that there should be about two or three of them. Here. One during a full moon is bad enough. A few that can bend anytime is a whole new level. We have to do something!'

I stood up and walked over to her. 'Toph calm down!' I said as I put my hands on her shoulders. 'Calm down. Tell your metalbenders to watch the streets every night because that's when it happened the most. I'll figure this out as I go.' And dismissed her.


I stalked around the dark streets of republic city and adjusted my hood that was big enough to cover my face. I stopped when I saw two policemen walking around. I pressed myself against a building, trying to hide myself from the moonlight that shone down.

When they were close enough, I stepped in front of them. They stopped and took a fighting stance.

'Where is he?' I asked. They looked at me with confusion.

'I said WHERE IS HE?!?!' I yelled. The mask underneath my cloak that covered my nose and mouth made it harder for my voice to be recognized.

'Stand down. And we won't hurt you.' One of them said.

My anger boiling, threatening to spill. I took a deep breath and felt the water rushing through his veins.

Felt the blood rushing through his veins.

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